Monday, August 4, 2014

Today Ava Wanted to Swing Higher

"She knows she gets to see you after Marissa's" mom texted me early in the day. 

Of all the consecutive days and long hours worked over the past month, toda was the longest of them all. 

I knew I was out the door at five and the clock seemingly moved backwards all day. Finally, I would get to see you awake or more than a few minutes. 

It hit me later like the proverbial ton of bricks - just leave early and surprise her at Marissa's. 

So I did just that. 

I texted your mom to see if she cared if I picked you up then emailed my boss about leaving a half hour early today. 

He promptly called me back and said "Don't wait until 4:30, go now!" 

After finishing a few minor tasks I was out the door. 

I rang Marissa's doorbell and immediately heard the pitte patter of toddler feet running towards the door. 

The door was barely cracked when I heard "My daddy!!!!!" and melted. 


It was a long week but we got through it. I can't thank your mom enough for all she did while I was at the office for 115.5 hours this week.

We need groceries, but that can wait. It's nice out and we're going to enjoy dinner and then the park.

"I need lemonade" you told the waitress over and over as she tried to take our order. 

I guess the water we ordered wasn't good enough. 

Once we paid the tab, down the street we went to Price Park to see the ducks and go for a swing. 

I thought my arms would fall off from pushing before you got out of that swing.

"Swing higher!" you'd chant as I pushed with everything I had. 

There will come times in life where you'll need a hand or some words of encouragement. 

Whenever you need a boost, I'll be there to help you "swing higher!"

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