Sunday, September 27, 2015

Today Ava Wanted a Baby Brother

I don't know why you got out of bed this morning, but your day got better, trust me. 

How we got on the subject tonight fails me, but what I do recall is that the evening was winding down, you were sitting across mom's legs on the couch and I was on the floor with Arlee. 

Mom said "Ava, do you want a baby brother?" 

To which you replied "yeah." 

"You do, you want a baby brother?"

"Yeah, I want you to go buy me a baby brother." 

Mom and I looked at each other and laughed. I'm not so sure that's how it works, but the longer you believe that, the longer I'll keep my sanity!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Today Ava went from student to teacher

Could a career in education be in your future? 

Mom and I were having a bit of a text conversation this morning and she sent me a video of you singing one of your favorite tunes "Alligator, alligator in the swamp. Alligator, alligator chomp chomp chomp" over and over and over again while sitting on the potty. 

I commented on how much you love the song. It's one in which you and mom made up the other day. 

Mom replied "An angry teacher, though." 

Watch this, you'll see what I mean. 

I couldn't help but laugh.

You've inherited a lot of great qualities from your mother and me. Though this one may come back to haunt you someday ... you're father's patience. Or lack there of. 

It's no secret. I'm not patient.

One other point that I'd like to touch on is your separation axiety. 

I commented yesterday on your struggles at dance class and when I walked in the door this afternoon you were cradled in mom's arms on the living room floor crying about going to swim lessons. 

All of our sweet talking was falling on deaf ears. You seemed to come around a little bit as mom and Arlee were in the poor for her lesson, but that all changed when it was time for you to go into the pool area by yourself. 

Mom and AJ went to change and I stayed wth you in the stands until your teacher, Joyce, called the students down. 

You began to sob saying "I'm not ready. I'm not ready dad." 

I tried to explain that it's okay and pointed to the window's to the observation area where mom and I would be watching. 

The tears began to flow as you walked down the step and Joyce took your hand. Thankfully she has a great personality and is very good with the kids. 

I met mom upstairs and told her about the exchange. We both were concerned about how the lesson would go. Last week you were a total dead fish, not participating at all. 

We noticed that today was different. You were engaged, willing to participate. 

When class ended and they paraded the students across the big pool to waiting parents, you were leading the class with a beaming smile on your face. 

Did we have a breakthrough? We'll know next week, but on the drive to grab a bite to eat all you talked about was how much fun you had. Phew!

In a cute moment this evening, you fell asleep with mom and Miggy Migs curled up right beside you. 

A rare moment of peace for the kitty.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Today Ava Struggled at Dance Class

This morning we had a talk and came to an agreement. You would do two thing for me tonight. 

1. Have fun at dance class and 
2. Make friends

Okay, so it wasn't so much an agreement as it was me telling you. But, I felt it was a necessary thing to talk about. 

I know you can be brave, you prove it time and time again, even as early as this morning at Boettler Park climbing the rock wall. 

Being brave is fun!

Our plan was after work mom would meet me in the parking lot at work and I would take Arlee home while you two went to class. 

Last week I tried to work late while mom handled the two of you, but the dance studio isn't conducive for little kids and it was tough for mom to hold AJ the whole time as she just wanted down to explore. 

Based on this video, things weren't going so well for mom at home. 

You were still sobbing in the car when I saw you. You'll be fine kiddo! Forget about us and go have fun! 

We'll always be right around the corner! 

As the class was being lined up hand-in-hand to walk into the room for class, mom said you cried and begged her "Mom, don't leave me. Come with me!"

Talk about breaking mom's heart! 

A co-worker of mine has a daughter that has danced ere for a few years now and she showed mom a little spot where she could peek into the studio. 

Mom said you were total dead fish ... just like last week at swimming. You sure do have a powerful mix of our attitudes! Managed properly, it'll take you places. You just need to learn how to handle it. 

She peeked in again a little later and said you had warmed up to everything. 

Afterwards the instructor told us she made a connection with you by talking about your nails and making small talk. 

The next time mom snuck a look into the room, you were teachers pet. 

At dinner you promised us you'd be better tomorrow at swimming and next week at dance. 

Time will tell, but we've got our fingers crossed. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Today Ava Supervised the Deck Build

Our front deck has been in a bit of disrepair as of late. 

The front boards have warped to a point where mom and I don't feel that it's safe for you to go outside unattended without risk of falling if you lean on them. 

Grandpa Bernie and I got rained out this week and the forecast for today wasn't very promising, but we decided to give it a try before the weather rolled in.

You were really enjoying the drive to Home Depot to get materials until you spotted me recording the vocals.

Once we met Grandpa at Home Depot, you didn't leave his side. 

We purchased our materials and followed Grandpa and his truck back to our house. 

Our conversation on the drive went like this: "Dad, Grandpa Bernie has a blue car like ours." 

"He has a blue truck, honey."

"Yeah, a blue truck car."

"No, just a blue truck. A pickup truck." 

"Yeah, a blue pickup truck car." 

After a few minutes of this, you wore me down. I gave in. You were so insistent. See why I tell people you're going to be a CEO someday? Your unwillingness to back down is uncanny. 

At home, you wanted to be a part of the action like you always do. When we finished the demo of the railing, you insisted on being outside. 

Understand that there was no front to the deck anymore. One false move and you could go over the side to the driveway below. 

See my reluctance to let you out there? Yet again, you won. 

Our compromise was that you sit on the chair while Grandpa and I worked. Butt in chair. 

You even tried to negotiate that. 

"Ava, sit back down."

"I just put one foot on the floor. I'm still in the chair." 

"Put your booty in the chair or you'll go inside." 

"I just want one foot on the floor, Dad." 

"No. Sit down or you'll go back in." 

"I just not listen to you!" 

With Grandpa chuckling in the background I responded "Yeah, we are all too familiar with that now sit down!" 

I got some attitude, pursed lips and a grunt, but I won this one! 

I have a better understanding of what your Uncles and I put Grandpa through when we were little. 

We got as far as we could on the deck for the day and then it was on to project number two ... painting the living room. 

Of course you would want to help with that too! 

We appreciate the enthusiasm, but after some paint splatters on the floor and on your jeans, we had to take the brush from you. 

Don't worry about it, there's plenty more walls to paint! We were just hustling to get that one n the books before you two went to bed. 

Thanks for all of your help today!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Today Ava Was Tough!

Red chips for breakfast? Sure, why not?

I left work a little after four today so we could make it out to Ben and Kristi's for Briley's second birthday party. 

The night was going well, you and Brycen had a lot of fun chasing each other around the house. Aas people started to trickle out for the evening Ben started a fire in the pit out back. 

You and Brycen continued the fun outside. In the rural area where the Carrocci's live, there's not much light like we have in the city. Between you and me, I kinda like it. 

So, needless to say it was dark outside. 

I was sitting by the fire with the other adults as you played and I glanced up just in time to see you faceplant. Hard. 

I sat for just a second to see how you'd react. You propped yourself up on your elbows and began to whimper a little. 

I came over to check on you and when I got there you gritted your teeth and said "I'm tough!" 

I kinda swelled with pride a little and figured you were just fine. 

Then, as I wiped a few blades of grass from your cheek, my thmb swiped something that at first I thought was chocolate sauce. 

I had no idea when you would have eaten anything with chocolate, then it hit me ... I pulled out my phone and got the flashlight ... yup, blood. 

Did you knock a tooth out, split your lip? All the teeth were there and secure, your lips seemed okay. Where was the blood coming from? 

We went inside for better light and that's where we saw it, you split the vertical piece of skin and connects your lip to your gums. 

That's can't feel good! 

A popsicle was prescribed to sooth the pain and it did the trick. 

A few minutes and you were back to your old self. 

It was getting late and we had to hit the road for home. Grandpa Bernie is coming over in the morning to help fix the front deck so you can go out and play on it again. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today Ava Had a Playmate

Today, mom sent me a photo of you and your playmate that brought this memory flooding back! 

When we announced that mom was expecting another child, we were thinking of creative ways to announce it.

What we came up with was sitting you at your play table with the chalkboard reading "Playmate coming in December 2014"

A photo posted by Matt Waechter (@mwaechter) on
What was haphazardly put together - someone wasn't wanting to cooperate (surprise!) - turned into a beautiful image! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Today Ava Had Bread and Cheese - Best. Day. Ever.

A little white lie can be necessary at times, right? As long as it's for the better good?

One of the items you'll eat on your limited diet is "bread and cheese." Which to adults translates to a baguette from Panera Bread dipped in the cheese sauce of their mac and cheese. Heaven forbid you eat the noodles ... 

There's been once or twice that we've been out and heard "I want bread and cheese!" and to avoid a meltdown we'll tell you they are closed. 

We would never lie to you, but poll 100 parents and I guarantee 99 or more will say that fib is warranted. 

We've gone so far as to try and mimic it at home to try and save a few bucks. 

Tonight the Modern Era Nominess for the Class of 2016 were announced, which means I was working late as NFL Network was doing live shoots from inside the building. 

You and AJ went on a few appointments with mom and on the drive home Panera Bread was passed. 

Side note ... ask mom about the wasp in her pants. No need to go into detail here, I'm sure this is something she'll never forget and will vividly recall for you.

"Mom, they stayed open just for me! This is the best day ever! They stayed open so I can have bread and cheese!" 

They sure did, just for you! 

You know where the store is located and can point it out from the street ... noted. We will reroute our way home now. :)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Today Ava Worked on Her Stretching Game

I just have to laugh at times. You're too funny. 

In fact, mom even commented yesterday "I think she's going to be the class clown." 

I can't say that I disagree. 

This morning I walked into the kitchen to see that you pulled your stool over to the sink and were standing there like a human statue. 

I quizzically asked what you were doing and you responded "I'm stretching my arm and my leg."


Before I could even think of something to say you did a 360 on the dismount, proudly looked up at me and said "I spinned off." 

Yeah, these dance classes are going to be a lifesaver for us. 

Before you were dressed you also insisted on helping mom paint the hallway. We've got a lot of wall to cover and started this week with the hallway. 

Mom was finishing up the trim this morning so I could roll the walls and have that part done before Gram and Papa Fenner arrived for the Buckeyes game. 

"Mom, please, I help you!" 

After continued begging, we gave in and got you a brush. It's not that we don't trust you, but we put towels down before giving you access to the paint. 

So helpful! 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Today Ava Was Our Tiny Dancer

Let the days of shuttling the kids around from practice to practice and events commence! 

Not only are you and AJ in swimming, you'll also be starting dance classes on Monday. 

This afternoon, your outfit arrived. 

Of course we had to have you try it on! 

After work, it was out to find the proper shoes. 

They mean business at this place! 

When we got home, it was time to try everything on once again. 

Our own tiny dancer!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today Ava Had A Close Call

I had to work a little late tonight and offered to buy you some ice cream when I got home. 

I texted mom as I was about to leave and offered up BAM Healthy Cuisine and some Handel's over in Washington Square. 

She was on board and as soon I was home and changed, we hit the road. 

We were sitting on the outside patio between the two establishments. Mom ran back inside to grab a high chair for AJ. When she returned I had my bck to you to put Arlee into her seat and mom was looking through the diaper bag for the baby food. 

We both heard the distinct sound of a brick hitting the ground and our heads swiveled. 

I turned around to see you standing there with a large paver brick in two pieces with smaller pieces all over the patio. 

You looked p and began to cry a little. Mom scooped you up and we began to check for injuries. Neither of us saw the incident but what we gathered from you is that you tried to sit on the wall when the brick let loose. 

Save for a scrape on your calf and a little injured pride, you weren't hurt. Thank God. 

This could have been far worse if that brick landed in any other way. 

You kept complaining that it hurt and we asked you where just to make sure there wasn't an issue we couldn't see, but you always pointed to the scrape. That made me comfortable in knowing there wasn't a larger issue. 

Another customer stopped me to tell me that we got lucky and it could have been much much worse. I agreed and he continued by saying that brick shouldn't have let loose like that.

You continued to complain of the pain for a little while and as we stood in line for ice cream a nice lady offered you a band aid. 

It was like magic. As soon as mom put the band aid on, all pain was forgotten and we had our rambunctious Ava back. 

You began to do laps around our table and singing a song I couldn't figure out. 

I also have to share this story that mom told me on the way home. 

Due to my work commitment this afternoon, mom had to take you and your sister to the office for a closing. 

She told me that normally you'll talk to all of the other agents in the office but were in a mood today where you wouldn't say a word. 

You ran back to Lauren's chair and stated "Lauren and her mommy (Marcy) are not here." 

As the other agents continued to try and talk with you, you just gave them a mean mug and turned away. 

Mom asked what your deal was and ou threw your fists to your side and said "Ugh ... I'm just not nice to other nice people." 

Oh Ava ...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Today Ava Worked on Motor Skills

We have opted to let you enjoy being a kid for one more year and not start you in preschool. Honestly, the only reason you would need it would be for the social skills. Cognitively you are doing really well. 

Mom works hard with you to make sure you're always learning and having fun in the process. 

This morning she sent me a photo and a couple videos of you working on your fine motor skills and color by number. 

For Christmas you received an owl pillow in which you are tasked with decorating by punching little pieces of cloth into the proper place. 

You had gotten to work on it and then it was cast aside. 

I had mentioned something to mom about pitching it but she insisted we keep it. 

Glad she kept it from going to the landfill!

You're hand-eye coordination is pretty impressive!

You were so proud when you finished the job!

It looks amazing!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Today Ava took A Dip

Mom and I were beaming with pride as you were at the front of the line when the swim class walked across the pool deck to the waiting parents. 

I got a text from mom this afternoon saying "Signed the girls up for swim lessons." 

Awesome, I thought. We've been wanting to get you back in the pool. 

When do they start? I responded. 

5:55 and 6:30 mom replied. 



Okay cool. I know what we're doing tonight.

Arlee's class was first, which meant that we had to be patient and wait your turn. 

Quite frankly, mom and I were more than a little concerned since with your class, we weren't permitted to be in the pool. You'd have to go this one alone. 

After AJs class we had to walk you back up to the main pool stands and then following directions from your instructor, Joyce, mom walked you to the steps and let you go. 

You seemed okay, although we could see you looking for us as the parents then had to go to a room upstairs where we could watch the class via closed circuit TV. 

We were encouraged to see that you were enjoying yourself and listening to the teachers. 

When your time was up, we waited with the other parents at the pool eck for you to come back. 

You spotted us and were smiling from ear-to-ear. 

You told us you had fun but did say you "wanted to cry" when we left you "but the other kids were happy" so you kept your cool. 

Mom and I can relax a little knowing you'll do just fine on your own. This was a great intro for you to do thongs on your own and to make friends. 

Next Monday is your first dance lesson and we're not allowed in the room there either. We can rest a little easier now. You'll be just fine.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Today Ava Needed a Hug

Grandpa Bernie came over this afternoon to hang out and take a look at some projects I need help with around the house. 

You told him you were going to go to your room and bring out a book. Down the hall you ent and when you returned you had a bag full of books. 

And wouldn't you know it, he sat there and read every one of them with you. 

But you know kiddo, what I can't get out of my head is a comment you made while we were all settling in for the night. 

I had just put Arlee to bed and you were sitting with mom, wrapped in dot blanket, on the recliner. 

You looked as though you were going to close your eyes at any moment and call it a day. 

Quietly, with a little defeat in your soft voice you said "I hate myself." 

Whoa, what? 

"I hate myself" you repeated. 

Mom and I were instantly concerned. She gave you a big hug and asked why you would say that? 

I didn't quite catch your response but I think it had something to do with when you get into trouble. 

"I'm sad because I hate myself when ..." and I missed the rest. 

This is one that mom and I need to stop right away. There's going to be times of doubt in your life, we all go through it, but don't ever hate yourself! 

You've been acting out a bit lately, taking toys from your sister when she's playing with them, not listening. But, you're three and we expect that. It's natural. 

It's our job to make sure we raise you properly and that you continue to grow into the beautiful girl that you are! 

In order to do so, we need to discipline you at times. We don't enjoy it. We'll both be the first to tell you that. 

Rest assured knowing that we love you and would do anything for you!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Today Ava Ate a Chicken Wing

We spent the afternoon on the shores of Lake Erie at Aunt Theresa's house. She had the family over for a little cookout. It's been a number of years since I've been to her house. She typically comes down to our neck of the woods. 

She lives within walking distance of the Lake. 

We took a walk down to the water and you went for a dip ... clothes and all. 

With the temps in the 90s and not a cloud in the sky, we figured you'd be dry before we got back to the house. 

Shortly after getting back to the house, people started to leave. Eventually it was us, Aaron and Dianne, and Aunt Theresa. 

We opted to grab a bite to eat before hitting the road and Aunt Theresa suggested a local place called the Local Tavern. 

"What would you like for her?" asked the waitress. 

"Nothing, she won't eat anyway." we responded. "She'll pick at ours." 

Pick you did, and we couldn't have been more thrilled. 

You started by asking to try an appetizer that was a bacon-wrapped jalapeno pepper stuffed with sausage.

Mom got one for you and we cut it up. You ate nearly the entire thing. 

Are you feeling okay? 

Next came dinner, we both got a side of fries thinking that would be all you'd eat. 

You spotted Aunt Theresa's wings and asked for one. She gave you a drum stick ... luckily they arent spun in sauce here and you dipped it in ranch and took a bite. 

Did that for real just happen?

After a few bites mom had to strip the meat from the bone for you, but you ate the whole thing and asked for more. 

We had to laugh because mom offered you a bite of her burger, to which you wanted nothing more than to see her eat it. 

When she put the final bite in her mouth it was a melt down. You stated over and over between the tears that you wanted to try it. 

Okay, a McDonald's run for a burger it is. 

We stopped and got a cheeseburger, ketchup only, and a small order of nuggs as backup. 

After eating about a third of the burger you handed it to mom for safe keeping saying "I'll finish it tomorrow" and curled up with purple blanket for the remainder of the hours and a half drive home. 

We have our fingers crossed that this is the start of an expanded palate for you!