Friday, March 22, 2013

Today Ava was a Bar Fly

As I said yesterday, we're not perfect parents, but we're not dumb. 

Tim was laid to rest this morning and there was a reception at the Hall of Fame following the services. 

I'll have a virgin milk, draft. Please.
Your mom brought you to the HOF near the end of the day and we introduced you to the three-year-old daughter of on of my other co-workers. A few baby kisses later I think you made a new friend. 

Your mom hung out with your Aunt Jenna and Aunt Kay in their office area while I finished up work. It was decided that all of us at the HOF would go to one of Tim's favorite local hangouts - John's Bar - to honor how he was touched all of our lives. 

We decided we would go along. When asked what we were going to do with you, e responded "Bring her along!" 

We've never shyed away from bringing you anywhere, which is why I feel you're so well behaved in public. 

Now, don't get any ideas, you won't be sitting at a bar again anytime soon (at least without proper supervision). I know you'll drink someday but I just hope we have raised you with the proper morals and values to not overdo it or do anything you'll regret as a result. 

Your Aunt Jenna held you most of the night and I brought you home around 7:00 p.m.

Your mom had an important interview that culminated a stressful week for her so you and I came home and gave her a chance to relax and unwind. 

As I type this, she is participating in her favorite evening pastime, lying with you in our bed until you fall asleep. And I'm sure, beyond. You'll probably be in there until I finish this and come in and put you in your crib for the night.

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