Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Today Ava Slept In

Mom and I converse a lot during work hours via text, so when my phone rings and I see that it's your mom, I can't help but think something is wrong. 

Especially when the call isn't anticipated. 

Today, when my phone rang and I heard "Hi dad" on the other side I just had to smile. 

I have a standing 8:30 am meeting every Tuesday morning that forces me to leave a little earlier than the rest of the week. 

Well, you were still asleep ... in our bed ... when I left this morning. You called to tell me you were "sad because I didn't get to see you leave." 

Okay, my heart melted a little. 

When you did actually wake up, mom told me later, that you screeched from the room a few times. To which she wasn't going to acknowledge until you spoke to her. I can't say as I blame her. 

When she and AJ went back to our room, you greeted her with a nice comfy place to rest. 

See, each morning I give you a hug and a kiss and then a "baber squeeze" as we like to call hugs from AJ. 

Editors note: We might have some OCD issues as you grow up because if I do not handle our morning routine the same each and every time, I hear about it. "Dad, you didn't give Arlee a squeeze." or "Dad, Arlee is on my side [of the window]!" 

You get it honest, mom and I are creatures of habit. 

I say goodbye as you and AJ peer out the window and head to my car. I open the window, turn the radio off and angle the car down the driveway so I can see you two. 

Quite frankly, I look forward to this. Twice a day. Once when I leave in the morning and again when I head back from lunch. 

It always makes me think back to when you and mom would "surprise" me at the top of the steps when I came home. 

Thank you for making my day!

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