Monday, March 25, 2013

Today Ava Talked To Me

What will your voice sound like? That question popped into my head this morning as you tried to crawl across the living room floor and I on my stomach trying to record it. You were chatting up a storm, I assume with me, but it could have been anyone or anything or just you wanting to hear yourself.

Before I get too far into the details, I want to let you know that this is a first for me. It's ten till eight in the morning and I'm already sitting down to type this. I'm not waiting until you go to sleep or even catching up tomorrow to write about today. Just do me a favor and don't do anything spectacular for the remainder of the day. I kid, do whatever you want! 

You woke up for the day a few minutes before 7:30 a.m. and were as happy as can be. I wouldn't expect it any other way from you. 

I set you down on the living room floor and predictably you began to do your little corkscrew dance to get across the floor. Everyday you are crawling more and corkscrewing less. The funny part of it is, you will stop and congratulate yourself part way through by sitting on your butt and clapping for yourself. 

This morning, you wouldn't be quiet while trying to get around. I didn't want to shush you, I encourage the talking, but your mom is still in bed. I hope we didn't wake her. 

You kept saying what sounds a lot like "Dad, dad, dad," with other mumbles thrown in there. 

The point of this entry is your "talking." Hearing these mumbles, and I am proud that you say "dad" over and over, I found myself wondering this morning what your voice will sound like. 

I can't wait to hear it. I'm sure it will be just like your attitude, sweet with a touch of sass. 

One thing is for sure, the way you try and talk now, when you do finally make that breakthrough, I'll never get a word in edge wise. 

That's okay though, talk away little lady!

[Updated at 12:45 p.m.] 

I had to come back on my lunch hour and add this video ... even after your mom got up and began to feed you breakfast you still were a chatty Cathy. 

[Updated at 6:27 a.m. 3/26]

I asked you not to do anything spectacular today since I wrote this entry so early in the morning. I should have known you would have other ideas. It was getting to be evening, around 7:30 or so and we were in the living room. Your mom set her cell phone on the floor near you. 

Naturally you wanted it. You began to move towards it so I pushed it a little further away from you. You continued after it. I pushed it across the living room floor a few feet at a time and each time you crawled to it. You got, you are officially crawling! Couldn't be more proud of you. 

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