Saturday, February 21, 2015

Today Ava Ate the Snow

We go outside to play and all you wanted to do was eat the snow. As long as it isn't yellow ... 

We received probably 6-8 inches of snow this morning and quite frankly I was surprised that gymnastics wasn't canceled. Mom took you to "new play place" while Arlee and I stayed back.

Afterwords, to replace the calories you just burned, she took you to Panera Bread for a treat.

Ever so helpful ...

... or mom forced you to spread the cream cheese on her bagel? You can tell me the truth. :)

We made a trip to "daddy's work" so I could show an old friend around who happened to be in town.

Back home, watching the clock spin around it's axis the age old question of nap or play in the snow was upon us.

Being that it was nearing 3:30 Mom and I figured if you nap now it would be too late to go in the snow when you wake up and if you go in the snow now, it would be too late to nap.

Let's go have some fun!

I swear, you'd eat every last flake if we'd let you. 

I texted mom and said "Is Arlee sleeping? Because Ava is not going to be happy in a few minutes when we come in."

I watched as you licked the snot from your lips that was running like a leaky faucet from your nose and decided it was time to go inside. 

Who says you can't have fun indoors too? 


Friday, February 20, 2015

Today Ava Twirled My Keycard

This may not seem significant, and quite honestly it's not, but you have a thing for my keycard from work. 

Two or three days a week you pull it off of my belt when i come home for lunch and twirl it around. 

  Might we have a future baton twirler in our midst?

Most of the time I forget that you took my keycard and I'll leave the house to head back to work. I quickly realize that I don't have it when I reach down and grab nothing but air as I try and swipe myself into the wing of the building where my office is.

P.S. - look at this cute photo of you and Arlee from this morning. 


Monday, February 9, 2015

Today Ava Gave Arlee Knucks!

Slowly and steady seems to be working as you're every so slightly coming around to your sister.

"Ava, here, sit with Baby Sister."

"No, I no want to!" as you try and shove her away. 

"Why not?"

"She too little!" 

Well, she must be getting bigger. Mom sent me a video this afternoon as she tried to get you both down for a nap that offered a little glimpse into the future. 

Baby knucks!

You know what this tells me? You two are going to be mischievous and a force to be reckoned with in the future. 

I can see times when we're trying to get you down for naps, go to the store or just playing in general, when you think you've won the battle and offer each other knucks in "victory" against us. 

Just know, we've got a lot more experience in this field than you and know your tricks! 

Ask Grandpa Bernie, your Uncles and I tried everything we could to get out of doing dishes after dinner, going places we didn't want to go, or going home from places we wanted to stay at. 

I'm looking forward to the fun!

Mom also shared this photo with me. You made a Valentine! When she sent it to me, I had no idea of it's purpose and when I got home, you ran over to me and said "Daddy, I made you a balemtime!"

Okay, if you keep that up, forget what I just said above, you'll get away with anything ...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Today Ava Painted With Mom

We've slowly been trying to paint your room, taking it from a nursery scene with lady bugs and butterfly's to a big girl room. 

We chose a lighter grey color to compliment the pinks and purples of your decorations. 

Unfortunately it's my fault your room looks like this right now and I can't exercise my fatherly powers and make you go clean it up. I suppose I could, but that wouldn't be fair. 

We condensed everything to the center of your room so we could paint. 

As I rolled the grey onto the walls, mom thought a nice touch would be a project the two of you did together. She's always thinking like this and I wish I were as good at it ...

A while ago she purchased two canvases for you to paint. We never used them, until today. 

She had you slather the same paint onto the canvases that I'm putting on the walls and once that was dry she masked a pattern with painters tape. 

I won't lie, I was feeling a bit of anxiety as you were slopping paint all over the kitchen floor. A reminder from mom to calm down and I was back in your room finishing up. :)

With the canvases masked, it was time to have fun and paint some patterns. 

Once dry, we'll hang in your room for a nice personal touch!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Today Ava Was Grandpa Bernie's Girl

Mom and I were loaded up with Arlee's gear (car seat and mammoth diaper bag) a we walked out of breakfast this morning. 

Yep, you read that right, mom went to breakfast! 

You had gymnastics and everyone was already up so we went as a family and met Grandpa Bernie in a booth at B&K Cafe.

You wouldn't really go to him while we were there so he help on to Arlee which allowed mom and me to eat. 

looked up to see one of the sweetest things. You took his hand and walked with him across the parking lot to Blue Car. 

I've become over-the-top sentimental since you've been born and adore scenes like this. I just wish there were more of them.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Today Ava Sang to "Little Einsteins"

As is our daily routine, you wake up give me a huge hug and ask to watch "Little Einsteins." 

The days of sports talk shows are long gone for me. 

As we sat there, I looked over to see you mouthing the words and even singing a little along with the theme song. 

I wanted to capture the moment, but of course, as soon as I tried to sneak in a video, you clammed up and stopped. 

thankfully we've moved on from "Let it go!"

Soon, I was off to work and later in he afternoon mom sent me the following: 

This is an unusaual spot for you to just curl up. Could you have a slight cold? Let's hope not! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today Ava Built a Snowman ... and Ate It

I can't help but laugh at this one of the images I'm about to share with you. 

Sine it's been too cold to go outside lately, mom has been letting you bring the snow in. 

You love going to the side stoop and scooping up snow with a measuring cup and piling it in to a mixing bowl. 

Side note ... you always have to have the last scoop! 

Mom added a little bit of a new twist today and added some food coloring to the snow and built little snowmen for you. 

Then you tried to eat one.

Mom captured just the right moment. The instant you realized "This was not such a good idea, this thing is COLD!"

Just know that as I type this with a grin on my face that I'm laughing with you not at you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today Ava Was a Little Drummer Girl

Taste like chicken?

All was quiet in the Waechter house this evening ... until you found your drum. 

March to your own beat!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today Ava Found A Bullhorn ... Or So You Thought

You're going to blush when you're old enough to realize what you're putting to your mouth. 

But for now, enjoy your bulhorn, kid!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Today Ava Had a Rough Day Ruling Arendale

"I not Ava. I Queen Elsa."

Yes, your highness. How could we forget? 

Obviously it was a tough day on the throne for you. Passing out on top of your subjects in the living room!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Today Ava Hung Out With Grandma and Grandpa

I'm ashamed to say I didn't capture any photos today. 

I always try to get at least one to give some a little visual to your growth.

A new client contacted mom about her lake house listing and wanted to see it and three more, of all days today, Super Bowl Sunday. 

You can't turn a client down, especially one interested in the lake house ... a tough sell. 

So, mom arranged for Grandma and Grandpa to babysit for us while we make the hour drive to Carrollton to spend the afternoon navigating the snow covered backroads. 

It was pretty, but mom and I sire were ready to get home and see you guys. 

We stopped and grabbed a Super Bowl feast of take out Chinese to feed everyone one the way home and soon were back in the driveway. 

You said you wanted to eat the broccoli so grandma put a few pieces in a bowl. We should have known better. 

You licked one, said "I no like it" and that that was it. 

Overall we received good reports about your behavior and no accidents!