Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today Ava Napped Through the Party

Maybe we kept you out too late last night? Or, helping make sure the dessert for Aunt Beth's Labor Day get together was exhausting. 

Either way, you fell asleep right as we rounded the corner to her house. 

Mom and I were surprised when you continued to sleep right through lunch and part way through the game we played afterwards. 

Slowly - try 40 minutes slow - you began to wake up. By the time we needed to leave, you were back to your normal self. 

We involved you as much as we could in the games by passing out and collecting the cards. It made you feel important. 

Things began to die down so we made our exit and ran through Target for a few items we needed before going home. 

Maybe we won't bore you so much at the next family gathering.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Today Ava Came Out of Her Shell

Maybe all it takes is a proper nap and ample time to wake up? 

Earlier this summer we enjoyed a cookout with friends where you seemed to be a bit of a loner. Wanting to do your own thing rather than play with the other kids. Nothing wrong with that at all. 

Tonight, though, was a different story. 

From the moment we arrived to the time we left, you played with the other kids.

You joined Keelie and the other kids in her room playing, you joined them outside on the swing set and in the playhouse and even ran around the yard. 

Mom and I were very happy to see you come out of your shell and join the other kids.

Judging by the pic above, you've already learned an important life lesson - the fastest way between two points is a straight line. Why bother wasting time going to the ladder when you can just turn right around and climb back up? 

Efficient, saves time, and therefore allows for more slides.

Once the sun went down it was time to enjoy the bonfire. 

After a long afternoon of playing and sitting by the fire we thought you'd crash hard on the way home. We feared this because we didn't bring PJs and ran out of pullups earlier in the evening. 

Luckily for us, you had your singing Mickey. Over and over we heard nursery rhymes and lullabies. Even with your head down and eyes seemingly closed, you had your wits about you enough to keep pressing that button. 

As much as we wanted to drown out the tunes with the radio, we listened. The whole way home. You stayed awake long enough to get you home and changed. It wasn't long after that that you were out for the night. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Today Ava Went to the Fair

"I no have to!" was the answer we got tonight when we asked you if you wanted to go to the Stark County Fair and see the animals.

We knew you didn't know what you were saying and that you'd be excited once we got there.

Traffic really wasn't all that terrible, we waited in a line of cars for about 10 - 15 minutes before getting parked and making our way to the gate.

Stay young, kid. You're still free for most things and it only cost mom and I $6.00 each to get in.

We were staring directly at the dairy barn from the gate we entered and walked up to the cattle.

Mom and I began to pet the gentle beasts on the head while trying to encourage you to do the same.

"I no have to."

Moving on.

We saw bunnies, horses, and even bees.

Then, you spotted the pony rides.

"Ava, do you want to ride the horses?" Mom asked,

an enthusiastic "okay!" was our response.

I won't lie to you, mom and I thought this was going to be $5.00 wasted. We figured as soon as you entered the riding area you'd freeze up and refuse to get on the horse.

We were actually surprised when you eagerly sat on the horse and cheesed it up for mom when you and I went around the circle.

I felt bad for the horses, honestly. Doesn't seem like much of a living, but we got our five bucks worth out of the ride. It lasted for what seemed like 10 minutes.

Like the merry-go-round at the Akron Zoo, you asked to ride again. We convinced you that there was more to see and that maybe we'd come back to it.

As we walked towards the other end of the fairgrounds - where the rides and food vendors were - that's when you spotted it.

"I see Ferris Wheel."

Say what? When did you learn what a Ferris Wheel is? Mom and I both looked at each other inquisitively. Did she just say that?

 Yep. You sure did.

The only other time you would have ever seen a Ferris Wheel would have been a few months ago, back in May, at the Hall of Fame's Fan Fest.

We watched it for a few minutes before stopping to get a funnel cake. You see, there are certain staples of festivals and fairs and the funnel cake is one. They go hand-in-hand.

Once you were all sugared up, it was off to see more animals. 

We had trouble finding the pork barn on the initial pass but luckily we found it before heading back to the car. 

Once through the barn you wanted to go through again. I found this odd since you didn't want to get a close look at the hogs. 

After our second pass we stopped for a final look at the cattle and made our way to the car. 

For not wanting to go to the fair or see the animals, I think you had a good time. 

I have to share the following story as well. 

We have a little game we play called "corn on the cob" where mom or me will tickle your sides while pretending you're an ear of corn. 

You giggle and laugh uncontrollably. 

We used to think it was torture, but as you can see, you keep asking for more.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today Ava Opened A Door For the First Time.

I knew someday this would be upon us, and now it's here. Today you turned the knob successfully for the first time ever. 

But first, a morning selfie. 

Bear with me as I share a quick story before sharing how you gained one more step of independence.

I came home from work this afternoon to find a package by the mail box. It was addressed to you from Aunt Suz and Uncle Kris. 

When mom got home she opened it up. I didn't think anything of it until i heard "I'm going to kill BOTH of your brothers!" 

I turned around to hear - and then see - a pair of bright red maracas emerge from the box. 

You grabbed them and went to town. 

Your Uncle Joe is notorious for the noisy gifts and I never would have expected this from your Uncle Kris. 

He seemed to have a lapse in judgement as your cousin Adelynne will celebrate her first birthday next month. It's on. 

Okay, moving on to the task at hand. 

We were in the kitchen, probably discussing dinner, when mom and I both turned around to find you in the pantry. Simultaneously we  did a double-take and looked at each other. 

"Did you let her in there? " I asked mom

"No, did you?" she replied. 


We shut the door and let you stand in front of it to see what would happen. 

Here is the result: 

You don't quite have the grasping and pulling down yet, but you've got the concept and it worked. 

Looks like I'll be locking the bathroom door from now. 

Opening doors is your feat of the day. Maybe sometime soon I'll be writing about how well mannered you are a the dinner table. 

Until then, we have this: 

Yeah, there's some work to do here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Today Ava Went to the Farmer's Market

We haven't made it to the Farmer's Market this summer as often as I had hoped. I like to get out and support the local growers - and it tastes better than the processed store-bought stuff.

On my way home from work tonight it dawned on m that it's Wednesday - the day of the Gervasi Vineyard Farmer's Market.

See, there's two main markets in the summer, Gervasi on Wednesday evenings and the Canton Farmer's Market downtown on Saturday Mornings. If memory serves, we've only made it downtown once and this might be just our second time at Gervasi this summer.

We looked at local honey, fresh veggies and breads, chocolates and more while strolling through the market.

Judging by the amount of chocolate around your mouth, I'm not sure how much actually got in your mouth. But, you seemed to like the taste.

We settled on a fresh loaf of cinnamon raisin bread from the vendor that offered you the brownie and some red skin potatoes from an Amish farmer.

We can't go to Gervasi without grabbing a sandwich on the Piazza. Mom and I love eating. If we're ever to relocate, it's one of the places I'll miss the most.

We expected a wait - it's nearly impossible to get seated right away here - and we were right. So we headed to the corn hole boards so you could toss a few bags.

A few minutes later and our table was ready. 

I think it's your age, but you're no longer content sitting in "Ava's chair" a.k.a the high chair. 

You either insist on sitting on my lap when we eat or in your own chair. Often times, even getting you to sit is difficult. 

The latter was the case tonight. You made circles around our table as we waited for our food and again as mom and I ate. Your dinner of potato chips from our plates couldn't have been filling ... 

Following our dinner we walked around to see the "white ducks" before heading home. 

You excitedly ran towards them but we couldn't let you get too close. The daddy swan is highly protective of his chicks and mamma swan. 

He kept a close eye on you as you got increasingly closer. 

We stopped you at a reasonable distance so you could see them safely. 

You waved goodbye and we headed for home. 

Some, quicker than others. 

You were off to the races, track star. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today Ava Tried Board Games

At times we can fall into a bit of a routine - come home from work, make dinner, walk to the park or jump on your blue trampoline, watch sports then go to bed. 

Mom was in the mood to get away from the routine and change things up a bit. 

Behind the couch we have a handful of board games that we used to play frequently. Being the natural competitors than we are - mom and I would frequently challenge each other to games, most often Scrabble or Yahtzee. These contests faded out once you were born. No fault of yours, just the direction life took us with a new baby in the house. 

She thought we'd try and play a board game as a family for the first time tonight. The thought was there but the focus on your part was absent. 

The evening began with a rousing game of Sorry! which we made it through two turns each before your interest was lost and you just wanted to arrange the game pieces on the board by color. 

Next, mom brought out a Fenner family favorite - Yahtzee. Obviously you won't be keeping score, and there's a lot of math involved so I probably shouldn't be either, but you could at least shake up the dice and toss them into the box.

The "action" kept you interested in this game a little longer but by the time we got to the end of the round you were pretty well over it. 

It's a bit embarrassing but I must admit that I only beat you by one point.Yahtzee isn't my game. Neither is Scrabble, or anything else really, when you're mom is involved. She always wins.

But hey, a W is a W no matter how close the score.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Today Ava was a Daredevil on the Swings

Swinging is one of your favorite pastimes. If only we had the room for one in our backyard... 

Someday before your too old to enjoy them anymore, we will. I promise you that.

Mom asked if you wanted to go for a ride on your bicycle. Did she really need to? You excitedly repeated "I ride bicycle!" 

On the bike you went and we pedaled down to the park. 

After parking the bike, you headed right for the swings and asked for a lift. 

In a good mood tonight you decided to live on the wild side in the swings and lean your head back. 

From one angle it looked as though you would fall right out. But not to worry, we had everything under control. 

I'll tell you what, I hope this lack of fear remains with you, to an extent, because it will take you places, both athletically and personally. 

As you can see, the sun was quickly sinking below the horizon which meant it was time to head home for the evening.  

I tossed you up onto my shoulders for the walk home and you had a little orneryness coursing through your veins. 

This look says it all: 


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Today Ava Has Entered The Terrible Twos?

Our days are becoming increasingly filled with "I no have to!" and "I no want to!"

Have you entered the dreaded "terrible twos?" 

Hopefully not, maybe today's problems were due to a nap cut short.

The day started off wonderfully. Like washing the car yesterday, you wanted nothing more than to help us tear out the bush in the front corner of the yard. It was your job to throw each cut up piece into a trash bag. 

The bush wasn't unsightly but it was blocking our view of oncoming traffic as we back out of the driveway. Mom and I have had enough of crane-necking around it to see. Trimming it wasn't doing the trick anymore.

Mom has wanted it gone for a few weeks now and we finally had a few minutes to get the job done before Church this morning.

Mom was busy hacking away at the branches while you put the pieces in the bag and I worked on ripping up the stump. After the stump was free of the Earth I took over for mom and she held the bag while you continued to fill it. 

Once, while trying to trim a long branch I accidenttly swiped a leaf across your face to which you looked at mom and said "Daddy hurt me!" Mom and I couldn't help but crack up at this.

Luckily it was 8:30 or so in the morning and in our front yard rather than at a store

With the bush transferred from our yard to three large trash bags it was time to get cleaned up and ready for Church. 

This is where things started to go downhill. 

"I no want a tubby!" 

Sorry kid, against your wishes you got one.

Mom and I thought you might pass out at Church - which would have been fine with us since we have Laney's party at 2:00 p.m. which is close to your normal nap time.

It's hard enough to keep you content for an hour n public let alone in the confines of a narrow Church pew. 

You caught a second wind and were a handful for the Mass. 

"Lemme down!" you cried as you folded yourself in half while reaching for the ground. 

At one point I had to apologize to the lady in front of us because you grabbed her foot as she was kneeling. 

Thankfully I feel that most people at Church are understanding of toddlers and kids and don't get upset. The lady cracked a smile as I said "we're sorry." 

 When mom is home with you during the week she has fun and teaches you things that might be out of the ordinary for two-year-old. One of those things surfaced this morning. I was holding you and shortly after giving the peace offering to those around us, you reached your hand out over my shoulder to the gentleman behind us and not so quietly said "nice to meet you" as you shook his hand. 

You repeated the gesture with the lady beside him and would have continued if more people were within reach. Those around us got a good laugh out of it. 

Mom explained to me later that's one of the quirky things she's taught you. I had never seen it before. 

"Daddy, all done?" you asked as Church was minutes from letting out. "Almost honey. Hang tight for a few more minutes." 

You fell asleep as we neared our house and had a good hour and a half nap before we needed to head to Marissa's for Laney's party. 

We were hesitant to wake you early because we all know how you can be if woken up before you're ready. 

Such was the case this afternoon. 

You were fixed on the swing in Marissa's back yard. You'd probably still be there if we didn't force you out. 

You had been in the swing for ten minutes or so when Liv came up and asked to swing. You had been in long enough and to try and teach a lesson on taking turns and sharing I lifted you from the swing. 

Cue the screams and water works. 

We had to take a walk around to the front of the house to calm you down. 

I chalk it up to being tired, really, and soon you were back to your normal self, running and playing with the kids. 

So, maybe it's not so much "terrible two's" as it is a short nap. 

We'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Today Ava Got Sudsy

Someday the chores won't be fun and it'll be a struggle to get you to do them. Until that time I'll relish the fact that you want nothing more than to help us out around the house. 

Mom was barely out of bed when I went downstairs to wash the Mazda. It needed it. It hasn't been cleaned for weeks and we crisscrossed Ohio in it last weekend. 

A few minutes in and I turned around to see you and mom coming out of the garage. 

You headed right for the soap bucket. 

No hesitation whatsoever to get your feet wet and hands sudsy.

A few times I looked over to find you dipping your arms, elbows deep, into the bucket and asking mom to spray them off. 

It may have taken me longer than anticipated to wash the car but I savored every second of it.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Today Ava Went Bowling for the First Time

I was working late tonight when I got a text from mom "How about bowling tonight?" 

That sounded like a great idea to me. Something different and something both of us felt you'd enjoy. 

When I finally got home we ate a quick dinner, called around to find a sot with open bowling and toddler-friendly ways to bowl, and we were out the door. 

Initially you refused when we asked you if you want to go bowling "I no want to!"

But, you say that to a lot of things and rarely do you mean it. 

We got a lane with bumpers (which would prove useful to mom and me too) and a ramp for you to push your ball down. 

Though you didn't get any strikes, you really had fun. 

Once the ball was released, you'd stand at the ramp and watch until it struck the pins. 

You insisted on taking the ball from the return to the ramp by yourself. Call me a helicopter parent if you will but I was concerned that you'd drop the little six-pounder on your foot and kept a hand under the ball just in case. It ended up helping out because the ramp was just a tad too high for you to lift the ball up so you could roll it. 



When it wasn't your turn, you observed mom to pick up some pointers. 

That is, until you discovered the "blow dryer." 

Strike a pose to end the game. 

If I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoyed yourself. 

Now keep in mind all of the above was during the first game. The second game, you lost interest and ate your goldfish and counted everything in sight. 

I'm glad I didn't talk mom into paying for a third game like I had hoped to.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Today Ava Was Defiant

For all of the good days we have, there'll be days like today. I get that. 

As long as the good far exceed the bad, I'm cool with it.

You didn't want to cooperate with anything we asked or told you to do today. 

What sticks out on my mind most notably from the evening is when we were downstairs - mom was going through some of your old clothes to see what baby sister can wear while you and I played. 

Seemed like a good deal to me. 

You had your tea set and would pour me a cup and yourself a cup then every few minutes offer some to mom. 

After a little while you had an accident and it was time to go upstairs. I asked you to put down your tea pot so we could go clean you up. 

You stopped in your tracks, looked at me and said no. I asked again, giving you the opportunity to correct the wrong but again you refused. 

Suddenly the tea pot went flying across the basement. That's not how we treat our toys or anything else. I told you to pick it up, again you refused, so I marched you over to it and told you to place it gently on your table. 

You cried the whole time, but you did it. You then ran to mom to be consoled.

We don't get a kick out of disciplining you, nor do we do it to purposefully upset you. We discipline you to teach lessons, manners, and respect. 

Call us old school, but there's far to little of that in the world today.

Mom and I were raised with excellent values and we are doing our best to raise you the same - and soon-to-be baby sister the same.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today Ava Smelled Like Flowers

I must give a little back story before getting into today's entry. 

When you were first born I used to jokingly call you "Ava Hairy Bottom" or just say "Ava has a hairy butt" when I would change your diaper. Had I not just typed that sentence, you may have never known. Well, you can rest assured that mom came to your defense each time and used to tell me every time "She doesn't have a hairy butt!" or something along that line.

It was just one of those silly things I did - a la "white dippy do" - for fun. It helped ease the pain of changing a nasty diaper. 

Well, over time that evolved into "Ava Stinky Bottom." Eventually the two were forgotten, that is, until being resurrected sometime during the last few days.

Now that you can somewhat defend yourself, you'll tell me "I no Ava Stinky Bottom!" 

"I Ava Michelle Waechter!" 

Mom, again has come to your aid and taught you to say "I smell like flowers!" 

This whole scenario played out comically tonight and luckily mom had the wherewithal to record the exchange. 


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today Ava Auditioned For the Role of The Joker

There's time when you'll actually tear yourself away from Mickey or Einsteins in the morning and help mom get ready for work. 

And by help I mean attach yourself to her hip and go wherever she goes and do whatever she does. 

Right down to the makeup. 

We recently saw you dabble in the world of a makeup artist with mom and Aunt Holly over the weekend and sometimes you'll experiment with new looks on yourself.

Today, you took it to a whole new extreme. 

I nearly choked on my coffee when my phone vibrated at my desk and I saw the following photo come through. 

Mom told me that you were so proud of yourself and asked to have your picture taken. 

This is just too good.

I found out later that it was a series of photos. You started out with the lipstick - an old tube we used for photos at your first Valentine's Day

Ahhh .... much better!

The lipstick was just the beginning. Ete makeup was next.

Here's the coup de grĂ¢ce: 

Does it get any better than this?!?

As if the makeup wasn't enough to make you feel like an adult, we needed to pick up our family portraits at JCP after work and then head to Fishers Foods for a few dinner ingredients. 

You've always wanted to have a part in whatever mom and I are doing, whether it's getting ready for the day - reference above - or even chores. We're thankful for that, trust us, we are. This desire to help has evolved into now trying to push the cart at the grocery store, which once it gets loaded canbe quit heavy. 

This evening at Fisher's mom spotted Ava-sized carts as we walked in. I've never before seen such small carts. Perfect for toddlers who want to help and even come complete with a flag that reads "Shopper in training." 

We only needed a few items so we opted for the small cart and used it as a "driving lesson" if you will. 

You felt so important. We may just have to shop at Fisher's more often until you're big enough to push the big carts.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Today Ava Was a Mommy's Girl

I jumped in the car as soon as mom pulled in the garage tonight and we went to Aldi for groceries. Most of the time your excited to see me, today I was greeted with "my mommy" when I looked back to your car seat and said hello. 

I said "Yep, that's your mommy. What about your daddy?" 

"My mommy." 

And the tone for the evening was set. 

We grabbed groceries quickly then made our way back home to do some quick cleaning before an old friend of mine came over to watch the Browns. 

Ryan and I go back to college where we were both in the same fraternity. He lives in Columbus now, but his job has brought him to Canton for four days through November. 

He called me this morning and we made plans to catch the game at our house and grab a pizza. 

On the way home from our grocery run mom got a call from Karen and they have a potential new client that wants to see a house. So, mom had to run to work while we watched the game. 

As soon as she left it was cries of "my mommy" for about ten minutes before I could calm you down with Mickey Mouse on TV. 

All was well for a little while. 

Shortly after Ryan arrived the cries for "my mommy" picked back up. 

You calmed down after a bit and tried some pizza with white dippy do for dinner. 

It was more dippy do, less pizza. I can't say as I blame you though. You've had pizza for dinner three straight nights now. 

After mom and Karen wrote an offer for the house they just showed she was home for the night and wouldn't you know it, you ignored her. 

In typical Ava fashion you wanted mom all night long and you wouldn't give her the time of day when she walked in the door. 

Maybe tomorrow you'll show me some love? 

Daddy power!

P.S. The potty training is progressing. three straight trips to Marissa's without an accident but as soon as you got home tonight we had one. 

Although the accident was followed up by three "Daddy I go potty" and sprints to the bathroom, so that was a plus. 

We've theorized that when you have a diaper or pullup on that you feel comfortable enough not to tell us but when we put "unnies" on, you know the difference and will tell us. 

We're a little nervous but I think we're going to try venturing out in public with "unnies" soon. 

Fingers crossed!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Today Ava Drew Smiley's

Following a very humid morning hike we let you toss rocks into the water one final time before checking out of the rooms. 

Time to head back to reality. It was nice to disconnect and get away for a little bit.

But, before making the road trip back to Canton we stopped at Aunt Holly and Uncle Shawn's for lunch. It was a nice break from the drive and good to see Uncle Shawn since he was unable to join us for the weekend due to work obligations.

We got back on the road around 3:30 and before you knew it the two hour drive was over and we were back in our driveway. Vacation over.

As much as you enjoyed yourself this weekend I think you were ready to be home. We didn't even set our bags down before you already had your markers out and were coloring in one of your books. 

At one point you pulled out your sketch pad and I looked down to see you draw your first "smiley." 

I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Admittedly, I had kind of lost focus and was staring blankly at the TV. You were being good and just playing. I guess I should have been watching you!

All summer long you've asked mom and me to draw your smiley's and now we're no longer needed.

You were so proud. And rightfully so!

You're just growing up too quickly! Way too quickly.