Saturday, January 31, 2015

Today Ava Enjoyed A Mommy/Daughter Afternoon

I had to head in to work this afternoon for the announcement of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2015 which meant it was a mommy/daughter afternoon for you and Arlee. 

But first, gymnastics! 

Yep, you coaxed me into the foam pit so you could toss blocks off my noggin. 

Before we knew it, I had to head in to the office for the evening. 

You'll be long in bed before I get home tonight. 

Mom did send me a few pics of you and Arlee going down for a nap. 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous when mom sent me this. I'd much rather be at home with you guys!

Mom wasn't sure how she was going to get out from under this ... I encouraged her to enjoy it. Life can wait. The day will be here soon enough where we won't have the opportunity to do this any longer. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Today Ava Got Pruney

The morning started off by devouring Olaf ... 

And then it was tubby time! 

Which, according to your mom was very much like the e=Energizer Bunny, it just kept going, and going, and going ... 

After that long, you had to be as wrinkled as an octogenarian!

How do they taste?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Today Ava Read The Instructions

This evening for reasons that escape me, you insisted on watching Frozen downstairs. 

In doing so, you found an instruction booklet on the floor (amongst the piles of toys and junk) and decided to give it a read.

The instructions must have been pretty difficult to follow since you hopped on the line with customer service right after!

I sure hope your problem was resolved! :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today Ava Was Potty Trained

The subject line make sit sound like it happened overnight, which, let me tell you, it did not. 

We began the process just before your second birthday with the hopes that you would be completely potty trained by the time your party rolled around. 

Seven months later, and we can finally say the transition is complete. 

Shortly after I left for work this morning mom sent me a pick saying "best day ever!!! Pooping on big potty!!"

I can understand mom's excitement. 

We've finally been able to convince you that pooping isn't scary and going on big potty is a big deal because you've only been wanting to go on blue potty and then you'll sit there for upwards of a haf an hour. 

Imagine how pleasant the house smells when you finally decide you're done ...

As a reward, mom let you make some "snow ice cream." 

I've never heard of it, but hey, if you're going on big potty, you can have whatever you want. 

Don't let the excitement on your face fool you. Mom said they weren't any good.

This morning's adventure on big potty coupled with recent events like not wearing a pullup to bed (and for three days remaining dry) and little to no accidents during the day lead mom and I to declare ...


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today Ava Just Wanted to Lick the Snow

Sometimes you make me take a step back and shake my head ... in a humerus way.

I picked you up from Marissa's this afternoon and when I walked in the door a bit of snow fell from my shoes. 

As if I said "drop and give me 20!" you were on the floor. 

Rather than pushups you said "I wanna lick the snow" and tried dragging your tongue across the floor but luckily I still have cat-like reflexes and picked you up before you could. 

That set the tone really. 

As we left and you said your goodbyes you asked to get down so you could walk through the snow.

I didn't see any harm in that so I carried your bag of snow clothes as you happily traipsed through the snow. 

We made it to the red car and as I put your bag in the car and turned to put you into your seat only to find you well into the neighbors yard. 

You guessed it, bent over and licking the snow. 

I couldn't coax you back to the car so I had to walk through the now in my work clothes to come get you. 

I thought all was behind us as we made our way home ... then I looked in the mirror ... 

That boot is still connected to your foot by the way.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Today Ava Saw the Basketball Girls

You loved going to basketball practice with mom and sitting through her games with me. 

Due to certain circumstances mom is no longer coaching this season but still keeps in touch with Jessie to see how the girls are doing. 

She asked you this morning if you wanted to see the girls tonight and you were excited to do so. 

So much that you were eager to get your coat and shoes on right away. 

Once problem, tip off is at 7:30 and it's only 2:00 ...

That's the look of an unhappy girl who doesn't understand the concept of time yet. 

A few snuggles with Arlee later and I was home from work and we packed up to go. 

When we got to the game you were ready to fall asleep and laid with your head on my shoulder for a good portion. 

Snacking a little on some knock off Goldfih from Aldi, you popped up and said "I have to go pee!" 

Panic mode set in with mom and me. We were seemingly miles away from the bathroom. She scooped you up and you made your way to the restroom while I held on to Arlee. 

My fingers were crossed the whole time. 

When you came back you excitedly told me that you went pee. 

Checking with mom she said you were dry! 

We're so close to proclaiming you potty trained! 

Mom did mention that you kept whispering in her ear while you walked to the bathroom that "I have to go really bad." 

I must admit, the story above was the highlight of the night as the girls, though they played well, were soundly defeated. 

And when we got home, it was time to shake our booties!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today Ava Cleaned the Table

You'll do the darndest things sometimes, whether it be words or actions, that just make mom and I step back and smile.

This afternoon mom had a few fleeting minutes to come home between her showings and pump before she had to hit the road to her next appointments. 

Being that she was in a hurry I told her I'd bottle the goods and to get going so she wouldn't be late. 

If we turn our backs for ten seconds, who knows what you'll get into or do. 

Such was the case. I turned around long enough to put the bottles in the fridge and quickly rinse out the pump parts - 20 seconds, tops. 

I walked back into the living room to where you were watching Disney Junior, or so I thought. 

"Ava what are you doing?!" I asked

The sweetest little mater-of-fact reply followed "I gotta clean the table." 

Yep, that's a bottle of 409 all purpose cleaner in your hand that you've figured out how to spray. 

So much for the "child proof locks" under the sink ... 

And when did you get that out? The only time I didn't have an eye on you was when I put the bottles in the fridge. 

You ninja! 

Once I realized you weren't trying to drink the 409 and the initial wave of panic subsided, we had fun finishing cleaning the table. 

The consummate helper. 

Once Arlee was down for a nap I needed to switch some laundry over. Rather than watch cartoons like most kids, what I got was "I help you!" 

It may take a little longer to get things done and I just have to remind myself that this won't last forever. Take a step back and soak in every moment.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Today Ava Was Back At Gymnastics

With all of the running around the house, using me as your human jungle gym and simple toddler energy mom and I have been wanting to get you back into gymnastics. 

We waited too long on the last session and when we went to sign you up, the classes were full. 

We weren't about to make the same mistake twice and signed you up right away when this session became available. 

The first class was supposed to be two weeks ago but was canceled due to weather and last week there was no class due to the gym being used for a meet. 

Finally, we get to go run, tumble and play. 

"I no wanna go nastics!" you screamed as we tried to put your coat on this morning. 

"Don't you want to have fun?" 


Well, okay then. 

Maybe today was one of those mornings where I should have left you in bed ratheer than take you to breakfast ... lesson learned. 

As soon as we pulled into the parking lot mom said "Look Ava, a new play place." 

That was it, you lit up. 

"New play place?!?" you questioned and couldn't wait to get in. 

Like your father, you refused to stretch but once you were free to run and experience the apparatus' it was game on. 

From the balance beam ...

To the trampoline, the look on your face says it all. 

Once you found the foam pit it was on to a difference type of balancing skill ... stacking.

It was so cute how you'd jump into the pit, find just the right block, climb out and stack it on top of the previous one. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Today Ava Worked On Flexibility

I miss so much while I'm at work ... 

Mom sent me a sequence of cute photos this afternoon of you stretching in preparation for tomorrow's gymnastics class. 

You're already more flexible than I am! 

Not that it's hard ...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Today Ava Went Potty By Herself

We're on the fringe of having a totally potty-trained toddler!  You've been wearing the same big girl undies throughout the day for a coupe days now and the only time we need pullups is for overnight. 

Almost there! 

We had another big breakthrough this morning. 

While mom was giving you a tubby this morning she stepped out of the bathroom to put a sleeper on Arlee. 

You yelled to mom that you had to go potty, still in the tub of course, Mom instructed you to carefully get out and run to blue potty in the living room.

You didn't listen, but for this we can't punish you. You one-upped her and pulled your stool over, put the Minnie Mouse seat on the big potty, climbed up and went. 

The floor was a little on the soaked side, but we'll deal with that collateral damage to get these results! 

We're so proud of you! 

Just because.

You're welcome.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Today Ava Built a Snowman

After a long hard battle to keep me home from work, you finally settled in with mom and Arlee. 

You can see in your face that it was a tough fight. Today was worse than it's been in a while, eventually though, you calmed down. 

Once mom was able to get Arlee down for her long nap, it was time for fun! 

Whenever we're outside and it has snowed, you want to walk through it, jump in it, and play. 

Now's your chance! 

Mom suited you up and grabbed the monitor to keep and eye on Arlee and out you went! 

Vanilla wafers for buttons, Tootsie Rolls for eyes, and a baby carrot of a nose, a version of Olaf is now in our backyard! 

The caption that came with this photo was "I cant smile, I'm eating a Tootsie Roll!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Today Ava Ran The Naked Mile

The reason why you were naked escapes me. Maybe we were trying to get you changed and into your PJs and you escaped.

That's happened before. 

I'll show you the video someday. I can't post it here for obvious reasons. 

You'll probably lower your head in embarrassment while mom and I laugh about it again. 

You were running laps around the house at warp speed yelling "aye, aye, aye, aye" then would suddenly stop and yell "freeze!" 

As much as I wanted to get you dressed and into your jammies so we could settle in for the night, how could we not sit here and enjoy the humor? 

Getting your penguin jams on really didn't slow you down too much though. 


Monday, January 19, 2015

Today Ava Nearly Took A Leap of Faith

You're a pretty independent kid. And as such mom is able to let you do your thing at times during the day. 

We have no problem letting you play in your room unsupervised or going to the basement to jump on blue trampoline on your own. 

When I came home for lunch, Arlee's laundry basket was in the living room since we were finishing up all of your laundry. Now, it isn't a laundry basket like you envision, rather it's tall and thin, kind of like a cubed pink silo. 

Well, you wanted to get into it, so I tipped it over so you could crawl in but that wasn't good enough. 

I had to stand it up so you could literally get inside. 

By the time I left you were insisting I close the lid so you could hide. 

Fast forward a bit and I'm sitting in my office and receive a text from mom. 

She said she was doing some work and took her eye off of you for a minute.

No big deal there.

It's what came next that made me laugh pretty loudly from my cubicle. 

She said "Absentmindedly watching Ava from three feet away and I hear 'mommy I gonna jump in here.' I said 'Okay hunny' and turned my head to see her standing on the end table ready to launch herself off and into Arlee's laundry basket." 

Even as I sit here and type this I'm cracking up to myself. 

I can just picture the entire sequence. Arms cocked back and knees bent ready to go. The determination on your face, the will to succeed and mom's moment of panic as she realizes what's going on. 

Luckily she was able to stop you in time or this entry could have ended with me talking about another trip to the ER. 

Gymnastics on Saturday can't come soon enough ...

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Today Ava Pouted In Her Room

Recently, when we tell you something you don't want to hear, you'll take a slow jog back to your room and pout on your bed. 

We'll let you go for a minute or two and then go see what's the matter. 

Typically it's followed by "I mad at you (insert why here)."

Grandma and Grandpa Fenner came to town to visit this afternoon and you wanted to how off how you can hold Cookie and parade her around the house. 

"See, I gentle" you kept repeating. 

Yes, you were being gentle but you were also holding her for so long that she was becoming agitated. 

It's fine for a bit, but it gets to a point where she doesn't like it anymore. You just don't quite understand that yet. 

Cue the slow jog ... back to your room you went. 

I had just come from your room for something and remembered that Miggy Migs was sleeping on your bed. I commented to everyone that he might be in trouble now. 

I looked down the hall towards your room and noticed the door was cracked. 

As Ninja as I could I crept quietly down the hall to see what you were up to. 

This is what I found:

You and McGee were sharing a cute moment. 

It didn't take long for you to get over it and soon you were out enjoying everyone's company again.  

You even joined mom, Grandma and Aunt Casey on a cake pop run to Target.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Today Ava Crashed at the Party

This afternoon we celebrated Aunt Issy's 90th birthday with family at the Myers Lake Sportsman's Club. 

This sums up your experience ...

Having fallen asleep moments before we pulled in to the parking lot it wasn't until later this evening when we were at Aunt Mary's playing games and enjoying some homemade German Chocolate cake that you came alive.

Needles to say, you got plenty of rest this afternoon.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Today Ava Wasn't The Center of Attention

Let me start off by saying that this might be the only time in your life that this is noteworthy but you dropped a deuce to start the day!

I was so proud. You're so close to being fully potty trained, we really just need you to tell us when you have to go. That seems to be the biggest hurdle or us, we have to tell you. And most of the time it's met with "I know have to go pee!"

We'll get there. I'm not worried. 

Arlee is officially one moth old today and you know (from experience) what that means - picture day! 

As soon as I got home from work I began setting up the basement. 

Arlee has a bit of an advantage over you as I have some new equipment. It wasn't until you were five months old that mom gifted me a set of light to improve the quality of the images and we also now have a professional backdrop whereas with you we had a sheet draped over the corner of the sectional. 

We decided on doing the same style of images for Arlee as we had for you - some flat on a blanket and some sitting in a wicker basket. 

I had hoped you'd e interested and maybe even pose for a few with Arlee, but that wasn't the case. 

See, you're more interested in the TV and toys. 

Though, at one point we were able to get you behind the lens. 

We were forced to give Arlee a lot of attention in order to get her to look in the right direction and to smile, etc. I hope you were disinterested more because you're an energetic toddler than because baby sis was getting all the love tonight.

We'll make it up to you!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today Ava Played With Mom

It's been six months or so since mom's been able to really play with you like she used to. 

Now that Arlee is here and mom's all healed up, she can get on the floor, run around and play like you've been wanting. 

We were talking this morning and she commented that she wants to find something for the two of you to do that's different. Something that's not sitting in front of the TV and watching a movie or painting. 

Not that those aren't fun to you, but it's become a go-to lately to keep you content. 

What mom created was beyond anything I would have expected.

Using blue painter's tape she laid out a course on the living room floor and sing "Dusty Crophopper" and your other big jets you had your own "Wings Around the Globe" rally. 

That looks like fun!

After all, Planes is one of your favorite movies! 

She also added some shapes for you to jump on. Kind of like a hopscotch game. 

When I got home from work the fun continued. 

After dinner we were watching Frozen (another fan favorite) and there's a part where Princess Anna stumbles across a trading post. This is where Anna meets Christoph and when Christoph accuses the proprietor of being a crook, he stands up - towering over the two o and says in his Scandinavian accent "What did you call me?" 

You were lying on the floor and when we got to that part in the movie mom came over to you and said "What did you call me?" and picked you up, walked you to the loveseat and tossed you on it. 

And then she folded you up like a towel!

Mom has missed being able to have this much fun with you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today Ava Got a New Book

Coming up the driveway for on my lunch hour I could see a large manilla envelope sticking out of the mailbox. 

Curious as to what it was I grabbed the mail as soon as I pulled into the garage.

It was addressed to mom and me and the return is for 

When I got upstairs I showed it to mom who was on the couch feeding Arlee and asked her if she ordered anything from Amazon. 

She said nope and shrugged. 

I opened it to find a new book that I could only assume was for you. 

Mom and I very confused since we received a similar book called "Potty" at Christmas time. Both books were lacking a gift note or any other info that could let us know who sent it. 

Mom guessed your Uncle Joe. Honestly, it does have him written all over it but I said no way thinking he would have been curious enough to ask or inquire in some other not-so-subtle way. 

I sent the pic above to your uncles asking if either of them were responsible. 

Sure enough, Uncle Joe responded with "Lol, that was me." 

After a brief back-and-forth I found out that he sent the potty book as well and both were supposed to arrive at the same time. 

Uncle Joe never ceases to surprise us.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today Ava Went to the Car Doctor

Both the Blue Car and Red Car are in dire need of oil changes. The Mazda is about one behind since we took it to South Carolina in October to visit Joe and the Toyota, well it just needs it. 

I always schedule my appointments with Mark and Keith for as soon as they open, that way I can pull right in, wait the 25 minutes or so and be on my way for the day. 

This morning, as I was getting ready to leave you began to stir. 

Do I sneak out and leave you home (it was only 12 degrees outside) or do I hurriedly dressed you and bring you along. 

I thought it best to dress you and let you tag along for this one. You've never been to the mechanic before and "firsts" are few and far between for you anymore. Plus, it gave mom and opportunity to sleep a little longer. 

You really got a kick out of watching the car go up and down on the rack. 

Afterwards we enjoyed a donut together. 

"I just need to lick the sugar." 

Little did we know, we should have brought a donut home for mom who had been awake with Arlee for about a half hour. 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Today Ava Saw Friends

Mom told me you didn't want to put on your Buckeyes shirt today?!? 

Excuse me! It's only the biggest game of the season, the National Championship!

Don't worry, those were tears of joy as the Buckeyes went on to defeat the Oregon Ducks 42-20.  
You've been in desperate need of social interaction with children your age. Since mom's been home with Arlee you haven't seen your friends in three weeks or so now.

Mom made plans with Marissa for you to come over for a few hours so you could play and so mom could get into the office to take care of a few things. 

I got home seconds after you mom and Arlee and you couldn't have been happier. 

"Did you see your friends today?" I asked after getting a huge hug. 


That response said it all. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Today Ava Wanted Ice Cream

In a totally random moment today, you asked mom and me for ice cream. 

Unfortunately, we don't have any. Maybe we'll pick some up at the store this week?

We quickly forgot about the request. 

The day went by and right before it was time to settle down for the evening you found some makeup lying around. 

Joy ... 

Soon, you were covered. 

Needless to say, we moved tubby night up a day.

I had to force you out of the tub after 45 minutes in the tub to make sure your hair would be dry before falling asleep. 

Out of the tub and a fresh pair of jammies later we made our way to Big Chair. 

Remember that ice cream you wanted? Yeah, you didn't forget about it. 

Whispering in my ear you said "Ice creams (something inaudible) for my birthday" over and over until I acknowledged you.

I said if you want it for your birthday then we have plenty of time.

From the mouths of babes ...

You never cease to surprise us.