Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today Ava Continued The Conversation

My original title for this post was going to be "Today Ava Became a Conversationalist." I quickly realized that's not entirely true. It didn't just happen today. 

On Tuesday I added a side note to my post about how you're vocabulary is increasing and you're stringing thoughts together.

Well, tonight, when mom and I returned from a benefit dinner for the son of one of her coworkers we came up the stars to hear "Mommy, daddy, you're here!" 

New owl towel from Jenna!
I can't properly describe it, but we sat there and discussed with Jenna, who watched you for us tonight, and discussed your vocabulary with her. 

Mom and I both said that you're not just tossing words out there, you're telling us what you want or aware of your situation and putting it to words. 

I know, I know, I'm not putting my thoughts to paper properly but I think this example might help get the point across. 

You were half asleep when we got home but quickly caught a second wind. "Daddy run!" 

I didn't budge from my spot on the floor in front of the closet. 

Pulling on my hand you said "Stand up!" and pointed to the dining room continuing "Daddy run!" 

I got up and chased you around the house a few times. With each lap you dove into mom's arms yelling "Mommy save me!!!" 

Once I broke a sweat and needed a break, you trucked down the dark hallway, slid into the bathroom and yelled "Daddy, find me!" 

You continued to yell it until I loudly made my way down the hall to let you know I was coming. I heard giggles from the bathroom but pretended not to hear them as you not-so-quietly cloed the bathroom door. 

I made my way to all of the rooms looking for you before you left the bathroom and "snuck" up behind me. 

I pretended to be startled and you got the biggest kick out of it. 

Where am I going with this story? I know it's a part of growing up, but seeing you understand the concept of hide and seek and running and hiding then yelling for me to come find you, is awesome to me. 

You're also getting to the point that you'll tell us something, we'll respond with a question and you'll tell continue the thought in a response. 

It's just amazing. 

But, please, keep the responses cute like they are now. When you become a rebellious teenager, remember these cute moments and don't disrespect your parents. 

Accept my thanks for your consideration in advance.

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