When you show potential at something mom and I want to encourage you to continue. All we ask is that when you commit to something you give it your best. If it doesn't work out, so be it. We'll try something else.
Even though you've only played organized soccer to this point, that philosophy goes for sports as well. You've told me that you don't like it and would like to not play. You've said this to me in the middle of a game this session.
That's totally fine, but we'll finish out the season. Mom and I have strong convictions that when we start something, we finish it. And we're working to pass that philosophy on to you and your sister.
This doesn't just go for sports, it carries over into every aspect of life.
Yes, it's mid-October and no shoes or coats required. |
You've shown a real interest in art, always drawing, always crafting. Being creative in general. I enjoy seeing this in you and really want to nurture it. Give your mom a hug because she has the patience of a Saint to let you try whatever you want, no matter how messy it might be.
They say "the artist is her own worst critic" and I think this suits you well. the past few days you've gotten angry with yourself when a drawing isn't turning out the way you want it to.
Just the other day mom was on appointments and you wanted to draw something for her. We were sitting on the floor with the crayons and colored pencils. I can't even begin to tell you how many sheets of paper we went through because you weren't happy with the results.
Don't be so hard on yourself. My goal is to take this energy and figure out how to channel it in a positive way.
Today, mom and I were sitting on the porch while you and Chuck played with chalk in the driveway.
I looked down once to see you wildly scribbling out a sketch and moving on to a clean spot to start over. Luckily no frustration or tears.
You wouldn't let us see your new sketch until the masterpiece was complete. And I have to say, what a masterpiece it was.
"It's an Appaloosa horse jumping over a fence."
I mean, you drew this from your own mind without any visual aids. It was a head-on drawing, not a profile and you even pulled the back legs up to create the visual of going over the fence.
I gotta say, kid, this blew me away.
Don't lose the imagination!