Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Today Ava Learned About Deer

What's so exciting about taking out the trash? I wish I knew ... but it's become our Wednesday night chore. 

You love to help, you always have. You're our avocado smasher when we're making guac, my sandwich maker when I'm home for lunch and our sous chef when it's dinner time. 

We appreciate the help, trust me we do and I dread the day you realize some of these tasks, like taking out the trash, are chores and no longer fun to you. 

Let me back track a bit to this afternoon while I was at work. It looks like Arlee is taking a page out of your book and becoming your protege in the help department. 

Mom sent me the pic below with the following caption: 

The picture itself is hilarious and shows great teamwork, but it's the caption that makes it. 

Ava: Mom I'm hungry. Can i have some rice cakes?
Mom: Sure, let me wash your hair and then you can have some when you get out.
Ava: Can't I have them in the tub?
Mom: Nah, not today.

Meanwhile ... As I'm washing Ava's hair, Chuck flops out of the tub. As I rinse Ava's hair I hear crunching. Sure enough, little sis went and grabbed the rice cakes and was feeding them to Ava as I was rinsing her hair. 

Wow, just wow! Now that's working together. 

So tonight after work and mom was back home from her showings, we started our chore of taking out the trash. With your rain boots on, we gathered up the bathroom trash, kitchen trash and Chuck's dirty diaps. 

You plugged your nose from the smell of Arlee's gifts and down the stairs we went. After our first trip we heard the neighbor call to use "You guys just missed four deer at the end of your driveway." 

You became super excited and looked all over for them. 

After a brief conversation with Joanne, we learned that they came down the street, stopped at the end of our drive and went up beside our house and around back into the woods. 

"I can't wait to tell mom" you squealed. 

After our second trip, I pretended to start running and said "I'm going to win." Trying to provoke a race up the asphalt. 

"It's okay dad, we can go together" you said as you reached for my hand. 

Excuse me while I wipe the dust from my eyes. 

We finished up and went back in. As soon as we got upstairs you darted for the living room and I heard "Mom, you're not going to believe this!" and went in to a wild story about the deer. 

It had to do with the deer dropping a newspaper in our driveway and then running away. 

I cleared it up with mom so it made sense while you looked at deer on the iPad. 

I was so happy to see that genuine excitement and the fact that you wanted to learn about deer since you didn't get the chance to see them tonight.

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