Sunday, March 3, 2013

Today Ava Needed Changed

We started the afternoon by meeting your Grandma and Grandpa Fenner and Great Grandpa Fenner at Walsh for the final game of the season against rival Malone. 

The end result wasn't what we had hoped for so the details aren't necessary here.

What I want you to know about as you get older is what happened afterwords. 

The way to Walsh vs. the way home from Walsh today.
We had dinner at Perkin's at Belden Village and your mom noticed you needed changed. I smartly played the "Men's rooms typically do not have changing tables" card and handed you to your mom. She took you to the restroom to change and a few minutes later emerged. 

She rounded the corner towards our table and you were in nothing but your diaper. Not appropriate restaurant attire. Only one word to describe what must have happened: blowout. 

You had messed out your diaper and in yet another rookie dad mistake, I forgot to put an extra outfit in the diaper bag. I told your mom to just put your onesie back on and since it was bath night we could deal with it later. Your Grandpa Waechter always told your uncles and I when we were young to "think before you speak." this was one of those instances where I should have taken his advice. He's a smart man. 

Your mom refused to heed my words and after getting "the look" we dressed you as well as we could, wiped off your little jeans and put your fleece jacket back on. 

On the pus side, your mom took a few photos and a video of your great grandpa playing with you. It was cute. We'll be sure to show you.

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