Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today Ava Had A Close Call

I had to work a little late tonight and offered to buy you some ice cream when I got home. 

I texted mom as I was about to leave and offered up BAM Healthy Cuisine and some Handel's over in Washington Square. 

She was on board and as soon I was home and changed, we hit the road. 

We were sitting on the outside patio between the two establishments. Mom ran back inside to grab a high chair for AJ. When she returned I had my bck to you to put Arlee into her seat and mom was looking through the diaper bag for the baby food. 

We both heard the distinct sound of a brick hitting the ground and our heads swiveled. 

I turned around to see you standing there with a large paver brick in two pieces with smaller pieces all over the patio. 

You looked p and began to cry a little. Mom scooped you up and we began to check for injuries. Neither of us saw the incident but what we gathered from you is that you tried to sit on the wall when the brick let loose. 

Save for a scrape on your calf and a little injured pride, you weren't hurt. Thank God. 

This could have been far worse if that brick landed in any other way. 

You kept complaining that it hurt and we asked you where just to make sure there wasn't an issue we couldn't see, but you always pointed to the scrape. That made me comfortable in knowing there wasn't a larger issue. 

Another customer stopped me to tell me that we got lucky and it could have been much much worse. I agreed and he continued by saying that brick shouldn't have let loose like that.

You continued to complain of the pain for a little while and as we stood in line for ice cream a nice lady offered you a band aid. 

It was like magic. As soon as mom put the band aid on, all pain was forgotten and we had our rambunctious Ava back. 

You began to do laps around our table and singing a song I couldn't figure out. 

I also have to share this story that mom told me on the way home. 

Due to my work commitment this afternoon, mom had to take you and your sister to the office for a closing. 

She told me that normally you'll talk to all of the other agents in the office but were in a mood today where you wouldn't say a word. 

You ran back to Lauren's chair and stated "Lauren and her mommy (Marcy) are not here." 

As the other agents continued to try and talk with you, you just gave them a mean mug and turned away. 

Mom asked what your deal was and ou threw your fists to your side and said "Ugh ... I'm just not nice to other nice people." 

Oh Ava ...

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