Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Today Ava Had Her Teeth Cleaned

Dentists get a bad rap, kids seem to fear them and have a lot of hesitation about going. Not sure why ... the two dentists you've seen have been wonderful with you. 

And you've enjoyed going. 

This morning we had an appointment with Dr. Dutton at Green Family Dentistry. A new doctor and new facility for us. Previously you had seen Dr. Matinedes in North Canton. We liked him and his team a lot but he's not in network with my new insurance and it's a bit too far to drive now. 

Mom asked for a recommendation from our neighbors and they led us to Dr. Dutton. She was wonderful. 

You and mom were called first. I headed back to the room with you and Chuck followed mom. 

I was very proud of the way you handled yourself while in the chair, listening intently, answering the doctor's questions, and doing everything she asked you to. 

And, at the very end she surprised you by allowing you to pick a trinket from her little office treasure box! 

I think she has a return customer in you. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Today Ava Outsmarted Me

I thought I had a few more years before I had to write this headline ... I was thinking 6th or 7th grade minimally. Not 2nd year Pre-K. 

Looks like mom is going to be helping you with all of your homework. 

What am i talking about? Well, we were sitting in the lobby at dance class while Arlee was in there doing Ring around the Rosie. 

We always bring the iPad, not to act as a babysitter, but to give you some entertainment while Arlee is in class and visa versa. 

You and a little boy - Maddox - were watching a clip on YouTube Kids that had Finding Dory theme. 

Since our one-on-one time is limited, I was doing my best to engage with you and the video by asking questions. 

We couldn't recall the turtle's name and suddenly a minute later you said "Crush!" 

"His name is Crush. I remembered because in preschool ..." now, I can't remember exactly how this part of the conversation went so I'll paraphrase. In preschool something you do is called "Squirt" and you brought it back to Finding Dory by making that connection. 

"... and I remembered that Squirt is the little turtle which reminded me that Crush is the big turtle. His name is Crush, dad!" 

Thanks, kiddo. 

Your mind and how it works at this age amazes me. You'll do great things with it. 

Soon, an Octopus came on the screen and we had the follwoing conversation - which, as you can see, I sent to mom.

"We'll just call them legs for now" eh? I'm not the smartest man out there, but give me some credit, sheesh! 

I was floored, how did you know what a Septopus is, or that it was even a thing? It took me until I sat down to write this that it maybe it was explained in the movie and I wasn't paying that close of attention. 

Afterall, Finding Dory is currently the flick you and Chuck are watching in the van. 

Hello, Google. I searched "Septopus Finding Dory" and sure enough a multitude of explanations and references were returned. 

Well done, you outsmarted me.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Today Ava Was An Artist

When you show potential at something mom and I want to encourage you to continue. All we ask is that when you commit to something you give it your best. If it doesn't work out, so be it. We'll try something else. 

Even though you've only played organized soccer to this point, that philosophy goes for sports as well. You've told me that you don't like it and would like to not play. You've said this to me in the middle of a game this session. 

That's totally fine, but we'll finish out the season. Mom and I have strong convictions that when we start something, we finish it. And we're working to pass that philosophy on to you and your sister.

This doesn't just go for sports, it carries over into every aspect of life. 

Yes, it's mid-October and no shoes or coats required.
You've shown a real interest in art, always drawing, always crafting. Being creative in general. I enjoy seeing this in you and really want to nurture it. Give your mom a hug because she has the patience of a Saint to let you try whatever you want, no matter how messy it might be. 

They say "the artist is her own worst critic" and I think this suits you well. the past few days you've gotten angry with yourself when a drawing isn't turning out the way you want it to. 

Just the other day mom was on appointments and you wanted to draw something for her. We were sitting on the floor with the crayons and colored pencils. I can't even begin to tell you how many sheets of paper we went through because you weren't happy with the results. 

Don't be so hard on yourself. My goal is to take this energy and figure out how to channel it in a positive way. 

Today, mom and I were sitting on the porch while you and Chuck played with chalk in the driveway. 

I looked down once to see you wildly scribbling out a sketch and moving on to a clean spot to start over. Luckily no frustration or tears. 

You wouldn't let us see your new sketch until the masterpiece was complete. And I have to say, what a masterpiece it was. 

"It's an Appaloosa horse jumping over a fence." 


I mean, you drew this from your own mind without any visual aids. It was a head-on drawing, not a profile and you even pulled the back legs up to create the visual of going over the fence. 

I gotta say, kid, this blew me away.  

Don't lose the imagination! 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Today Ava Played Catch

Coaching soccer has made me doubt my ability to be a good coach. Maybe because it's a sport that I don't know much about, or could be a bit of a self confidence issue, but tonight you reaffirmed that if you ever play softball, I want to be your coach. 

The red van was sitting right outside the garage and the blue car parked on the street. Which opened up the garage and a throwing lane in the driveway. 

The vehicles were arranges as such because your friends Ellie and Sydney came over to play. I had backed the van out to wash it and when Julie and the girls arrived, they parked behind the van. 

While everyone was inside playing "Pony Bingo" I ran to Lowe's to pick up a few items and do some work in the garage. 

After your friends left mom and I went to the garage to work while you and Arlee stayed in for a little screen time. 

Every few minutes I'd peek in the door, ask if you were okay and back to work I went. One time, Arlee didn't answer - I ended up finding her passed out on the couch with the iPad a mere inches from her face. 

Anyhoo ... eventually I coaxed you outside and you piked up a tennis ball that I found while cleaning. 

The light bulb went off. I positioned you near the fridge to give you a backstop in case a ball got past you and I went to the edge of the garage. 

we began by simply bouncing the ball back and forth. Eventually working our way up to a soft toss. 

You made some good throws which boosted your confidence and opened the door for me to do a bit of coaching. 

Mom worked on the step with your throw. You were trying to step with the same foot as your throwing hand. Once she got that down, I stepped in with turning your hips towards me and using the step to drive your front shoulder down, helping you get velocity on the ball. 

The excited giggles and desire to keep moving me back a step with each throw let us know you were having a good time. 

Look at that form! 

Don't pay attention to the attitude at the end. That's something we need to work on and turn into positive energy. 

It reminded me a lot of my younger self, and made me realize that we need to harmess that energy and turn it into a positive. 

As we wound down, mom commented to you that some of her fondest memories from growing up were playing catch with her dad in the yard. 

I'm looking forward to making those same memories with you!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Today Ava Found A Car

It's not what you're thinking!

Did we stop at a car lot? Yes.

Did we get out and look at a car? Yes.

Was the intent of stopping for you and Arlee? Yes.

Did we buy the car? No (thought at $10,400, it surprised mom and I both as being affordable).

You might be asking yourself, so what's he big deal then? Let me tell you.

We pass the dealership, VanDevere, frequently as we make our way to the Belden area for shopping, medical appointments, etc. A few weeks ago as we drove past, mom and I noticed something different on the lot. A car you and your sister would swoon over.

Fast forward to tonight, Fun Friday - a weekly tradition mom started a month or so ago.

Earlier in the day mom texted me and said you and Arlee chose to see Despicable Me 3 at Movies 10. for your Fun Friday treat. 

We loaded everyone into Blue Car and I checked the clock, plenty of time! I mentioned to mom that we would stop and surprise you with a close up look at "Pony Car," a tiny Smart car wrapped with My Little Pony graphics. 

I think the smiles say it all. We stayed for a few minutes and walked around the vehicle so you could check out all of the ponies adorning the car. 

I had been wanting to stop and show you guys the car for a while. Even though I knew we wouldn't be bringing it home, I knew you would really enjoy seeing it. It's these little things that make me smile. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Today Ava Was My Lunch Buddy

For the past few days now you've been insisting on helping me pack my lunch in the evening. 

This desire began rather randomly one day. Mom sent me a text while I was at work saying that you were upset that you didn't get to help me pack my lunch. 

You and your sister have a hard enough time sleeping, so i'm not about to wake you up at 6:15 a.m. when I typically pack my lunch for the day. 

So, I thought if you could help me pack my lunch in the evening then it would satisfy you as well as allow for a little bonding between the two of us. 

We got Arlee to bed and I said "Let's go!"

You hoped out of your bed and we proceeded down to the kitchen. 

"Dad, you need something different. You can't pack the same thing everyday!" 

Following this lecture for packing the same meal day in and day out, a PB&J sandwich, spinach salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing and a bit of vanilla yogurt for "dessert," we agreed on some grapes.

As much as I like to think I'm unpredictable, I'm a creature of habit.  

Cutting grapes in half is serious business!
Why are you cutting them in half? Because it's what you know. 

When we pack my lunch, we'll also pack your snacks for preschool the next day. Often times it's grapes and for Loving Hands, they require the grapes to be cut in half to reduce risk of choking. 

So, you employ that rationale with my grapes. I don't want to choke at my desk while eating them!

You don't know it yet, but I appreciate even the few minutes we get to hang out by ourselves! These moments are what I look forward to each night.