Friday, November 21, 2014

Today Ava Did a Somersault

You got it, you did a somersault all by yourself today! 

Good job!!!! 

I wasn't home to see it but mom sent me the video while I was at work. 

For what seemed like the longest time you would put your head down and walk our legs up behind you only to stop at the top. Looking like you were doing some sort of toddler yoga. 

Now, you can somersault on command! We need some gymnastics in your life. 

I say that not only for the somersault but because you have no fear. And this lack of fear is what you need in a sport like gymnastics. All of the physical ability in the world is great, but you need a tough mental approach as well. 

Trust me, I was a diver in high school and even though I could physically do what was asked, it was my lack of mental toughness that kept me from excelling. 

You're showing all signs of having the strong mind and able body necessary to achieve greatness in whatever you choose to do.

Keep up the good work!

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