Sunday, March 31, 2013

Today Ava Enjoyed Easter

Today was your first Easter. As we are nomads of sorts in the Church department we went to Little Flower to celebrate Mass. Seated in folding chairs in the front of the Church, you seemed to entertain the congregation.

Since we were in folding chairs and not pews, we had to kneel on the stone floor. Rather than hold you, we let you stand up in front of us, you began to laugh and smile as you thought this meant we were going for a walk.

Baby's first Easter dress.
We had a few people come up to us and mention how you kept their attention throughout the service. 

Side note - it's painfully obvious that I grew up with brothers as your mom noticed that I put your tights on backwards after changing you. 

I suppose seeing the tag in the front should have been my first clue. 

Following Mass we packed our things and headed to Columbus to have Easter dinner with your Aunt Holly's in-laws. It was enjoyable as they are great people and the food was excellent. 

You were entertaining as you were crawling about and wanting everyone to walk with you throughout the condo. Comments were made that we wore you out, but I think you wore yourself out. 

You slept nearly the entire trip down and on the way back. I wish we could say the same for the night.

You didn't go down for the night until about 9:45 which is really late for you.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Today Ava Got a Mitt

We stumbled upon a little surprise for you at the grocery store today. 

A natural.
As we were walking through the aisles at Aldi, your mom came across children's baseball and softball mitts. Of course we had to pick one up for you. It'll be a few years before you can actually fit it on your tiny little hands, but the black and pink leather glove was too cute to pass up.

Your mom and I were athletes (and hopefully by the time you can read this, we still are!) and we hope you'll share the same passion for athletics that we do. We understand that parents run a fine line between teaching teamwork and a passion for sport and pushing their children too far and burning them out. If we ever push you too hard, tell us to back off. 

I often dream of you stepping to the plate in the bottom of the ninth with bases loaded and two outs, down three runs and jacking a home run out of the park to win the game. Much the same as your mom envisions you someday hitting the game winning three pointer and hearing the announcer say "Ava Waechter for threeeeeeee!" 

See what can be conjured up by simply finding a ball glove at the grocery store?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Today Ava Giggled

I've been wondering for a while if you'd be ticklish or not. Now I know.

It seemed as though when I would try and tickle you, you'd just look at me. Expressionless. 

Well today, I found that you are indeed ticklish. You were laying on the couch as I had just given you a bottle and I started to tickle your ribs and you let out some belly laughs like I've never heard before. 

Your mom thinks it is a little cruel of me to do this to you since you are defenseless, but I don't think so.

Naturally, I pulled out the camera and captured some of it on video. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today Ava Visited Me

I sat here staring at the screen tonight trying to decide on my moment of the day to record. I don't have one singular thing to point out today, rather a hodgepodge of moments. 

Buckeye baby born and bred.
Today certainly wasn't the best day we've had, as far as the news that was confirmed for your mom today, but hey, by the time you are old enough to read this, we'll have more than rebounded. 

This afternoon, your mom picked you up from Marissa's and brought you to my job for lunch hour. It made my day. It's been a long few weeks, especially for your mom so it was nice to spend lunch with my family. 

Its becoming redundant to say this, but you were happy, happy, happy. 

When I got home from work, your mom told me we had 10 minutes to clean the house as your Grandma Fenner was almost at our door. We scrambled, didn't quite get the place picked up from Ava-lanche that rolled through, but that's okay. 

Your mom had you prepped for the Ohio State game, going from your "Easter-ish" outfit to your Buckeyes best. I think it was this extra effort that pushed them to victory over Arizona and into the Elite 8. 

Thanks for sticking with my ramblings tonight. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Today Ava Went Two for Two

Things went well over Christmas with Santa Claus, so how would it go with the Easter Bunny?

Tonight, we decided to tempt fate and find out. 

This bunny is going to give me nightmares.
I'm happy you didn't mind.
Before we could see the Easter Bunny, your mom led us on a quest to find a cardigan to match your dress. I'm still learning the nuances of female fashion so I just trusted your mom on this one. 

Target was a no go on the cardigans but your mom did find a cute Spring jacket on clearance so while I paid for that, she took you next door to Carter's in search of the elusive cardigan. 

She found one! So off to the mall we went. 

The center court where the Eater Bunny was located was barren so we walked right up, set you on his creepy lap and you turned on the charm for the camera. 

Two for two! You didn't mind Santa and weren't even frightened by the Easter Bunny - though your mom and I were slightly creeped out by it.

If this is the way you're going to be in front of a camera, I think we need to get you into baby modeling.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today Ava was All Over

We need to baby-proof the house, and fast.

Apparently you like to chew on the same
materials that McGee does.
Your new found freedom means we are unable to plop you down in a spot with a toy and take care of quick things a few feet away from you. 

Today, you showed one of my attributes, never sitting still. Your independence has you going everywhere, never in one place for long.

Now that you're mobile, we have to have a constant eye on you. I don't want this to come off with a negative undertone, I love that you're willing to explore your surroundings and take in new things. 

It's an adjustment your mom and I need to make in our routine's and schedules as you develop. Quite frankly, I get bored with the same routine, so I welcome this. 

One thing in the baby-proofing department that we noticed is that we can no longer leave folders and other items on the shelf under the coffee table. It draws you like a magnet.  This means we'll just have to be more conscientious of putting things away when we are done with them.

Keep exploring your surroundings. I hope you're never satisfied.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Today Ava Talked To Me

What will your voice sound like? That question popped into my head this morning as you tried to crawl across the living room floor and I on my stomach trying to record it. You were chatting up a storm, I assume with me, but it could have been anyone or anything or just you wanting to hear yourself.

Before I get too far into the details, I want to let you know that this is a first for me. It's ten till eight in the morning and I'm already sitting down to type this. I'm not waiting until you go to sleep or even catching up tomorrow to write about today. Just do me a favor and don't do anything spectacular for the remainder of the day. I kid, do whatever you want! 

You woke up for the day a few minutes before 7:30 a.m. and were as happy as can be. I wouldn't expect it any other way from you. 

I set you down on the living room floor and predictably you began to do your little corkscrew dance to get across the floor. Everyday you are crawling more and corkscrewing less. The funny part of it is, you will stop and congratulate yourself part way through by sitting on your butt and clapping for yourself. 

This morning, you wouldn't be quiet while trying to get around. I didn't want to shush you, I encourage the talking, but your mom is still in bed. I hope we didn't wake her. 

You kept saying what sounds a lot like "Dad, dad, dad," with other mumbles thrown in there. 

The point of this entry is your "talking." Hearing these mumbles, and I am proud that you say "dad" over and over, I found myself wondering this morning what your voice will sound like. 

I can't wait to hear it. I'm sure it will be just like your attitude, sweet with a touch of sass. 

One thing is for sure, the way you try and talk now, when you do finally make that breakthrough, I'll never get a word in edge wise. 

That's okay though, talk away little lady!

[Updated at 12:45 p.m.] 

I had to come back on my lunch hour and add this video ... even after your mom got up and began to feed you breakfast you still were a chatty Cathy. 

[Updated at 6:27 a.m. 3/26]

I asked you not to do anything spectacular today since I wrote this entry so early in the morning. I should have known you would have other ideas. It was getting to be evening, around 7:30 or so and we were in the living room. Your mom set her cell phone on the floor near you. 

Naturally you wanted it. You began to move towards it so I pushed it a little further away from you. You continued after it. I pushed it across the living room floor a few feet at a time and each time you crawled to it. You got, you are officially crawling! Couldn't be more proud of you. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today Ava was Relaxed

We're easy, like Sunday morning.
Our day started out pretty chill. You and I watched cartoons on the couch with your feet kicked up on my legs. It's not often you just sit and relax. You're a lot like me in that you do not sit still. You're not happy unless you're trying to crawl and get your little fingers into something. I chalk it up to learning. 

 I could go into detail about how unhappy you were at midday today or how that all changed and how well behaved you were at mom's basketball banquet, but what I really want to take from today is how it began, and how it ended. 

Like I stated above, you don't normally just relax with us. Well, the day ended much as it began, with you relaxing with us. 

As you began to wind down for the evening we were chilling in the living room recliner, with you on my left leaned back and playing with a toy as we rocked. 

I soak these moments up now. They won't last forever.
When you get tired, you become agitated. 

This is the tell tale sign you're giving up for the night. It was around 8:15 or so and your mom brought me a bottle as we wanted you to take it before going to bed in hopes that you'll sleep through the night. 

Lately, we've been greeted with a 3:40 a.m. wake up call from your monitor. I beg you to sleep through the night again as I wake up at 5 to go to the gym.

As quickly as you wake up, you fell asleep. Suddenly the bottle fell from your mouth, your head to the side and it was lights out. 

Of course I just sat there with you for a few minutes before taking you back to your crib. 

These are the moments that make being a father the greatest thing in the world. Moments to live for. 

Sleep tight, Gravy.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today Ava was Moving

You're quickly learning to put yourself into position to get things that are not within reach. A bit of a combination of a crawl and a scoot with a downward dog yoga pose thrown in there.

Mommy's glasses must have
had a spot on them.
I'm still uncertain of exactly how you accomplish getting from point A to point B. You crawl for a two or three steps, then sit up, and almost corkscrew yourself a few feet at a time. 

I'm going to try and record it soon to figure it out. 

Makes me think you're a good problem solver. 

Hopefully that means you have your mother's intelligence. You already were blessed with my good looks you need something from her. [Editor's note: for those that didn't get it, the previous sentence is chock full of sarcasm.] 

This evening friends came over and we played a few games, Christy and Rob brought their two year old son and their daughter who is only five weeks younger than you. We sat you and her together between the living room and dining room. All was well for a second until you slapped her across the face. 

There was no malice or ill intent, it looked like you were trying to reach for her but didn't quite have the control you desire. We're going to work on manners. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Today Ava was a Bar Fly

As I said yesterday, we're not perfect parents, but we're not dumb. 

Tim was laid to rest this morning and there was a reception at the Hall of Fame following the services. 

I'll have a virgin milk, draft. Please.
Your mom brought you to the HOF near the end of the day and we introduced you to the three-year-old daughter of on of my other co-workers. A few baby kisses later I think you made a new friend. 

Your mom hung out with your Aunt Jenna and Aunt Kay in their office area while I finished up work. It was decided that all of us at the HOF would go to one of Tim's favorite local hangouts - John's Bar - to honor how he was touched all of our lives. 

We decided we would go along. When asked what we were going to do with you, e responded "Bring her along!" 

We've never shyed away from bringing you anywhere, which is why I feel you're so well behaved in public. 

Now, don't get any ideas, you won't be sitting at a bar again anytime soon (at least without proper supervision). I know you'll drink someday but I just hope we have raised you with the proper morals and values to not overdo it or do anything you'll regret as a result. 

Your Aunt Jenna held you most of the night and I brought you home around 7:00 p.m.

Your mom had an important interview that culminated a stressful week for her so you and I came home and gave her a chance to relax and unwind. 

As I type this, she is participating in her favorite evening pastime, lying with you in our bed until you fall asleep. And I'm sure, beyond. You'll probably be in there until I finish this and come in and put you in your crib for the night.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today Ava Stayed Home

But you weren't alone! We're not perfect parents, but we're not dumb. 

Why crawl when you can stand?
We had to attend the calling hours of a co-worker and friend who lost a courageous battle with cancer earlier in the week. I wish you could have gotten know him, I'm sure he would have loved you like he did his own granddaughters. I have many stories from my decade plus of working with him. He will not be forgotten.Your uncles and I and your mom - Feather Henner - will have to share them with you sometime.

We arranged for a sitter, Tracy, who has known you since you were born. She took great care of you and enjoyed playing with you while we were away.

This was the first time that we've left you with a sitter other than Marissa - your daily sitter - or family. 

I wasn't worried about the sitter, Tracy is a great person and genuinely enjoys being around you. What I was concerned about was whether or not you would behave. As always, you didn't disappoint she promised us you were good and that it was a piece of cake. 

Or as we like to say, easy as gravy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today Ava was Full of Energy

Unfortunately I was not.

We had a full Daddy/Daughter day as your babysitter was unable to watch you and your mom had to work. 

A happy little Gravy.
I was looking forward to this day all week, that is, until I woke up this morning.

I had a nasty cold, sinuses if I had to guess. So I wasn't much fun on our day together.

You were your typical busy self, but I was unable to keep up. 

My physical state doesn't mean we didn't have some fun though. Your mom has told me of your "shouting matches" in the morning when I'm gone. Today was the first time you tested my abilites. 

You began these short little shouts, not out of anger, or annoyance but as a game. 

When I picked up on what you were doing I began to mimic you. You knew what I was doing and would laugh at my attempts to sound like you then shout again, in a different tone. 

We played like this for a few minutes until you grew bored with me then went about playing with your other toys. 

I can't get over how much more aware of your surroundings you are and how your actions are intentional rather than reactions. 

Keep wrinkling that brain little one!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Today Ava was Infectious

I gotta tell ya, Gravy, your smile is infectious.

This is from breakfast a few days ago but exemplifies
that cheeky smile!
I know I've told you before that you make our stress go away and I feel that a lot of that lies within your smile. 

After work I picked you up and put you on my shoulders and we went around the island from the kitchen to the dining room through the living room and back again. Every so often we'd spin and go in the opposite direction. 

You were so happy doing this, beating on my bald head like a drum and slobbering all over the place.

When I passed the mirror I looked up at you and your chubby cheeks were stretched to the max with an ear to ear grin. 

I can't get enough of that cute smile.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Today Ava played WITH me

Sure, we play together all the time.

Side note: Aunt Beth dropped off your
Baptismal dress this afternoon.
The "creativity corner" your mom established in the basement has been our go-to area. We'll put all of your toys in front of you and let you go to town. If that doesn't hold your attention we have a few toys upstairs for you to play with as well. You really enjoy your walker now that you can maneuver it well. 

Today I got home a little late from work and as I walked up the stairs your mom was feeding you. You crushed the entire 4 oz. bottle. That's my girl! 

Following dinner I was holding you and you were chewing on a pacifier. You took it out of your mouth, hit me on the head a few times with it, smiled and went back to chewing on it. 

When I laughed with you about it and told you "I don't want that. It's for you to chew on!" you you smiled at me and hit me on the head again. We did this three or four times. 

I quickly realized you were playing a game with me. You knew what you were doing all along. Suddenly it dawned on me that what you were doing was an intentional action rather than a simple reaction. 

I love seeing this development in you. 

Keep it up Gravy!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today Ava Crawled

It isn't your primary source of locomotion, you still use your mom and I to get around, but we've been working on crawling for some time now. 

Learning to crawl is exhausting!
Each morning I set you down in the living room and try to get you to crawl to me. You want to, you really do. You'll usually psych yourself up by clapping for a second or two then you lean over onto all fours. 

The amount of concentration on your face shows us you really want to get this. I think you evven get frustrated with yourself when you fail. That's my girl, don't give up!

You simply lack the coordination right now to put it all together. 

You'll get your hands out, then not move your legs. Or, you'll get your legs going but your arms are like statues moored to the ground.

It's okay though, I'm a firm believer that repetition is key.

Today, after a few tries, you got it all together for a "step" or two. 

We use one of your favorite toys - the blue octopus - as bait. You've loved this toy since the first time we showed it to you at Target. So much so in fact that the one you currently have is your second one. We left your first one in a hotel room in Michigan on a basketball trip. Oops.

This morning I took numerous cell phone videos in hopes of capturing your first valid crawl. I think I got it. 

Baby gates in no time.

Have a look:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Today Ava was Sassy

Well little lady, we're going to have to nip this one in the bud right now.

This photo has no correlation to the post whatsoever.
We bought you an Easter dress today so of course you
tried it on. Cute, right?
Later in the afternoon you and your mom were playing in the living room. You sitting just below the television and mom beside you. Somehow or another an instruction booklet made its way into your toy baskets. 

We have two rectangular wicker baskets that sit on the bottom shelf of the TV stand. Over time they have become your upstairs "toy boxes" for your smaller things. You reached in and pulled out a booklet and put it straight into your mouth. 

You're  a slobber monster so it didn't take long for the the paper to become soggy and began to disintegrate in your mouth. I asked your mom to take it out of your hands. And that's when you showed us some attitude.

You have a strong grip, you weren't about to let go. When your mom was finally able to wrest it from your clutches you showed sass like I've never seen before. 

I mean, you've gotten angry when we've taken things from you, but this time you meant it. You looked at your mom and screamed at her at the top of your lungs. The tone of your scream was different than what we've witnessed before. It showed that your gaining an understanding of the things around you. 

Just know that it may fly at this age, but not for long. We will raise you to be a respectful young lady. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Today Ava was Tough

Not too much to report from today, really. Your mom went to Columbus for the girls state tournament so I picked you up from Marissa's. 

You were your usual happy self then we came home, got you fed and it was out the door again. We met Keith and his mom at El Camp's for dinner. 

Following dinner Keith came back to the house to hang out. I gave you a quick bath and you came out to the living room to chill. 

One funny thing did occur, Keith was sitting on the floor against the sofa and was playing with you  standing up against his chest. He had his arms around your waist and you bent over and face planted in front of him.

I picked you up figured you might be stunned and start crying. When I picked you up, you turned around, looked at Keith, tuck your tongue out and started smiling at him. All is well.

Your tough like your dad, not much phases you!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today Ava was Dressed By Dad

By now it's well known that my ability to dress you isn't top notch. Your mom will look at the outfit I've put you in, lovingly tell me it doesn't match, then scoop you up and put you into something that does.

Well, this morning I went for broke and took it upon myself to dress you. After getting you changed and clothed, we walked down the hall towards the living room. To be honest, I was quite proud of my accomplishment. In my eyes, everything matched and you looked cute. 

Loving the ornery look!
I did a good job on this outfit, right?
Let's backtrack a touch. When we first found out we were having a girl, I was scared to death to pick out your clothes. You're void of Aunt's on my side so girl clothes are new to me. 

There was one time when your mom had a recruiting trip to Toledo and while she was doing her thing, I took the car and went to nearby Franklin Park Mall - sidebar to my back story: I used to work at the JCPenney in this mall during my college years. I went into an Old Navy to pick out clothes for you. Well, I went in coaching myself up, saying to myself "You can do this!" over and over again. Probably looked humerus to anyone within earshot - Yes, I was uttering these words aloud. I went in, picked some things out - if memory serves, it was a yellow skirt, white skirt, and a top - and eventually, uncertain of my choices, returned them all about 10 minutes later. It was my first attempt to pick out girl clothes on my own. Unnerving!

Back to the story at hand - when we got within sight of your mom she looked at you and said "A+." Other than recess or study hall, that's the highest marks I've ever received! 

And, since I dressed you, we knew it wouldn't long before the outfit came off. You have a penchant for ruining the clothes I put you in. Today was no different. When I got home from work, you were in a sleeper. 

Like your mom, you must not agree with my style and you have your own way of shedding my choice of outfit.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Today Ava Snuck Up On Me

You can't "walk" without assistance or even crawl for that matter. So how can you sneak up on me? In the kitchen with your walker of course. 

Your mom's back has been bothering her for a few days so I told her I'd watch you for a bit while she laid down on the couch with a heating pad. 

I put you in your walker and began to wash a few dishes. After a minute or so my mind began to drift and it wasn't long until I felt a little tug at the leg of my jeans. 

Slightly startled (don't judge it was jolt back to reality) I looked down to see your arms outstretched from the walker grabbing my leg. 

You must have thought I forgot about you. It was almost as if you were saying "Hey, I'm down here, pay attention. The dishes'll be there when I'm asleep. Let's go play!" 

So play we did!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Today Ava Was Precious

Tonight I witnessed one of the most precious moments of your young life.

We had some errands to run, getting a birthday gift for Marissa's daughter Liv, grabbing a quick (cheap) bite to eat and capped by a grocery run before Aldi closed. We accomplished all of this and still managed to make it home home by 8:30 p.m.

Don't make me do this, mom.
I began to put the groceries away and your mom started to run a bath for you. It wasn't long and I heard some quiet laughter above the running water and your mom called me into the bathroom. 

I walked in to you standing there giving your mom a giant hug. 

She would try to pull you away to get you into the tub, but you would grip her hoody and pull yourself back into her arms. This happened four or five times in what I can only assume was a combination of being tired and a genuine desire for your mom to save you from the impending dip in the tub.

Naturally, I reached for my phone and began to snap a few quick images. From which, came the gem you see here.

You are too much sometimes. I love it and am so blessed to be your father.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Today Ava Let Us Sleep

There's nothing funny or witty about this post. Just a simple "Thank You" for sleeping through the night and letting your mom and I get some much needed rest. 

It's going to be a very trying time over the next few weeks and we'll need to be rested and ready to go. 

The time change helped us out last night as you slept in to nearly 8:00 a.m., a full hour (ironic isn't it?) past your normal time. 

It allowed me to go to the gym and come home get ready for the day. Now, when you read this for the first time, don't take it the wrong way, I love spending my morning's with you. I yearn to hang out, to play, to teach you things every possible moment I can. We just needed a full night's sleep and you gave it to us at the right time. 

It's so much fun to go in the room and get you when you awaken on your own terms.  Since you sleep on your front, you'll lift your head, look around and when you spot me, you grin from ear to ear an your little legs go nowhere at a mile a minute. I'll then lift you up and let you stand against the rail, you continue smiling, stick out your tongue and look around, excitedly breathing and giggling. 

Here's to a great day!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Today Ava Had Her First Dress Fitting

This morning we met with Father Nick at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church in Shelby regarding your upcoming Baptism. I won't mention how you farted in my arms for all to hear during the meeting or how you spit up on the floor as we were getting ready to leave. Wonderful first impressions.

Your Great Aunt Beth called me earlier in the afternoon and wanted to stop over. She's creating your Baptismal dress and wanted to swing by for a fitting. 

Of course we wanted her to come over. Growing up with brothers, I never would have imagined myself scheduling a dress fitting. But to be honest, it was exciting. 

Aunt Beth arrived around 5:45 and we got to work. We had you outside on the deck for a few minutes so you were in a good mood when she got to the house. 

The fitting went well and we're looking forward to your Baptism!

The one verb I overuse to describe you is adorable, and this afternoon, you forced me to use it again. You looked adorable. 

I can't help myself but to think this is the first of two times I'll see you in a white dress. 

The next time, I'll be walking you down the aisle.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Today Ava Went Swinging

Your might need a personal assistant as you had quite the full schedule today. 

We finished your seven month photo shoot (last night you were a little crabby so we had to postpone), we went out to Shelby for the weekend, and you hung out with the guys for the night. 

Prior to guys night out
With Ava,you took Great
Grandpa for a walk around
the house.
Before I get into what I want you to learn about from today, a funny thing happened this evening. For Christmas your Grandpa Fenner bought your mom, Aunts and Grandma Bon Jovi concert tickets (no need to ask who he is, I'm sure the band will still be playing into your 20s). Well the concert was tonight so you, your Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Aunt Casey's boyfriend Brian, and I went to B-Dub's for dinner and as we got seated out waitress comes to the table and the first words out of her mouth were  "Four dudes and a baby, huh?" 

Loving it!
Typed words don't do the statement justice, just the way she said it had us all cracking up. And not to mention the nasty diaper I had to change in the passenger seat of our mom's Corolla because the men's room didn't have changing tables (embarrassed yet?).

Back to the point of this post - part of your full slate for the day called for a trip to the park. It was a Spring-like day in the mid 50s. We are yearning for the weather to break so we can get you outside. We all went over to the Playscape at Setzer Park acros from your Grandparents house. When we got you on the swing you had a great time. 

Your smile and overall giddiness has me even more ready for nice weather. We won't be inside much.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Today Ava Went to Work

Your mom has been on spring break all week so you have not been going to Marissa's. Well, we got a bit of bad news on Thursday, and a meeting came up on Friday. The details are not necessary here. 

Your mom had a meeting with the AD this afternoon and since you hadn't been at the sitter's I brought you back to work with me for a little bit.

You are so well behaved in public. We are so blessed with that. 

Anyway, you were asleep in the car seat in our bedroom when I got home and you napped until just before we were on our way out the door. 

I never thought to change you and had to get back to work anyway.  What a mistake that was. 

As soon as I got back to the office I started to take your purple suit off. It wasn't long before I realized something wasn't right. You had messed your diaper and peed all over your outfit. 

Rookie dad mistake for not checking you before we left. 

After a quick change you were passed around the office to my boss and coworkers. You are a hit no matter where we take you. Don't get a big head now. 

After things died down, we sat in my workstation and you were on my lap. I have a dual-monitor setup and I must admit, after nearly ten years of working at the Hall of Fame, I had a first. Working on the left monitor and streaming on of your favorite cartoons - Sophia the First - on the other. 

We had a good time and a short bit later, your mom came and took you to see "Aunt" Kay for a biit then you went home. 

It would have been preferable for the circumstances to be different but I really enjoyed having you in the office for a bit today. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today Ava Played with the Cats

I've been wanting to tell you about your pets for some time now and today gave me the opportunity to tell you about them.

We have had two cats for a number of years and thought they weren't too fond of you when we brought you home from the hospital, they have now become your guardians of sorts. 

They'll lay with you on the couch or in our bed, they'll come to you and make sure you're okay, and they generally just don't run away when you start crying anymore. 

Let me give you a bit of background. We took Cookie (or Monster as you've probably gotten to know her as) in first - well i did. She was a stray that I took in shortly after I moved out and was on my own. See I had a few years before I met your mother at this point.

She showed up at the Hall of Fame and greeted all of us as we walked in the door that day. When the doors opened to the public, the cat followed. She could be seen greeting customers as they came to the building. This was April of 2005. 

We always had cats growing up and I told our security that if she was still around at 5:00 p.m. I would take her home and try to find her owner. Well, closing time came and went and she was no longer around. I figured she was gone. 

Around 8:00 p.m. that evening I received a phone call from our maintenance man, Tim Triner, who was contacted by the cleaning crew who heard about the animal and that I would take it in. How they found out, I don't know to this day. I chalk it up to fate. 

I hurried over the the Hall of Fame in the pouring rain and accepted the soaking wet animal. We never found the owner, and the rest they say, is history. 

Your mom may disagree, but she has the sweetest demeanor and is the best animal I've ever had. 

I've got many more stories about her that I'm sure as you get older we'll tell you about. 

Your other pet, McGee, is a mix of tiger and minx. He's a hefty fellow with quite the personality.

Your mom and I took him in when we found him in a parking lot following a wedding reception on Valentine's Day 2007. 

We were just about to leave when we saw him dart underneath a car. An older couple was getting into the vehicle and we coaxed the cat out from underneath fearing that if we didn't he would be run over. 

We couldn't just leave him there. We're suckers. So we asked the people that were outside smoking if he belonged to any of them. After being assured that he didn't and that he had been hanging around all night, we decided to bring him home and see if we could find the owner. 

We placed an add on Craigslist and with no claims to ownership, we scheduled an apointment with Doc Hickman to have him declawed and neutered. He was staying with us. 

One interesting story that did come from the online ad was that someone recognized him as one half of a pair that they had given away. The couple that took him and his sister only wanted his sister but they insisted the two go as a pair. The only logical conclusion was that he was dumped and they kept his sister. We asssured this person that he was in good hands. 

He's been with us ever since.

You now know the backstory to how your two friends came to be with us. 

A few weeks ago I downloaded a game for the cats on the iPad and they loved it. Last night, I placed the iPad on the floor and let Cookie play. 

You happened to be right beside the iPad and the game caught your attention as well. I found out that your reaction time is quicker than Cookies. I say it's your youth compared to her age that gave you the benefit. 

Have a look:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Today Ava Liked the Simple Things in Life

It's no secret that I have a problem when it comes to buying you toys. Every time we go to the store you and I make our way over to the toy aisle and you come home with something. 

To my defense, I don't just purchase toys simply to keep you entertained. I make what I think are wise decisions in which I buy toys that not only hold your attention but are also educational. I want you to stay ahead of the curve and be smarter than I am or ever was. It's my fatherly duty to make sure you're better off than we were, right? 

Yesterday, mom came down the hall from your nursery and into the kitchen with a diaper box in tow. On it's way to recycling it was void of diapers but full of Gravy. You loved it. And once she got to the kitchen she stopped and you just sat in it and played with the cardboard flaps for about ten minutes.

Today you got a "new" toy made of old things and it is genius. You can thank your mom, it was her idea. 

You like things that make noise and an empty water bottle can be just that, noisy. You also like them because chewing on the rigid cap helps with teething. At least that's my speculation. Maybe when you can talk you can answer that for me.

Mom took an empty water bottle that you had been playing with and added some more noise. Rice and elbow macaroni to be exact. 

Now, you have your very own maraca. 

So much for buying toys. I think we're just going to give you recyclables to play with from here on out. Maybe I'll write some math problems and historical facts on them to make them educational. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today Ava Ran Laps

Your expanding your reach, that's for sure. Getting very close to being mobile without needing your mom or I to get you from point A to B or use of our fingers for balance.

We've discussed baby gates, we talked about how close you are to crawling, heck, we've even conversed about how you'll probably skip crawling and go straight to walking. 

Today, though, I want to remember the laps you ran. 

Okay, so you didn't run in the literal sense of the term, but you took a number of laps around the island that divides the living room from the kitchen and dining room.Your mom offered her fingers for balance you off you went. 

Smiles and giggles the whole time. It's incredible how infectious your chubby-cheeked smile is. It melts the stress of the day when we see it. 

You're really getting the hang of "walking" and before long you won't need us to get around. As much as we would love for you to stay little we know you have to grow and learn.  We don't want to hold you back at anything. Ever. 

No matter how big you get, you'll always be "Daddy's little girl."

Monday, March 4, 2013

Today Ava Showed Us Her Tooth

Since it broke the surface a few days ago, you've been pretty persistent in your unwillingness to show us your tooth. 

We can sometimes force our finger across your gums and feel it, but rarely are you willing to let us see it. We may catch a glimpse when you smile or laugh, but that's about it.

Today, your mom went rogue and instead of trying to see it while you were awake, she waited until you took a nap - a long one I might add, 2.5 hours. 

Without further adieu,  here's the first public viewing of your tooth. 

Have a look at that pearly white!