Monday, July 29, 2013

Today Ava Looked Fear In The Eye

Quite literally I might add. 

I've always been impressed with your visible indifference to what some might think were fearful situations. And today, you showed it again. 

Suddenly in the afternoon my phone began vibrating on my desk as photos of you at the Akron Zoo came across my screen. I was a little dumbfounded at first. We went to the Zoo last month, why is mom just now sending me these images? 

Then it hit me, she and Grandma took you back this afternoon. Needless to say - I was jealous. 

Mom had an early morning training session at work so Grandma came in to town to babysit while we both worked. Once mom was done and you had a nap, they were looking for something to do. It's a half hour drive up 77 and by presenting our ACME card we get BOGO admission so with parking it only runs $12 for the three of us to see the animals. 

It was in the mid-70s today as opposed to the mid-90s it was last time. The animals were a little more active in the cooler weather, especially the lions. 

When you approached the lion enclosure he and his lioness were pacing in front of the glass wall. Grandma stood you against the glass and the lions came right up to you and for a moment you were eye-to-eye with the King of the jungle. No reaction from you, not even a flinch. 

That's my girl! Fearless! I like to tell people you get it from me. 

In all reality, you were probably too preoccupied with trying to figure out how you could hug these giant McGee's to even notice how close they were.  

Don't ever lose that fearlessness, you'll go places.

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