Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today Ava Cleaned the Table

You'll do the darndest things sometimes, whether it be words or actions, that just make mom and I step back and smile.

This afternoon mom had a few fleeting minutes to come home between her showings and pump before she had to hit the road to her next appointments. 

Being that she was in a hurry I told her I'd bottle the goods and to get going so she wouldn't be late. 

If we turn our backs for ten seconds, who knows what you'll get into or do. 

Such was the case. I turned around long enough to put the bottles in the fridge and quickly rinse out the pump parts - 20 seconds, tops. 

I walked back into the living room to where you were watching Disney Junior, or so I thought. 

"Ava what are you doing?!" I asked

The sweetest little mater-of-fact reply followed "I gotta clean the table." 

Yep, that's a bottle of 409 all purpose cleaner in your hand that you've figured out how to spray. 

So much for the "child proof locks" under the sink ... 

And when did you get that out? The only time I didn't have an eye on you was when I put the bottles in the fridge. 

You ninja! 

Once I realized you weren't trying to drink the 409 and the initial wave of panic subsided, we had fun finishing cleaning the table. 

The consummate helper. 

Once Arlee was down for a nap I needed to switch some laundry over. Rather than watch cartoons like most kids, what I got was "I help you!" 

It may take a little longer to get things done and I just have to remind myself that this won't last forever. Take a step back and soak in every moment.

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