Monday, June 17, 2013

Today Ava Was A Brat

I wanted to tell you about your first experience eating spaghetti then I thought about a cute moment at the store when you were helping your mom shop or even about how we think you hit a growth spurt. But, in the end you left me no choice about today's entry - you threw fits. Multiple fits.

The first was when I left for work and it picked up right where it left of when I came home for lunch. If I even so much as set you down, you went crazy. Tears, screaming, reaching for me ... The same after work. 

It really upsets your mom when you do this. 

No meltdown here, just helping
mom find a deal at Carter's.
This isn't the first time. We've self-diagnosed you with separation anxiety. I'm confused as to why it's just with me. Sometimes we need to get you focused on a toy or anything to get your mind away from me so I can sneak out. 

It's bad and nearly constant.

We ran to Carter's and Target after dinner and it was in the latter that you had a decent pubic fit. Mom was looking at the clearance racks when you reached for a pair of 5T pajamas and pulled them off their hangar. When I saw this and wrested them from your surprisingly strong grip you had a melt down. We quickly scooped you up and walked away - after we put the clothes back where they belong of course and within a minute you had forgotten about the clothes and all was well. 

We're trying to teach you that throwing a tantrum will not result in you getting want. I'm not sure how successful we're being, but we're working hard.

Tonight's episode at Target reminded me of a time we were there while mom was still pregnant with you. We were doing some shopping and as soon as we walked in we saw a little girl throwing one of the worst tantrums I or your mom had ever seen. 

Even though she was screaming at the top of her lungs, her parents weren't phased and continued their shopping as if nothing was of concern. A few minutes later and we could still hear her from across the store. My written words do not give the moment justice. It was awful.

We swore at that moment that our child would not do this, and if it did happen we would either leave or one of us would take you to the car while the other got the necessary items.

In the end, I pray that this is just a phase and over soon.

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