Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today Ava Took Her First Steps!

Your mom and I want to be proactive in your life and in your developmental process. That being said, when we notice that you're picking up on something we'll work with you on it until you perfect it. Such was the case with clapping, crawling, sooo big, etc. 

Since the moment you began to pick yourself up and climb on us, the couch and coffee table, we've been working on your stability, trying to get you to stand on your own two feet. Knowing that the end result would eventually be your first steps. Today, our efforts paid off. 

Nine months and 24 days after being born you took your first of countless steps to come!

The big moment came after we finished our Warrior Dash and were cleaning mud, dirt and other grime from ourselves. You were sitting with me when Aunt Holly sat a few feet away on the floor and wanted to play with you.

I stood you up, holding you by the waist so you could get your balance, and let you try and "walk" away from me to Aunt Holly.  Your first attempt was the best, but we didn't have a camera ready. You lost focus and kept watching mom as she had pulled out her phone to record the moment. You ham.  

We reset with Aunt Holly and  mom trading places.

A few takes later we got it! 

Here are your first recorded steps:

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