Thursday, August 27, 2015

Today Ava Needs to Get Back to Gymnastics

We're back! Following a six-month hiatus, everyone is sleeping long enough to give me the chance to write again. 

So much has happened in that time that to recap would be impossible. 

We'll just pick things up as they happen. 

That being said, I do want to comment on your conversation skills. During my time off from this journal, you've grown physically, mentally and verbally beyond what I could have imagined. Mom and I smile everyday with the words that come out of your mouth. 

Business has really picked up for mom and she left for some showings just after you woke up from a nap. 

Still sleepy, you wrapped your arms around her leg to give her a squeeze and she bent over to kiss you on the noggin before heading to her showings. 

Off to the window you went to eave goodbye. Much like waiting for me at the top of your steps was a thing for a while, now you have to say goodbye to us from the window each time we leave. 

Forgetting that you said goodbye to mom and gave her a squeeze, we had a mini meltdown. 

Nothing a few red chips (Doritos) can't solve. 

Side note ... you're eating has really tanked since pausing the updates. If it isn;t chicken nuggs, yogurt, red chips, or bread and cheese from Panera, you won't touch it. Your love for chicken nuggs and white dippy do has even fallen off as of late. 

Anyway, while mom was gone and I was sitting on the floor with AJ crawling around my feet, suddenly you were standing on my shoulders. Literally. 

I've become so accustomed to being your human jungle gym that at first I didn't even realize you were doing it. 

When the light bulb went off and it hit me what you were doing, I grabbed my phone to see what was happening. 

With Arlee using my legs as uneven bars I didn't want to move suddenly for fear you'd fall forward. 

By now, though, I really shouldn't question your balance. It's pretty darn good. 

Safe to say, we need to get you into another gymnastics course and/or some dance classes. 

It sure does feel good to be back!