Monday, January 19, 2015

Today Ava Nearly Took A Leap of Faith

You're a pretty independent kid. And as such mom is able to let you do your thing at times during the day. 

We have no problem letting you play in your room unsupervised or going to the basement to jump on blue trampoline on your own. 

When I came home for lunch, Arlee's laundry basket was in the living room since we were finishing up all of your laundry. Now, it isn't a laundry basket like you envision, rather it's tall and thin, kind of like a cubed pink silo. 

Well, you wanted to get into it, so I tipped it over so you could crawl in but that wasn't good enough. 

I had to stand it up so you could literally get inside. 

By the time I left you were insisting I close the lid so you could hide. 

Fast forward a bit and I'm sitting in my office and receive a text from mom. 

She said she was doing some work and took her eye off of you for a minute.

No big deal there.

It's what came next that made me laugh pretty loudly from my cubicle. 

She said "Absentmindedly watching Ava from three feet away and I hear 'mommy I gonna jump in here.' I said 'Okay hunny' and turned my head to see her standing on the end table ready to launch herself off and into Arlee's laundry basket." 

Even as I sit here and type this I'm cracking up to myself. 

I can just picture the entire sequence. Arms cocked back and knees bent ready to go. The determination on your face, the will to succeed and mom's moment of panic as she realizes what's going on. 

Luckily she was able to stop you in time or this entry could have ended with me talking about another trip to the ER. 

Gymnastics on Saturday can't come soon enough ...

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