Friday, October 31, 2014

Today Ava Was Being Silly At Dinner

This pretty much sums up dinner time at our house. 

Don't mind the messy house in the background, it's been a long week. Tomorrow is cleaning day.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Today Ava Faked Sleep

I didn't title this because you failed to nap, I titled the post as such because mom sent me one of the cutest texts I've ever read. 

It was the transcript of a short conversation the two of you had after I went back to work following lunch. 

You remembered what I told you! 

I was trying to head back to work and you clung to me as usual, begging me to sit with you and watch TV. 

We made a deal. I said you have to do two things for me this afternoon and I'd sit with you when I got home. 

1. You had to be good for Mommy. You looked at me and nodded. Almost as if to say "piece of cake."

2. You need to take a good nap and I'd be here shortly after you opened your eyes. 

You held up to most of our deal, you were good for mom as the photo shows and you faked a nap. So 1.5 out of 2 isn't bad, right?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today Ava Wouldn't Let Me Go

It was a bit of a whirlwind evening for us. Mom had basketball and you and I needed to take our movies back and pick up some cat food. 

You were exhausted. No nap again today and it showed as I did my bes tto get you out of the house. Even bribing you with cake pops. Eventually I was able to get you out of the house and we hit the road for the video store. 

Our plans derailed moments after we left the driveway. Keith called and asked if we could swing by his house to pick up our portion of the beef we ordered. 

It was sprung on him tonight and he didn't have room in his freezer for all of it. So, we dropped our movies off and headed to Keith's house.

You fell asleep minutes from Keith's. This was a concern for me for two reasons ... 

1. You were wearing big girl unnies. Being as tired as you were you refused to go potty before we left or put a pullup on. 

2. You screamed "I peed!" right before you fell asleep. I was relieved (pun intended) when we got to Keith's and I picked you up and you were still dry. I wasn't out of the woods yet, though. We still had to divide the beef and get home before you peed. 

Mom came down to get you when we got home and thankfully you were still dry. She struggled to get you into a diaper and jammies (tell mom and baby sister you're sorry when you read this.) Mom will tell you why you owe them an apology young lady! 

With the meat in the put away in the garage freezer I came upstairs to find you curled in mom's arms in the "big chair." 

You reached for me and we went back to the bedroom to lay down and let you fall back to sleep. 

After a few minutes I did my drop test - picking up your arm and letting it go. If there's any sort of resistence I know you're not in deep enough sleep to transfer you to your bed. 

Your arm easily dropped back to my chest. Out cold. 

I laid you down in your bed and went to get my arm out from under you when you tightened your grip and asked to be held. 

Get me a Snickers, I'm not going anywhere for a while ... 

You're eyes closed and I felt your body relax. Back out! I can go now. 

Trying to slide my am out from under you and you squeezed again. 

It's uncanny how you can be sound asleep like this yet know when I'm trying to escape. 

I texted mom and said "I'm in a little bit of a predicament here ..." 

I was finally able to release myself from your clutches and snuck out of your room Ninja Style. 

Well, as Ninja Style as a balding, 33 year-old 240 LB. man can. 

So probably not quietly at all but it worked. I got out and was able to finish taking the trash out and ran to Walmart to get the cat food. 

Let's hope you sleep through the night!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today Ava Missed Me

It was a late night last night and an early morning today. 

I was out the door long before you awoke today due to a large production at work for the "Heart of a Hall of Famer" educational series. 

When I got home tonight I walked in to find you and mom - and if you look closely, even McGee - asleep in the living room. 

I didn't realize the flash was on and woke mom up when I shot this. Sorry mom! 

After I realized everyone was seriously sleeping and not joking around like you like to do, I thought it was cute to see the four of you (yes, baby sister is in there) sleeping.

I went to the kitchen to unload my pockets and see about dinner as mom tried to slide out from under you. 

You woke up - which is okay because we don't want you to sleep this close to bedtime anyway. 

I turned around in the kitchen to see mom holding you and you looked at me and with the most innocent little voice said "Daddy I missed you." 

If there's ever moments that make late nights and early mornings worth the effort, it's that. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today Ava Went Streaking

This photo is worth so much more than the words I can put here. 

Let me just say that mom turned her head for 30 seconds to get you a new pair of unnies and when she turned back around she saw this:

Coppertone kid?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Today Ava Jumped in the Leaf Pile

Today's fun came courtesy of the gigantic oak trees across the street. 

Thanks, neighbors. 

Normally, I loath the trees and the labor that comes with raking their fall foliage fromour yard, but today we made memories. 

Mom was working this morning and the leaves were really bothering me since they were covering the drain in the front yard. I wanted to get the mess cleaned up so i can mow one more time before flurries start flying. 

Well, we got the raking done. The mowing can wait for another day. 

It's also Trick or Treat day! One last time to put on the Peacock costume and get free candy! 

We were invited over to Bill and Dana's to join them and other family friends for a door-to-door jaunt around the neighborhood. 

You did well for about 45 minutes before the lack of nap once again set in and you told me "I'm done." 

I tried to coax you into going to a few more homes but you refused. I guess I should have listened. When you're done, you're done. We threw in the towel and headed back to Bill's. 

Not bad for your first true Halloween. I'm sure when I write this post next year the results will be different and I'll have a lot more candy to "inspect" to make sure it's safe for you to eat!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today Ava Went Apple Picking

It was a bit of a game time decision late in the afternoon, but with unseasonably warm fall weather we decided to head to the apple orchard. 

We were surprised to see only one or two vehicles in the parking lot when we arrived at Dunlap's Orchard off of Arlington road.  We were quickly greeted by an employee who informed us that due to large amounts of spring rain the apples have a lot of blemishes and the price tag was half off. 

She also mentioned that the apples were few and far between but if diligent, we could fill our bag. 

I brought the camera with me thinking we might be able to snap some fall photos like we did last year, but quickly realized that probably wasn't going to happen. The trees were boid of both apples and leaves. 

We found a low branch for you to relax on and it turned out to be one of my favorite moments captured on "film"

The fruit may have been hard to find but that doesn't mean we didn't enjoy some family time together walking around among the trees and doing our best to hunt down the perfect apple!

Having not had a nap, it wasn't long before your head was resting on my shoulder. Mom and I did our best to top off our bag before purchasing some fresh cider and heading home so you can rest.

And, by the way - the apples may have had some blemishes on the outside, but the fruit was some of the sweetest and juiciest I've ever tasted. 

As the old adage goes, don't judge a book by its cover!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Today Ava Was Ava

I feared the day would be a long one since you woke up somewhere between 2:00 and 2:20 a.m. (it's still cloudy to me) with a lot of congestion.

As soon as I picked you up you fell right back to sleep so I laid you down in our bed only to have you instantly roll right into my spot. Figuring all was lost, I built a wall of pillow and blankets on the edge of the bed so you wouldn't roll off and out the the couch I went. 

About 20 after six I heard some commotion coming from the bedroom and before I could get up you were racing down the hall toward me. 

That's 20 more minutes of sleep than I usually get so thanks for letting me sleep in! 

But, from here the day became fun. 

6:50 a.m.: Frozen on the tele and jumping from the couch.

8:00 ish: Super heroes. 

10:45 a.m. - Noon: Work with dad. 

Mom had showings so I took an early lunch and we were able to hang out for a bit. Following a healthy lunch of a bag of Dorito's, we hung out with Aun Kay for a bit and walked around the HOF. 

5:30 p.m. - Playing in Baby Sister's room by yourself

"Leave me alone!" we heard as the door slammed. "Open the door!" followed and as soon as we cracked it, you raced to close it again. 

Geesh, make up your mind! 

6:30 p.m. Headbands for everyone! 

We all tried on a handful of headbands tonight. You excitedly showed off what you found, then decided they weren't cute enough and ran back for more. the cycle repeated until you ran out of headbands. 

We were invited out to my cousin Alexis' for a game night/bonfire but opted to stay n tonight. Even though you were acting normal, the congestion was still undeniable. rather than risk it getting worse by going outside this evening, we rented a movie and stayed in. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Today Ava Didn't Want to See Me Go

I had one foot in the car and the other still on the garage floor when the door to the basement flung open. That's unusual so I looked up and saw you with tears streaming down your face looking for me. 

One last hug before I'm late. 

Lately it's been a struggle for me to get out the door in the morning. 

All will be fine, but as soon as I ask for a squeeze and a kiss before leaving for work, you seem to flip a switch and don't want to see me go. 

It took a few minutes for mom to peel you off of me this morning to cries of "No, daddy!" and "No go work!" 

I'm sorry, kid, but I have to go.

It's not a good feeling for me to leave you like that and it's an even worse feeling knowing that I'm leaving mom with a screaming child. She swears you typically get over it quickly. 

I came home for lunch today and it was the same thing at the end of the hour, just a milder version.

I wish I knew why you cling to me so much at times. I would think it's the opposite. Mom's home with you more and she's so good at teaching you new things and having fun with you during the day.

I know it;s nothing personal on your end, but it can get to mom emotionally. 

You and I, let's get better at making mom feel special, capiche?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today Ava Lent A Helping Hand

It's well documented that no matter how large or small the task, you want to help out and be a part of it. 

Tonight was no different. You made it blatently obvious that you wanted to help build baby sister's crib. 

Once mom and I were able to coax you off the box so we could open it, we got rolling. 

It was slow at first, but that's okay. You're getting your hands dirty and learning. 

You helped me put the feet on the legs of the crib and then spotted the bag of hardware. 

That's where your attention went for the remainder of the build. 

Keeping a close eye on the bolts you put them in the box and then dumped them out ... over and over and over and over again. 

Your stock kept dwindling as mom would distract you so I could sneak the parts I needed. A few times you caught me. 

It got to the point where mom had to bribe you with a call to grandma in order to get you out of the room long enough for me to finish the crib. 

I thank you for your help this evening and your contribution to turning the office into a nursery.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today Ava Was Exhausted

"We're dealing with a child who didn't nap today." Mom told me as she was driving home. 

Oh boy, we both know what that means - a moody kid who we have to fight to keep awake until bed time so she doesn't nap too long before bed. 

It's a fine line. 

When I win the race to the house and I hear the garage door go up, I always come down to help mom unload you and whatever she has with her. 

Instead of "Daddy!" I was greeted with a blank stare and a warning of "Don't disturb it!" 

"It" ... that's the term we use when we fear "Gravy Bear" is going to make an appearance or sometimes we use the word in an endearing term. "It's awake!" or "Here it comes" if you're bounding down the hallway. 

I eased you out of your car seat and you were asleep on my shoulder before the door to the car was shut behind us. 

We figured a short nap would be fine and it would allow us the chance to put a finishing coat of paint on Baby Sister's room. 

When we were done with our chores and the pizza was out of the oven mom attempted to wake the Gravy Bear from it's hibernation. 

No go. 

It was basically a change of positions for you. 

You lifted your head once or twice and that was about it. 

I ate my dinner one handed while you sat with me as we rested against the recliner. 

Mom was able to coax you out of your slumber long enough to help her feed the cats and eventually build a puzzles.

Speaking of your puzzles, I must add that while we were working on Olaf here, mom told me that earlier today you built one of the puzzles all by yourself. 

That's quite an accomplishment!!! I'm so proud! 

She said you didn't ask for help, never said "I can't do it" (which is another point I want to make) and put the whole thing together without her. 

"I can't do it." We've been hearing this little phrase out of your mouth a bit lately - mostly with the puzzles. That phrase is a dirty word to us. There's nothing you can't do and we remind you of that every time you say it. 

You might just need some help but never give up without asking us. You can do anything!

It wasn't long before your batteries ran out and we debated as to whether or not it was time to lay you down for the night.. 

Just after 8:00 p.m. I tried to place you in your bed and you magically woke back up and cried for the "big chair." 

Back to the recliner we went. 

A few hours later and I was certain you were out cold. I tried to lay you in your bed again and again I failed. 

Our room? 


"I want big chair!" you sobbed. 

Okay, back to big chair we went ... until 12:45.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Today Ava Was A-DOR-A-BLE!

Keeping this journal has allowed me to record many of the little things that would be lost with time as well as the monumental moments of your life. Well, today I want to let you know about one of the most adorable days I've ever been a part of. 

It just doesn't get any cuter than this.

This afternoon, following mom's appointment where you heard baby sister's heart beat, you fell asleep in her arms on the couch. 

After soaking it in for a few minutes mom let you sleep on the couch while she went to work on painting the trim in the nursery.

This photo is cute enough in itself. 

A little while later mom came out to check on you and you weren't where she left you. 

She looked around and found you like this in the kitchen ...

Rocking the one slipper and passed out on the floor. 

I joked with mom to make sure you were still breathing. She picked you up - expecting you to open your eyes - and made her way to the recliner. Much to her astonishment you continued to sleep. 

In all, your nap lasted for three hours. That's practically half my work day and makes me quite jealous. 

As if that sequence wasn't cute enough mom sent me what might just be the most adorable video I've ever watched. 

After watching this, no doubt in my mind that you'll be a great big sister and the both of you (and future siblings) will grow up and be very close. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today Ava Sped Through A Puzzle

We all have favorites ... favorite food, favorite color, favorite sport and even favorite activity. 

Your favorite activity as of late? Building puzzles. 

Let's speed through one quickly.

Keep in mind, we built the above puzzle before 8:00 a.m. 

No sooner did you wake up did I hear "play puzzles?" softly escape your lips. 

How could I refuse?

I did have to compete with "Little Einsteins" for your attention. 

Puzzles or Einsteins? It's a good struggle in the morning, a win-win really. Working your mind with puzzles this early or learning something via an educational cartoon? Just can't beat it. 

Never stop getting those wrinkles on your brain!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Today Ava Was a Princess

A princess has to eat right? 

Yeah ... that's toast dipped in marinara ... for breakfast. 

After you filled your belly with "red dippy do" we went home and transformed you into a Peacock. The Hall of Fame was holding their annual HALL-oween Family Fun Day where the kids and trick or treat through different stations in the building. 

Complete with a petting zoo outside. 

And pumpkin painting!

 Once you rpumpkin was decorated and dry, it was time to head to your friend Keelie's house for her third birthday party. 

And as unpredictable as you can be, there's one thing that's sure to happen - when we need to be somewhere at a certain time, you're guarenteed to fall asleep five minutes before we get to our destination. 

Today was no different and you slept on my shoulder for the first hour or so of the party. 

Once you were finally awake you enjoyed the party and playing with the other kids. 

Keelie received some new princess dresses of her favorite Disney characters and soon I saw you putting one on. 

I joked with mom "When did we raise a girly girl?" 

To which we responded "Where's the basketball shorts and jersey?" 

Trust me, we kid about this. We love the girl you're becoming and won't stop you from being the person you want to be. 

Princess or athlete or anything in between, be what you want to be, the possibilities are endless.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Today Ava Found The Swing

You wanted nothing to do with the swing when you were an infant. 

You hated it so much so that we eventually just put it away. Maybe your sister will enjoy it? Fingers crossed.

Well, mom brought it out yesterday in hopes that it would calm Baby G and you could watch Frozen. 

Then, this morning you rediscovered it. 

I'm sorry, kid, you're just a little too big for it now. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Today Ava Couldn't Hear Frozen

It might be the naive look on your face, but for whatever reason, this photo is cute to me. 

Trying to watch Frozen was nearly impossible this morning. 

Mom agreed to help Marissa out and watch Baby G for a few hours in the morning. All was well - for about 30 seconds - until Marissa was out of sight. 

Then Baby G cried and cried and cried. You'll have to ask mom, a cry might be a bit of a light description. 

Baby G is a mommy's girl, she made that clear this morning. 

I just had to laugh when the image came through and mom said "She can't hear Frozen." 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today Ava Measured Baby Sister

Another morning of early meetings. 

Another morning of you waiting for me at the top of the steps. 

Don't worry, I have no committments tomorrow morning which means I'll be there to get you out of bed like I almost always do. 

I came home for lunch and did my best to make amends for not being home when you woke up. 

"Daddy play puzzles with me."

Whatever you want to do, little lady! 

I've often state that lunch hour is the fastest hour of the day. Before I knew it, we finished the puzzles and I had to head back to the office.

Following an afternoon consumed by a lengthy meeting, I ran in to you and mom visiting Jenna.

We decided to run up to Office Max and pick up a filing rack for the new cabinet in the basement so we can continue to organize that. 

It was while we were sitting at Panera that mom showed me a few photos from the afternoon. 

You had found a cheap tape measure somewhere in the house and were using that to give mommy a tummy check. 

You took the tape and measured baby sister. 

When we were winding down for the night, you showed me how you measured baby sister and said "All good." 

Future doctor? Time will tell. 

You moved on to check my tummy. 

"All good." I would beg to differ. It should be a lot smaller. 

Then, you laid down on the floor and lifted up your shirt. "Measure my tummy!" you asked of mom. 

She obliged. 

You moved on to measure our heads and our feet. 

We had fun and before we knew it you were laying with me and flipped over to fall asleep. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Today Ava Tried on Her Costume

Before I dive into the costume, I want to mention this morning. I left for work before you woke up to take care of an obligation. I was scheduled to speak about digital and social media to junior high students in Syracuse, NY. 

Shortly before I connected with the students I received a photo of you at the top of the steps with your arms folded. The description made me laugh. 

Mom said "She's not happy you are at work already. Stood at top of steps for a couple min ... She didn't believe me that you weren't here. Thought she'd wait it out and you'd come upstairs." 

I'm glad you miss me!

Now, to your costume, mom has been working hard to come up with a Halloween costume that you'll love. 

She's been a little nervous because you are not typically a "girly girl" if you will. Even though a lot of times you're more than willing to tell people "I'm cute" in certain outfits, dressing up really isn't your gig. 

Over the weekend she went through a few costume ideas with you. 

Elsa? No.

How about Anna? No. 

A ladybug? Nope ... 

Then she came across a skeleton outfit and you lit up. Hmmmmm .....

She kept going. 

A peacock? Yes! You squirmed with excitement.

So, today she went out and picked up s shirt, the tulle andsome peacock feathers for accent and a headpiece. 

The moment of truth ...

You loved it!

I gave you a bath this evening which allowed mom to accent the skirt with the peacock feathers and create your headpiece. 

When you were all scrubbed up, she had you try it on again. 

That may have been a slight mistake because we struggled to get you to replace it with PJs.


Mom can rest easy now knowing she did a great job and you love it!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Today Ava Did A Little Dance

Yesterday you were proud of your art, today you bragged a little when you fit a puzzle piece together. 

It's okay to brag sometimes. Especially when it's this adorable. 

I came home from work tonight, we had dinner and then i had to run back in for a few minutes to film the pink dome once the sun went down. 

I came home and mom asked you to show me your new dance. 

Your mom is so creative to teach you things like this. 

Once of my favorites is "gimme gimme gimme" where you put your hand on top of hers and wiggle your fingers while saying "gimme gimme gimme." Usually that one comes at my expense. She'll tell you I need a butt spankin or something along that lines, you'll come over and carry out her request then go back and do "gimme gimme gimme." 

It's your little thing, kinda lie the dreaded "Girl Power!"