Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today Ava Closed Out 2014

Every so often you'll get a hold of my key card for work and ask me to take it off of my belt loop so you can play with it. 

It wasn't until I got back to work after lunch today and tried to swipe myself in that I realized it was still sitting on the floor in the living room.

I texted mom to see if it were still on the floor. 


Aparently you were none to happy that I forgot it. 

I appreciate your concern! 

It's the final day of 2014 and we were invited over to a family friends house to ring in the new year.

Mom and I knew full well we wouldn't make it to midnight but wanted to go so you could play with your friends and have some social interaction with kids your own age.

After a power nap with mom this afternoon, you were ready to go!

We arrived around 7:00 p.m. and intended to stay until 9:30 at the latest.

Your told us all day that you wanted to see your friends Addy and Quinn but closed up like a clam when we got there.

It took some coaxing - mom had to accompany you to the basement to play and so did I at one point - but finally you came out of your shell and were having fun with the girls.

We were happy to see you playing with kids your age. It was good to let you have that interaction again. 

Here's to a happy and healthy 2015!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Today Ava Took A Late Afternoon Nap

I don't know why, but you will sometimes fight a nap tooth and nail. Many times, flat refusing one, which makes for a long evening sometimes. 

Today I'm kind of glad you fought a nap because it turned into one of those things I'll never forget. 

It was my first day back at work after two weeks off for Arlee's birth and I was a little worried as to how it would go for you. 

I'm not sure if it's jealousy or what, but you've been very clingy to me lately. Sometimes to the point where if I walk out of the room to shower you have a meltdown. 

"I want to go with you!!!" followed by a flow of tears. 

I left for work and it was okay, I came home for lunch and not really any issue when I left again. 

I was how with how the day was going. 

Mom was keeping me up to speed via text as to how the afternoon was going.

1:56 p.m. - Nap time was near.

Or so we thought ... 

2:31 p.m. Apologizing to Arlee for accidentally kicking her.

3:45 p.m. Watching toons with Arlee. 

3:57 p.m. Success! 

The look on Arlee's face though. :)

When I left work I texted mom to let her know that I was on my way. No response from her told me everything I needed to know. She was getting a much needed nap as well. 

So, I tiptoed through the house as to not wake anyone and made my way to the bedroom. 

This is what I saw:


Mom woke a few minutes later (I guess I'm not the ninja in the house I thought I was) and we tried to get her out from under you gently. 

It didn't work, you woke up. Needless to say your nap was a little on the short side this afternoon.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Today Ava Dropped Her Drawers

I try to record the learning, the growing, or general moments from everyday life for you to someday reflect on. 

Today I want to inject a little humor into this journal. 

I was sitting in the big chair with Arlee when I heard mom yell from the bathroom "Ava pull your pants up, you're going to fall!" 

She had taken you to the bathroom to go potty. Okay, now my curiosity has been sparked. 

I looked up to see you running towards the living room from the hallway with your fleece pants around your ankles and your underwear at your knees. 

In a serious tone I said "Ava, stop right now and pull up your pants!" when all I wanted to do was bust out laughing. 

My stern voice went ignored as you ran laps around the house, giggling the entire time. 

Mom and I got a good kick out of this.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Today Ava Tucked Me In

"I want to paint my nails." 

a quick glance at the clock and it showed the big hand on the 7 and little hand on the 9. 

7:45 a.m. and we want to get all dolled up. Wonderful. 

Label me a sucker, but whatever makes you happy (and keeps you quiet enough to let mom sleep). 

Later in the afternoon we were chilling in the recliner - I could tell you were getting sleepy - when you asked for "Wreck it Ralph" on the iPad. 

Next thing I knew, I felt your held kind of roll a little on my shoulder. 

I gave you a few minutes to make sure you were good and out, then it was off to your bed for a nice long nap. It was nice to let you fall asleep at home rather than in the car. 

We all went downstairs to play this evening when you told me to lay down. I tightened my abs (yes, I have those somewhere, they're just well insulated, anticipating you wanting to jump on me. 

Instead, you told me to sleep and ran to the couch to grab a blanket. 

You tucked me in and even read me a bedtime story. 

So sweet!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Today Ava Was A Circus Act

"I wanna climb!" you practically screamed at me while trying to get your footing on my leg and reaching for my hands for stability. 

This means you're going to use me as your personal gym aparatus and go from the floor to my head as quickly as possible. Stepping all over my face on the way. 

You love to do this and scale everything in sight when the opportunity presents itself. 

My attempts to help are usually met with "I do it!" 

Anyway, you may have been showing off for your grandparents who mom was FaceTiming with, but once you got your feet planted on my shoulders, you stood up. 

Most of the time you just sit there with your booty on my noggin. 

Little sister was less than impressed. 

So, I stood up too and we walked across the living room. When we got back to the loveseat you said "do it again!" 

It was like we were in the center ring of the circus. Ah, my little adrenaline junkie. 

Gymnastics in January. Done deal. 

Our night concluded behind the big chair hiding from bears, alligators and wolves. 

"Shhhhhh .... we have to be very quiet!"

Friday, December 26, 2014

Today Ava Made A Path of Blankets

Remember the wagon you got yesterday? Yeah, that may never leave our living room ... especially since I put your bean bag chair in it. 

It's quite the comfy spot for you to watch cartoons. 

I tried to collapse it and store it in the garage once. I learned rather quickly what a mistake that was.

I had placed your little step stool on the side of the wagon to give you an easier way in and out. You took that concept and ran with it. 

Later in the evening, when mom and I were making dinner I looked out into the living room to see you placing blankets in front of the step stool and lining them up across the living room. 

At first I was perplexed but soon realized what you were doing. 

You made a path to walk on to get to your stool and into the wagon. 

I told mom to peek around the corner and we both watched as you laid out another blanket and walked from it to the next to the next until you reached your stool and climbed into your wagon. 

Could we be raising a future engineer?

After dinner, mom turned the path into a little game where you jumped from blanket to blanket. 

Leave it to your mom to make learning fun for you. She's so good at it.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Today Ava Won Christmas

If Christmas could have a winner, I think it would have been you. 

I've never seen so many gifts for one person, especially at your Grandparent's house. I was sitting on the floor with you and the gifts just kept piling up. 

Once mom and Arlee were up we sat on the dining room floor and opened our gifts. 

The big ticket item from Santa this year was a nice red canvas wagon. Rather than have you open a box, Santa was kind enough to put the wagon under the tree and fill it with gifts for you and Arlee. 

Thanks, Santa! It'll be easier for mom and me to pull you two around the zoo and other places. 

It took a little coaxing to get you to start tearing open the presents. At first it was small pieces of paper and each needed to be handed to mom so she could put it away. 

Once you got rolling, though, you had a great time opening your gifts and helping Arlee with hers at our house.

After we opened Santas gifts and mom and me exchanged ours, it was time to pack up and head to Grandma and Grandpa's house. 

You fell asleep for the better part of the drive and weren't quite awake yet, Gravy Bear, when we started to open gifts. As I mentioned, you had the Mount Everest of gifts in front of you. 

Aunt Casey had been waiting for months to give you a stuffed Olaf from Build a Bear and you wanted nothing to do with it ... Mom and I felt terrible. 

We all thought you'd love it. 

Everyone opened their gifts while you stared at your packages, not wanting to open them. 

We thought we'd give you a few minutes and you' wake up and be rolling. It took a lot fo coaxing from Grandma to get you back in the mood. 

Even then, it wasn't like what we saw at our house. You opened them, but you have a lot of your father in you whereas the more people tell you to do things, the less likely you are to do them. 

Mom and I just might be in for it as you get older ... 

Once the gifts were open and dinner was served, it was time to sit back and watch some basketball and relax. 

You played a lot with the new doctor kit Aunt Holly and Uncle Shawn got for you among the other toys you typically play with at Grandma and Grandpa's. 

Mom and I haven't gotten much sleep lately so before long it was time to head home. 

Luckily we have an SUV now or else I'm not sure how we would have gotten your haul of presents home. 

It might have taken two trips otherwise ... 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Today Ava Continued the Traditions

One of mom's Christmas traditions is to make cookies from scratch using a recipe passed down from your Grandma Fenner. She was excited for you to help her again this year. 

And you were more than willing to lend a hand. 

You mixed the dough, made sure it tasted right, cut them out ...

... and after mom baked them, did what every kid loves to do ... frost them!

Once the cookies were complete, it was time for tradition #2, hand print ornaments! 

Mom mixes a little water, salt, and flower to create a dough. 

Once it's rolled out nice and neatly, you press your hand into it. 

And presto! 

Mom painstakingly cuts out around the print and into the oven it goes for the next few hours.

This is the third year for them and my how you've grown! 

Don't worry, we'll paint it. 

Time to relax for a little bit before Church. 

We opted for the 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass at Little Flower Church on Diamond Ave. thinking you might actually stay awake for the service. 

I could tell you were getting tired because it was a tough struggle to get your dress on. A dress we bought at a consignment sale over the summer for $4.00. Hey, you're growing so quickly why pay full price for a dress you'll only wear once? And, this one still had the original tags on it, so it wasn't worn at all in the first place. 

As you're parents, we're not cheap (okay, so we can be at times), we're just smart and know how to stretch our dollars on some things.

Well, as fate would have it, we were on our way and you fell asleep in the car. I guess no nap combined with the early winter darkness outside is a great mix for a nap during a ride in the backseat of the Mazda. 

As mom lifted Arlee out in her car seat from the passenger side, I did the same with you from my side. Let's go in and enjoy Mass. 

We've been strangers to Church lately and I really want to change that. Maybe this will be the beginning. 

Mom and I strategized and found a seat at an aisle with a quick route to the back cry room in case Arlee became fussy. Luckily, we wouldn't need to put our plan into action. 

You alternated between my shoulders through the entire mass and it was Arlee who stayed awake for the duration. 

Once home we posed for a quick family photo (above) and could relax before Santa brought your presents. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Today Ava Successfully Got a Ponytail From Dad

I'm so proud of myself! 

Early this morning - very early, I mean we're talking 7:30 a.m. - you looked at me and said "Paint?" 

Aw heck, why not? 

So we put you in your high chair and rolled up your sleeves - which you argued with me was actually rolling them down - and got out what little paint we have left. 

With your hair as long as it is, I thought I needed to do something to keep it out of the paint. 

Clip? Maybe .... but there's still potential to get paint in your hair. 

Ponytail? - best bet but in nearly two and a half years I have yet to be successful in putting one in. 

What to do? What to do? Quite the conundrum for me since we were trying to let mom sleep in and she wasn't available to bail me out of this one. 

I found a hair tie and thought either you were going to scream loudly enough to wake mom and Arlee or I could get this one well enough to suffice. 

I decided to take my chances thinking we could avoid a tubby. 

Here goes nothing ... 


It may not be pretty but it's functional. 

All that stress and fear to avoid getting the paint in your hair and having to take a bath only to have to beg me for a tubby when you were done. 

Ah well. This old dog learned a new trick today!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Today Ava Saw Santa

This was either going to go really well, or really badly. There's no middle ground here. 

The Easter Bunny didn't go so well, so we were kind of fearing the worst today. 

Arlee had her first doctor's appointment today and we tried to squeeze in seeing Santa before heading over to Family Physicians.

It was through no fault of yours but our plans were pretty well derailed from the beginning. 

We were on a tight schedule from the beginning and didn't anticipate running into people and chatting. 

I guess we should have, after all it is the Holiday's and the mall is packed with people. 

As we chatted with mom's former head coach while she was at Walsh I kept one eye on the line for Santa and noticed that it was pretty long. 

As we finished our conversation we decided it best to try and come back following the appointment. 

Both you and Arlee were fast asleep anyway. 

With Arlee's appointment in the books we made our way back to the mall. 

This time, it couldn't have worked out any better. 

It was getting to be mid-afternoon, around 4:00 p.m. or so, and after stopping for some pretzels we rounded the corner to scope the line. 

It was all but empty! 

After snaking through the line and waiting our turn we got close enough to see Santa. Mom said "Look over there, do you see who that is?" 

I was standing behind you so I couldn't see your reaction. All I saw was you tense up and almost step backwards. 

I thought "Oh great, this isn't going to go so well." 

Then, your hands came to your mouth in excitement as you almost jumped out of your boots. 

Mom told me later that the look on your face as you peered around the corner and saw Santa was absolutely priceless. 

I wish I would have seen it. 

We had to hold you back from running over to him while he had other kids on his lap and when it was your turn you sprinted over with excitement. 

This photo is truly worth a thousand words!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today Ava Shared Her Big Jets

You made me proud today. 

We're well on our way to adjusting to life with Arlee now and in a moment of solidarity you shared your big jets with her. 

We had Arlee in the swing - the swing you despised when you were her age - and you began to bring over your toy planes and place them on the top of the swing. 

When asked what you were doing you responded "I want baby sister to have them." 

Mom and I might have melted a little. We know how much those big jets mean to you. Heck, many days you won't even let me play with them.

You're going to be a great big sister!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Today Ava Didn't Leave the Kitchen

Grandpa Bernie Claus stopped over this afternoon to deliver presents before heading down to Chucktown to spend Christmas with Uncle Joe. 

To open gifts or wait until Christmas Day? We opted to open them so he could see how much you liked your present. 

You tore through the paper on the large package to reveal a Minnie Mouse kitchen play set. Quite frankly, you seemed less than impressed when you opened it. But, in your defense all you saw was a box. 

Once dad and I began to put the kitchen together you became very interested. 

We had a few missteps fitting the plastic pieces together, but hey, what masculine man actually reads instructions? I learned from the best and I like to think I've done well so far! 

Needless to say, once it was together, you haven't stopped "cooking." 

Could there be a cook in the making that will compete with Uncle Kris and I for "Top Chef: Waechter?"

Friday, December 19, 2014

Today Ava Avoided Arlee's "Boo Boo"

I'm going to laugh ith you someday about this becuase yes, it is funny. 

You avoided Arlee's "boo boo," aka belly button, at all costs today. 

I wish I would have recorded some of it, but you were legitly concerned for her. 

When we changed hee diaper this morning, mom cautioned you to be gentle around her belly button. See, her cord hasn't fallen off yet, so until it does we need to be careful around it. 

That set the tone and you wouldn't go within five feet of her if we had her belly exposed. 

"I no like her boo boo!!" you'd say as you nervously walked a perimeter around her. A few times you even used me as a human shield even though curiosity got the best of you and you'd try to sneak a peek over my shoulder. 

We wanted to setup a photo shoot this afternoon so we could try and get Christmas cards sent out. You didn't cooperate too much, but in fleeting moments we caught a few good shots.

Like this one:

Notice the blanket covering Arlee, yes, it's meant to keep her warm, but we could barely keep you on the bed if it wasn't covering her boo boo. 

In a few days, the boo boo will be replaced with a button and all will be right with the world again. 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Today Ava Met Arlee

I'm not sure I understood how I would feel when you finally got meet Arlee. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the stress of coordinating when I could get home to see you so Grandma or Aunt Holly could come visit due to the dreaded flu ban. 

But, today were were discharged from the hospital and brought Arlee home and it's a day I'll never forget.

Grandma could only take two days off so Aunt Holly arranged to come in and stay with you Wednesday night and today until we got home. 

She had a phone interview come up so Grandpa Bernie came over to play for a bit while Aunt Holly took care of her interview. 

The meeting wasn't how I had envisioned it during the near-40-week pregnancy but the end result was heart warming. 

Prior to me setting Arlee down and recording the moment, you seemed genuinely excited that she was here. 

We asked who it was and you hopped up and down and said "Baby sister!" 

The excitement, that's what we were hoping to see. 

We know it'll take some getting used to having to see mom and I give so much attention to Arlee, and being the helper that you are, we know you'll step right in. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Today Ava Dipped Her Pizza In Ketchup

When you're old enough to read this and comprehend it, I hope your taste buds have changed!

Flu ban (seems to be a theme for you since Arlee was born). We were originally told that you could come into the lobby and they could wheel mom out to see you. Mom misses you. She really does. 

Tuesday night was the first night she's EVER stayed away from you for a night and it was an emotional ride for her. through my words in this journal I hope I've conveyed how much your mother loves you so know that when I say it was emotional, we're talking tears. 

We had made plans with Grandma to bring you over so mom could see you, but the nurse on duty put the kibosh on that and told mom that you weren't even allowed in the building. 

Now, when mom got word about that, you and I were in the hospital cafe eating some pizza. 

Now, most Ohioans will dip their slice of pizza pie into ranch dressing. A delicasy not yet known to many of those outside of our great state. Poor people, they don't know what they're missing. 

Anyway ... As you can see from the image above there's no ranch on your plate. No condiments at all. But, that would quickly change after the bite you're taking. 

"I need ketchup." you sweetly said in that high voice of yours that will get you whatever you want from me ... 

"For your pizza?" I asked. 

"Uh huh." 

How can I say no to that voice ... 

You got your ketchup and dipped a few bites into it before foregoing the pizza for just forkfulls of ketchup. 

Here's to changing taste buds! 

Back to seeing mom ... 

Since mom couldn't come see you, you and I went back to the house to try and get you a nap. You were sound asleep on Grandma's shoulder when you arrived and I had originally planned to take you back to the house but you woke up when I tried to get you into Blue car. 

So it was back in for some pizza. I'm bouncing around a bit here. Do you follow? 

Back to the house we went. No nap. 

We played downstairs for a while and you poured me some "coffee." 

You love to use your tea set to pour mom and me coffee. You'll grab the cups and the tea pit, which makes a pouring noise, and hand us out coffee and eagerly await our response that it's the best coffee we've ever tasted. You'll excitedly pour us some more ... and some more ... and some more ... 

If it were real coffee, our budget would be blown and my stomach would probably explode. 

Tonight, you sat down at your table and said to me "I make you coffee. We're having a tea party." 

How could I not sit down with you and enjoy a fine beverage? 


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today Ava Became A Big Sister

I was right, we were gone before you got up. As much as we wanted to say goodbye and give you big hugs, it was for the better.

Grandma said you woke up at 7:15 and that you were a little confused as to where we were.

Since I'm an early riser you've always woken up and come looking for me and we start our days together. So, I can understand the momentary confusion. But, we are second fiddle to Grandma so I'm sure yo got over it quickly.

While we were prepping for mom's surgery Grandma gave you a tubby.

Look at those bubbles! Spoiled rotten.

And at 10:37 am.m and 56 seconds, you officially assumed the role of Big Sister to little Arlee Janelle. 

We found out though, on the operating table of all places, that the flu ban is in effect and you wouldn't be able to officially meet Arlee until we come home.

The flu ban means that all kids under 14 are not allowed into patient rooms or wards of the hospital for fear of spreading the flu. I understand the rule, but it's unfortunate that it went into effect today ...

The ban turned our plans upside down. And by now you should know how that affects your  slightly OCD mom who plans everything to the nth details. It just meant that Grandma couldn't bring you to the hospital so I went home to chill with you while Grandma went to see mom and meet her second granddaughter.

Luckily, we live in an age of technology where you could "meet virtually."

When mom was feeling up to it we got on our phones and FaceTimed with each other.

We explained to you that you're seeing Baby Sister for the first time. You looked inquisitive, but still don't quite understand what's going on. 

You'll learn soon enough when we bring her home and she's up every few hours of the night to be fed and changed. 

Grandpa and Aunt Casey met Grandma at the hospital but also wanted to see you. 

Now, we were originally told that you were allowed to be in the lobby of the hospital and that they could wheel mom down to see you. 

It didn't end up working out that way and when I arrived we met Aunt Casey and your Grandparents outside the hospital. 

You went with them to get a bite to eat and I went up to the room to stay with mom and Arlee for the night. 

An added potty training note - Grandma texted us to say that you went on the potty at Arby's! Even with a pullup on you told her you had to go and stayed dry until you got on the toilet at the restaurant. 

You're doing great, keep it up! 

We'll see you tomorrow Big Sister!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Today Ava Was An Only Child For One Last Day

Big changes are coming tomorrow. Your position in life is changing from that of an only child to the role of Big Sister!

I'm positive you don't understand yet and being how young you are you'll never recall what it was like to be an only child.

Hopefully this journal will help you understand what a ride it's been to this point so far.

Mom and I had hoped to make the day special for you, but I think in the end, it was another day of the same.Which is more our fault than yours. We have a lot of little things to get ready for the big day tomorrow.

To get yourself physically ready for the demands of big sisterhood you did a little Mouskersizing in the a.m.

And, you pooped on the potty today! That's monumental becuase it's been such a struggle to get you to do so. Peeing is no problem, it's dropping a deuce that scares you. You'll be in so much pain, hoping around the living room, obviously needing to go, but flat refusing to do so until the end of the day when you have a pullup or overnight diaper on. 

Mom and I have tried everything - bribery, force, privacy - nothing has worked. 

In obvious pain, mom sweetly asked you if you needed to go. You refused at first but eventually sat down and let it go. 

We have to be careful what we wish for because mom said once you went, you refused to get up for about 15 minutes, allowing for the smell to permeate through the entire house. 

With the pros come cons. 

Let's hope this clicked with you! 

You're reward? Suckers! 

As many suckers as you can fit in your mouth!

We're proud of you! 

Mom and I have to be at the hospital by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning so Grandma Fenner drove in to stay with you tonight through Wednesday. 

We'll probably be gone before you wake up tomorrow. Sleep tight kiddo, tomorrow your life changes forever. 

You're going to be a great Big Sister!