Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today Ava Fed Herself Breakfast

This morning we sat down and worked on breakfast. You decided you didn't need me to feed you and gripped the spoon and went for it yourself. 

It wouldn't be much of a big deal if you were eating finger foods but to grab the spoon and bring it to your mouth without spilling is quite an accomplishment - to me at least. 

We've worked on this extensively on many mornings. You insist on trying it yourself but wouldn't quite have the dexterity to bring the spoon to your mouth without help. I'd take your wrist and gently guide your arm in the right direction. My thought is that muscle memory would develop and eventually take over.

Eventually it did but as you can see from the video below, you've got some practice to do.

We'll keep working on it until it's perfecto!

If you wonder what you're wearing in the video, it's Halloween Day at Marissa's. Each of her kiddos is supposed to dress up in their costume. You, of course, are your favorite cartoon character ... Minnie Mouse! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today Ava Made Herself Dizzy

Your really taking this coaching job to heart. 

Mom sent me a slew of pics today that are just too adorable not to post. 

So here you go:

Coaching can be a whirlwind, just ask your Mom, but that's not the meaning behind the subject line today. 

It was later in the evening, mom and I were seated on the floor as you played with your blocks. They were strewn about the floor, when suddenly you stood up and began to dance. Normally the dance parties are reserved for your room but not tonight. You gave in to the urge right then and there. 
  It wasn't just a few spins, you turned yourself into the ground for probably close to five minutes. 

The encouragement you were receiving from mom and I probably contributed to the length. Surprisingly you only landed on one Lego.  After a short injury timeout you were back at it. 

It was such a kick to watch and judging by your perpetual grin, you enjoyed every second of it as well. 

Of course I snagged a few seconds: 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Today Ava Coached The Team

Mom told me some fun stories about basketball practice today.

See, you're only part-time at the sitter right now so you accompany her to practice a few days per week. And from hat I hear, you've become quite the assistant coach. 

She told me that today as the girls were running drills you stood to the side and when they finished yelled "Mo!" 

She also said you will stand to the side and request high fives from the girls as they are working on their drills or shooting. 

I always asked her how you behaved at practice and with stories like these, I don't think I have anything to worry about. 

This iis a cute pic mom sent on the first day of practice (Oct. 25):

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today Ava Tried Talking

We're getting oh so close to hearing your sweet little voice. 

You know, the voice that will never back talk mom or me. The voice that will always use "Please" and Thank You." The voice that will use "sir" and "ma'am" when addressing adults. 

This might be old school thinking in today's world but we will raise you to have manners and respect. 

Enough with the lecture, dad ...

You've got a few words down and can associate many more with their respective objects, but with each passing day it seems as though your vocabulary is growing. 

You can point to your nose, eyes, ears, chin, cheeks, and tongue when prompted. Mom will ask you to show her your "chubby face" and you'll smash your cheeks together for her. 

That's just a sampling of your development thus far. Credit mom, she works long and hard with you on these things. 

You can say "Mom," "Mommy," "Dad," "My dad," "Juice," and you've almost got your own name. Phonetically it sounds like "A uh."

Tonight, you added a new one. 

I called mom this evening to let her know that I was on my way home from helping a friend move when you came up to the phone. She asked you to ay what you were pointing to and to my amazement came a soft "eye." 

Mom said you just added that one tonight. 

When I got home you were just getting into your punch-drunk state and we were having a lot of fun playing on the couch.

You also did a lot of "talking." we know you're trying to tell us something, but It's mainly gibberish. We just wish we knew what you wanted us to know. 

I need to record some of it so you know what I'm trying to tell you.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today Ava Went To Boo At The Zoo

It was the last night for the Akron Zoo's annual "Boo at the Zoo" event. The weather was cooperating so we decided to take you up and have some fun. 

We layered you up in a long-sleeve onesie, leggings, and a pair of yoga pants topped off with your Minnie Mouse costume. Bulky, but warm. 

We passed the penguins and the condor exhibit before you lifted your head from mom's shoulder and woke up. After a look of confusion you began to come alive as you realized where we were. 

Our intent wasn't so much to get candy that you probably can't eat but rather to let you see the animals and interact with kids your own size.

To get out of the house, really.

The Zoo had twelve candy stations setup throughout the park and you enjoyed handing the attendants your card to mark off the stations and receive your treats. Surprisingly, it was mostly Little Debbie's snack cakes that you could enjoy. And you did. You ate a chocolate chip cookie pie as we made our way through the park. 

You haven't been eating much the last few days so even though it wasn't healthy, we were happy you got some calories in you.

Mom and I joked at how disappointed we were that you ate the whole thing. Secretly we hoped you'd only eat a few bites so we could have the rest. 

You insisted on holding each treat in your hands until you got to the next station. At one point mom and I put mittens on you and you had one heck of a time holding on to a pack of fruit snacks.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today Ava Walked Me Down The Hallway

A few steps tonight made a memory that will last a lifetime.

I looked up at your mom and said "This is reminiscent of when she was learning to walk."

You and I were in the back room and started making our way down the hall when you reached up for my hands. I walked behind you while you gripped my index fingers.

I expected you to let go so I tried to pull away but your grip just grew stronger. We were in the living room before you let go.

A throwback to just a few months ago when you needed us for balance. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today Ava Was Out Of Sorts

I can't wait until this passes kiddo. 

You won't nap, we can hardly get you to eat, you're getting clingy, and we have trouble putting you to bed at night. 

Today was all of the above. You've just been out of sorts. Not your normal self. All we can guess is that you're cutting teeth again. 

It seems our go-to hypothesis, but I think it's becoming more true than a guess. We'll know in the next few days. 

You were especially cranky today when I would take things from you. I don't remember what it was, but I didn't want you to have something and when I took it, the result is below:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today Ava Walked To The Sitter's Door

After the last couple of days, I was uneasy about how this would go, but you let me load you into the truck to go to Marissa's this morning. 

It's an 8-10 minute drive and when we arrived I got you out of the truck and to the driveway. 

As we walked, I handed you your lunch bag. 

Then, I thought you might want to take the steps yourself, so I asked. I really shouldn't have been surprised when you practically tried to fold yourself in half to get to the ground. 

I took that as a yes. 

I let you down and you led the way up the driveway and to the front door. 

The bag was tall and you struggled with it a bit. I tried to help, and you refused. You wanted to do this all on your own. 

You only needed a helping hand to keep your balance as you stepped over uneven pavement. 

I'll let the pictures do the talking: 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today Ava Insisted On Holding My Hand

I'm a little confused by your actions. Should I feel warm and fuzzy, or concerned?

Yesterday mom had a class she needed to complete in order to continue coaching so you and I were home by ourselves. I couldn't get you to eat so I thought maybe you wanted a change of taste. We got your shoes on, punched your arms through the sleeves of your coat and down to the truck we went. 

I thought I would roll through the Arby's drive through for a kids meal. You thought otherwise. I couldn't for the life of me get you to sit in your car seat. You fought me like you've never fought me before. Screaming, crying, standing on the seat. After a minute or two I had no choice but to concede and back upstairs we went. 

So, if I recall this from yesterday, why am I jotting it down today? Because I thought it was a fluke and something was bothering you. Apparently I was wrong.

Mom had her first closing right after work today and I met her in the parking lot to pick you up. She handed you off, said goodbye and headed in the building. You and I headed for the truck. The truck .... either you suddenly have begun to hate the truck (I can see mom smiling if you're on her level on this), or there's something about me. 

I tried to set you into your seat and had the same result as last night. You arched your back, stiffened your legs, wrapped your arms around mine and began to cry. I wish I knew what was going on inside your little head. 

I didn't have the option of giving up like I did yesterday. Eventually I wore you down and got you strapped in. Being close to ACME I thought it would be nice of us to buy a congratulatory bottle of wine and some gummies (nearly 3 lbs. worth ... ). 

On the way out of the store we again had an issue getting you into the truck. This episode was worse than at the parking lot of the title company. 

I don't get it ...

Once you were finally buckled in we made our way home. I did everything I could think of to try and calm you down. Eventually I reached back and grasped your tiny hand. Instantly the water works stopped. 

This is all it took, my hand in yours, to calm you down.

It made me feel needed! 

I experimented a little by taking my hand away and it was like flipping a switch. You became uneasy and once I held your hand again; nothing but calm. 

I explained this to mom and she told me about how well behaved you were at basketball this afternoon and how good you were in general today. 

Once mom got home we got ready to grab a bite to eat. We decided on Thatsa Wrapp in downtown Canton. It's a little mom and pop sandwich shop that we had never been to. 

In an effort to show mom what I've been dealing with I took you to the truck and tried to load you in. Same exact results. 

She was floored. 

After dinner, as an experiment, I asked if she would load you into the truck. Not a peep out of you. 

Since August I haven't been able to put you down for the night. Now suddenly I am unable to do something as simple as put you into your car seat. 

What gives kiddo?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today Ava Played Her Game

Somewhere in the depths of this journal I feel as though I've written about this before. If you're reading this for a second time, oh well, it's worth repeating. 

You get a little "punch drunk" as you tire out from the day and are ready to fall asleep and recharge. 

Silly girl
You ran between us as I sat in the recliner and mom lay on the couch. "She's trying to get your attention" mom said to me as I momentarily turned to catch a second or two of a program on TV. 

As I looked in your direction you squealed and threw your head into mom's lap in excitement.

I turned away as if not to pay attention to you. Slowly your head - with a huge cheeky grin - lifted from the couch as you leaned over it. I could see you out of the corner of my eye looking towards me in anticipation. 

I turned my head in your direction and you practically ran in place you were so excited. Quickly your head was once again buried in the couch. It seemed like "If I can't see him, he can't see me." 

Mom looked at me and said "Remember when you couldn't wait to play with her?" 

How could I forget! Before you were born I was so excited and one day told our mom about how excited I was to be able to be a kid again and play with you.

She reminded me that it would be at least 6 months until I could do that. In the blink of an eye six months has come and gone nearly three fold.

"Well the time is now" mom continued. Happily, we all played your game for a little while longer until you grew tired. 

As much as I want to be sure I'm parenting and guiding you properly through this life, there will always be time to have fun and play!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today Ava Wanted Out Of The Tub


It's what you tell us when you want removed from your high chair and car seats. Now, bath time ends with those same three letters. 

It's a safe bet to say you know what you want when you want it. 

Mom isn't feeling all that well today so you and I went to the store and picked up the groceries then made dinner. 

Keepin it real on the way to Aldi.
It was a spaghetti night tonight which fit right into our plan of strategically creating messy meals on your bath nights. 

 As you can see, our plan worked to perfection. 

Spaghetti art.

I began to draw your bath as I finished my meal ahead of you and mom. Tonight seemed as good as any to add some bubbles.

We played for a while, getting handfuls of bubbles then clapping our hands together and splashing in the water. I may just skip my shower in the morning. 

Without warning you said "out" and began to stand up. 

Mom and I were caught off guard. We looked at each other perplexed.

Did that just happen? 

It sure did and I looked back at the tub to see you reach for me and try to stand up. 

You made it clear, when your mind is made up there's no turning back.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Today Ava Woke Up Asking For Dad

I'm smiling as I type this and will go out on a limb to say that I'll smile again when I come back and read it in the future. 

After a long night on the dance floor of Aaron and Dianne's wedding reception we assumed you would take advantage and sleep in.

It's true

I was up early per usual and secretly hoped you might be as well since it wouldn't be long before I was out the door and heading to Cedar Point. 

You may not have been an early riser but what happened later was far better.

At 8:21 a.m. a soft voice whispered "Daddy" from the speaker of the monitor to my side.

Immediately my head swiveled towards the monitor and I heard it again, "Daddy."

Once might have been a fluke, but to hear it twice, I know you meant it. 

I was down the hallway and greeting you before my feet ever touched the floor.

"Good morning, Babe-O!" I said as you tried to hand me your blanket and reached for your Minnie Mouse pillow pet. 

Off to the living room we went for some QT and cartoons before I left for the day.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Today Ava Was A Flower Girl

"Dad, she needs you." 

"Dad, she needs you." 

There are a lot of fathers at the ceremony this afternoon so it took the second time for me to realize that Father Bishop was talking to me. 

Pre-ceremony cheesin!
From my crouched position at the front of the Church I was too fixated on seeing you come towards me to realize that you and Olivia had stopped merely a few steps into your walk down the aisle. 

I snapped back to reality and went a few aisles down. With arms outstretched I said "Come here, come see me." 

I made my way to you and Olivia, who was holding your hand said "We can't move yet." 

She was merely following instructions she was given earlier. 

You took my hand and began to walk down the aisle. I let go after a few steps ad it isn't my moment in the spotlight. That'll come later in the ceremony as I've been tasked with reading the Prayers of the Faithful. 

You began to race down the aisle with one pit stop at a random pew to say hello.

You made it all the way, dropped a few flowers from your basket at the front of the Church and we made our way to our seat. 

You did great!
This would have been a great time for me
to put the camera down and hep mom.

You were pretty busy throughout the ceremony, which we anticipated. 

At the completion of the mass you took Joe's hand and walked down the aisle as part of the recessional. It was humerus because you looked back at Father Bishop, raised your other hand and brought him a few steps down the aisle with you. 

I hope the photographer captured some good moments here!

With a few hours before the reception we went home so you could nap and rest up for some dancing!

The reception got off to a rocky start for you. You were antsy sitting at our table and didn't want to sit still. We couldn't get you to eat so mom and I took turns walking with you to try and calm you down. 

Cue the music.

Once you heard a beat, there was no stopping you! You danced the night away, especially when "Blurred Lines" hit your ears. 

Many new friends were made this weekend, both your size and adults.

It was a great celebration and you performed wonderfully!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today Ava Practiced Being A Flower Girl

A few months ago my cousin Aaron and his fiance Dianne asked us if you would be a flower girl for their wedding. You had barely begun walking when they asked us but we still said yes. You can''t turn family down!

Luckily, as the time has passed since being asked you've really gotten your feet under you and are very balanced and coordinated for your age. 
Mom and I are both nervous about how you'll perform tomorrow but deep down, I know you'll be just fine! It was somewhat reassuring to know you'll also be walking with a toddler, so you won't be alone. 

Tonight is the rehearsal so it's your first time to practice.

Time for the first run. 

While everyone was getting situated, mom took you to the back of the church and I crouched near the front aisle. She set you down and said "Go get dad!" 

Much to our surprise, you nearly sprinted down the aisle and right into my arms. 

We tried again, same result. 

You're a quick learner, I think you got this! 

As you can see from the photo above, Uncle Joe made it home from his training in Oklahoma to be in the wedding and really enjoyed seeing you tonight.

Even though you're only 14 months old, watching you as you ran towards me down the aisle I couldn't help but think the day will be here before I know it that I'll be bringing you down the aisle and  saying "I do" when the Priest asks me "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

Okay enough, I'm getting slightly emotional as I type this  ... As much as I looking forward to your happiness when that time comes, I'm going to take my time and enjoy every little moment in between.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Today Ava Was A Little Off

Not sure what's been going on with you for the last few days. Not feeling well, another tooth maybe? 

Whatever the reason, you've been fussy and pretty clingy. Today was no exception. 

Things began late last night when you suddenly woke up screaming at 11:45 p.m.. Could it have been nightmares from the fish episode yesterday? Perhaps. 

Mom and I tried everything to get you calm and back to sleep.  You were inconsolable for nearly an hour and a half and refused water, juice and applesauce. Finally, you calmed down a little as we played recorded episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and mom offered you medicine. You felt warm and were certainly congested so she thought a dose of medication might help you feel better.

Eventually you calmed down and were welcomed to our room where you slept for the night. 

Once everyone was awake and ready you and I made our way to the sitter's house. 

It took some negotiations and a trip to see their puppy, Lucy for me to be able to sneak out the door and make my way to work. 

I'm unsure of how the day was at the sitter's but I hope your friends kept you content. 

Later in the evening Uncle Joe stopped over. He's in town for cousin Aaron's wedding and wanted to pay you a visit. 

You seemed to lighten up when he was there and got into quite the raspberry blowing competition with him. 

Let's hope whatever's bugging you is gone by morning!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today Ava Showed Fear

Tonight was the first time I've truly seen you scared. 

We were playing in the basement tonight when mom had the idea to let you try your hand at the Wii. The system has been sitting dormant under the basement TV for nearly two years. Needless to say, it's been a while since we played it.

It didn't grasp your attention like we had hoped and soon you were back to letting your horses down the ramp. 

Rather than turn off the machine, mom and I attempted to play for old times sake (Just so you know, I won the first race). 

Soon you were back in front of the TV stand and pressing buttons on the Wii remote sensor and making your way towards a Big Mouth Billy Bass that sing "Give me back that Filet 'O Fish, give me that fish!" It's a prop from an old McDonald's commercial.

I'm sure you're wondering why on Earth do we have that? 

Let me give you the back story - your Uncle Joe is known for sending crazy things randomly. This is one of those items. I came home from work one day to find a package at the door. I wasn't expecting anything and seeing the return address you can't help but laugh. No warning, it just showed up. That's Uncle Joe.

I opened the contents to find the fake mounted fish. I called him right away and as soon as I opened my mouth he started laughing and told me that he couldn't resist sending it because he knew how much that terrible song got under my skin. 

How could I throw it away after that? I vowed to someday send it back, and after tonight I just might. 

You kept getting closer and closer to the fish and like you see in cartoons with the "Do not pull!" string, you went straight for the button on the plaque. 

I've never heard - nor do I hope to hear again - a scream like that. Before I knew it you were crying in your moms arms. You didn't expect the fish to move and for the first time in your short life, you showed a little fear. 

We tried to take you back to the fish to show that it was okay, but you wanted nothing to do with it.

I want you to be "fearless" as you grow up but trust me, there are certain things it's okay to be afraid of and it's fine if you show it.

Since I just shared a not-so-pleasant moment with you, let's watch a little video just to get an idea of how busy you really are:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today Ava Went To Her First Cleveland Cavaliers Game

Through an acquaintance of mine I acquired four seats to tonight's Cleveland Cavs game against the Charlotte Bobcats

Don't worry, no need to put you in the car and drive all the way to Cleveland. They played right here in Canton at the Civic Center.

This is the second year for the team to come to town and the first time we've been able to go and our seats were excellent! Second row from the floor in one of the corners right where the team comes out of the locker room. 

We arrived just at the conclusion of a small fan fest and as Jason and I went to will call to get our tickets you, mom and Sara stayed outside. Mom was able to snap a photo of you with the Cavs floor announcer, Ahmad, before coming in to find us.  

Mom and I half-seriously considered hiring him to be our wedding announcer. We still think it would have been awesome. 

As we made out way to our seats we jokingly asked out loud if Michael Jordan would be in attendance since he's a part owner. He wasn't, but another legend - Patrick Ewing - was. Ewing is an assistant head coach for the Bobcats.

If you don't Google them first, ask mom who they are.  

Once we were seated you studied the Cavs roster card so you knew who to watch.
We both had concerns about how long we could keep you content in the seats. You have a penchant for not wanting to sit still for long. It's just the age our at, wanting to be up and constantly getting your hands into everything. 

Just take a look at our house this morning... it's a never ending cycle of picking up after you (for now, someday you'll be grounded if you don't pick up after yourself).

Five times I tried to put this blanket away.
Five times I failed.

The sounds and commotion of your first major sporting event held your attention for a bit. You took an interest in the game at times.

But, it didn't take long for you to become bored in the seats and want to be out and about. A few times your attention was diverted by Moon Dog, the Cavs mascot. But ultimately by the fourth quarter it was mom and I taking turns getting out of the seats and walking around with you. 

In the end, I think you enjoyed it, at east you better have because by the time you reading this, we'll have been at numerous Cavs games. This is the first of many.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Today Ava Read To Herself

Often times we've caught you picking up a book and sitting down to leaf through the pages and "read" it to yourself. 

So this wasn't the first time, but it was darned adorable.  

Jut like everyone else I'm guilty at times of getting caught up in the hustle of the day to really sit back and enjoy the little things. Such was the case tonight as I knew dinner would be ready as soon as I got home and had it on my mind that I needed to get it taken care of. Honestly, I had barely said "Hi" to you before setting you down and turning my attention back to our meal.

Mom and I were in the kitchen when we heard noise coming from the living room. She peeked her head around the wall from the dining room and stood there silently for a minute. She then looked back and whispered "You need to see this."

I went around the other side to see you standing against the coffee table with two books out. In your own language you were content and reading to yourself. Pointing to words and sounding them out with your own little noises then flipping to the next page it was simply adorable. 

It wasn't long before you sensed us and looked up but that moment, as fleeting as it was, served as a reminder to me to never get too busy to spend time with you. These little things are what I don't want to miss about you growing up. 

How about a little ele-fun to end the evening?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today Ava Sported New Shades

When you were very little (I'm talking just a few days old) we bought you a pair of white "baby shades" from Target. Since you didn't have control of your extremities yet, you had no choice but to wear them.

I loved your sunglasses and would put them on your little nugget whenever possible.

As you can see, they were just a smidge too big.
In a few short months, they fit like a glove ...
Much to my disappointment, as you got older and knew what your arms - more importantly your hands and fingers - were capable of, you would discard the stylish eye wear at every opportunity. 

Fast forward to yesterday ... just for fun mom put a pair of sunglasses on you. Instantly you were beaming with happiness. 

Where is my daughter and what did you do with her? 

Your mouth was wide open with one of the greatest smiles I have ever witnessed.

Seeing you this happy is all too contagious. Any care in the world or weight on my shoulders instantly lifted for a few moments.

Tonight we had to make a run to "Targy Targs" and on the way out, mom shot me the puppy-dog eyes and said "We don't have to go to Carter's ..." For your mom the two are like shoes, you can't have one without the other.

So how could I say no and feel good about myself? 

She began picking through the sale items and you and I made our way to the center of the store where they have a table with toys for kids. We were playing with the building blocks when mom called to us "Come here, I've got a surprise, pick out two pairs." 

I scooped you up and much to my delight she was standing by a bin of sunglasses on clearance. We tried a pair or two on you and that same smile made it's return. 

We made our selections and it was back to the car. 

I'm excited that you've regained an interest in sunglasses, now if I could just get you to come around to hats again ...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Today Ava Gave Aunt Casey The Business

Whoa child! Did we learn a lesson today or what?!

Don't mess with the model's french fries!

Shortly after pulling in the driveway yesterday we were on the road to Grandma and Grandpa's house. 

This afternoon I have a photo shoot with Marissa's daughters at the Kingwood Center in Mansfield. It's a makeup for my equipment failure last Spring. 

The Kingwood Center is a picturesque estate full of flower gardens and ponds that the public can walk around and enjoy. Mom and I "hired" your Aunt Holly to take our engagement photos here.

Since it was around lunchtime we swung through the Burger King drive through to pick at their dollar menu on our way.

We arrived a little early so I could scout a few locations and prepare for the afternoon. Since it was a nice day Grandma and Aunt Casey came along. 

You were nibbling on your fries when I asked your mom for our test model - that'd be you.

Setting the golden friend goodies in your buggy, mom placed you on the side steps that I asked her to. We snapped a few images when suddenly you started showing some attitude. Within seconds, the attitude turned into yelling. I'm talking top of the lung yelling with arms stiff at your sides.

You were giving Aunt Casey the business. 

With my back to your Grandma and Aunt Casey I wasn't sure what the commotion was all about. Soon your mom started laughing and she said "Casey, you're eating Ava's fries." 

Aunt Casey had noticed the food in the buggy and thinking it was leftovers, she began to eat it. 

It provided for a good laugh. 

Obviously, no one messes with Ava's fries! 

Your such a good model, even our test photos turned out great. Here's a few (unedited):