Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today Ava Shared Her Snacks

I don't know why this sticks out in my head the way it does, but as I reviewed the day and contemplated what to write about, one thing comes to mind.

It wasn't the video that mom sent me showing you pointing out certain objects in your book, it wasn't your first pair of tennis shoes, your refusal to nap this morning or the person at the softball fields marveling at how well coordinated you are for your age.

This evening at my softball games you shared your snacks with me. 

You and mom are very supportive of my softball teams and come watch whenever you can. Tonight, mom let you run around and you even made friends with a three-year-old who was waiting on our games to end so his mom could watch her significant other in the late games.

Between innings I come over and play or just hold you to give mom a few minutes of reprieve.

Check out my new kicks!
As we got towards the later innings and you started to slow down, I had you on my lap and you were picking snacks out of your cup. 

You've always been one to share your food - usually after you've already chewed it and pulled it from your mouth. Tonight though, you pulled a fresh snack from your cup, looked up at my and shoved it right in my mouth. It caught me off guard so I obliged and ate it. 

You tried a few more times, I ate one or two more but saw that your cache was running low so I started to refuse. I hope you weren't offended! 

You were a trooper tonight as the games turned into a marathon. The late games - scheduled to begin at 8:30 - didn't get underway until nearly 9:15. As we loaded you into the car you're eyes looked as heavy as bricks and it wasn't long before you were home and out for the night.

Like I said, I will never know why it was this moment that sticks out so vividly in my mind from the day, but something was telling me to write it down for a memory later.

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