Saturday, August 31, 2013

Today Ava Stepped Up To The Plate

You had a busy day! First, you and mom went to Aunt Beth's house for a bridal shower for Dianne. Then, once you got home from that we packed back up and drove to Shelby for a cookout at mom's Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Terry's house. 

Catching passes from cousin Jordan.
It was fun, there was a lot of family and also kids your size. They have plenty of land for you to run around. A "Free Range Baby" as I jokingly comment sometimes.

Before you were born, mom and I promised each other you would enjoy being outside. We didn't want you to be one of those kids that sit in front of the TV all day. So far, I think we've reached our goal. You love going outside and it showed tonight. 

You were all over the place. It was great. 

There's a lot of memories to walk away with from today but one sticks out more than others. 

Today, you stepped up to the plate. 

There was a tee and plastic balls and bat set up for the kids in the yard and when no one else was around it, we gave it a shot. 

Our little slugger!
I wasn't sure how you would react, sometimes - like me - you don't like to be forced to do something. With a ball on the tee, we grabbed the bat and I placed your hands in the proper grip - or as close to it as you would allow - and we took a swing.

You loved it. My arms blocked your view on the follow through and you strained to see your accomplishment. We put another ball on the tee and tried again. You again strained to see the ball after the bat made contact. The look on your face is something I'll remember forever. 

After a few swings we took a break and went to get mom. She came over to watch as I hoped you would still be interested. Were you ever! 

We took a number of swings and each one was the same, contact with a hard look at the ball. 

We do have to work on one thing, don't look at the ball after you make contact, just run!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Today Ava Met The Team

Let's go meet the team!
So far your two-for-two on basketball seasons. You loved watching the action last season and this season will be no different. 

Mom recently accepted a role as assistant varsity and head JV coach for Strasburg High School. The head coach is one of her former opponents who later became one of her pupils on the court. Your mom love the sport, she lights up when you talk anything basketball or challenge her to a game of H-O-R-S-E, I must take a moment to brag here, I beat her once! 

When you have some time to listen, ask her who Mark Price is. She'll happily inform you. 

Anyway, tonight Jessie (the Head Coach) arranged a meet-the-team night at her home. We drove down and you fell asleep with about ten minutes left in the drive and proceeded to sleep on mom's shoulder until players began to arrive. 

One of the first things you saw upon opening your eyes was Duke, Jessie's pure-bred Boxer pup. He's an energetic little guy as all pup's are and wanted nothing more than to lick your face.

The girls arrived and after eating sat in a circle to play a game called HeadBandz. You wanted to be part of the team and made your way to the middle of the circle. 

With the he of a little "Blurred Lines" we coaxed you out of the center of the circle and you entertained yourself for a bit.

Soon it was time to get you home as you grew tired.

As we were packing up, we overheard one of the girls tell her teammates "She'll like me the most by the end of the season." 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today Ava Was Difficult

Can we trace the conclusion of the day to it's origins? Possibly. 

Feeling a little blue.
You've had a bit of a head cold with your nose running like a faucet which translated into a rough night last night, waking up crying at about 2:15 a.m. Mom got you and brought you to our room and you fell back to sleep for a bit. 

When you sleep in our bed you have a tendency to migrate to one side or the other, not staying in the middle. Tonight, it was my turn to take the brunt of your rolling. I find myself trying to be as small as possible at the edge of the bed in order to give you more room and not disturb you.

At one point, thinking you were good and asleep again, I scooped you up to put you back in your crib but you weren't having it so we came out to the recliner to try and sleep. 

It was finally 6:30 when I was able to place you back in your crib without you waking up. That didn't last long, you were up for good at 7:18. 

A precursor of what was to come? 

You took a short morning nap and after lunch mom met up with Marissa and the kids at Edgewood Community Center where they have an indoor play area for toddlers and small children. 

Mom said you loved it! 

We had some errands to run this evening after work but first decided to grab a bite to eat at Friendly's. Like most restaurants they offer a place mat with crayons for the kids. You insisted on trying to eat the crayons and pitched a fit when we took them away from you. You didn't eat much when we tried to feed you but really enjoyed dipping your veggie straw in moms honey mustard. 

Overall, you were restless and irritable while mom and I ate. 

In the car on our way to Bed Bath & Beyond you began to cry for no reason. We will never know why you began to cry but it continued through the store and eventually I took you outside for some fresh air. We walked - and had two people tell us how adorable you are. They obviously didn't see your tantrums. 

I thought it wise to take you to the bookstore while mom shopped at BB&B, What a mistake. Knowing how much you love books I thought you'd enjoy walking around and seeing all the pages they have to offer. 

You wanted to grab and read every single book in the store and threw a huge fit when I wouldn't let you. Back outside we went and we had one more person tell me about how precious you are. He was obviously not in the store when we were. 

We caught back up to mom and all made our way to Old Navy for a quick look at PJs then off to Target for a some meds for you. 

It wasn't long before we experienced another tantrum. You seem to calm down outside so that's where you and I went while mom picked up the supplies. You were calm outside, sitting in the giant circle at their entrance eating your snacks. Again, a passerby commented "She's so adorable." 

Mom soon emerged from the store and it was time to get you home!

One thing you need to know as you get older - this type of behavior won't fly with us. It's difficult to discipline you at this age because you don't understand, but know in a year or two there will be consequnces to your actions. 

Here's to a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today Ava Was On My Mind

Today you returned to your original sitter. For a short period of time mom was scrambling to find someone to watch you and used contacts at Malone to find Lauren and Logan - two college students who were great to fill the gap. Grandma Fenner would also come to town on Wednesday's while mom was in Cleveland but all three had to return to school. 

We were excited to reconnect with Marissa but to say mom and I were nervous is an understatement, the last time you were there it was tough. You were going through a phase where you just weren't happy. We would get reports that you were clingy and upset and crying all day. We didn't know what to do.

I love me some mato mato's!
We pulled up and I unloaded you and all your stuff and as we rang the doorbell I could hear Laney and Liv running towards the door. Marissa opened the front door and the kids excitedly screamed "Ava!" 

We went to the dining room and when I set you on your feet they took you to the living room to play. Now that you're nimble on your feet you were more than happy to oblige.

What a relief. Mom and I think you were more frustrated than anything which led to the fits last time. You weren't as mobile therefore you couldn't play like the other kids and didn't like it. 

As I went to leave for work I looked over and you were smiling and very happy to be with kids your own size.

I worried all day, hopeful things were going well but nervous that I might get a call saying I need to come get you. 

The call never came and in the afternoon mom texted me saying you were doing well. I was relieved.

She picked you up on her way back from training and I met you guys at home. You were as happy as ever when I walked in. 

We can relax, we have a sitter again!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today Ava Tried Something New

This afternoon at lunch we introduced you to a new a new food group. Cheesy puffs. 

When you and I went grocery shopping yesterday I thought veggie straws and pretzel sticks might be getting blank on your pallet so I grabbed a bag of cheesy puffs. It wasn't until I got home that mom and I realized this might have been a bad idea. They can get messy.

And messy they were. You cautiously tried the first puff and it wasn't long before you realized you liked the taste. Soon, you cast your lunch of leftover spaghetti O's aside and opted for just the powdered cheesy goodness. Eight puffs later it was was disaster recovery time as I tried to clean you up. 

As messy as it was, we'll let you have them again. The picture below doesn't serve the mess the justice it deserves. You can't see your orange coated hands, but trust me it took many paper towels to make you presentable again.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Today Ava Made The Connection

Maybe I'm simply just a proud papa but when I pick up on small things in your growth and development I get excited. 

All food is finger food.
If you were two or three years old I would expect what I saw tonight, but this evening it took me by surprise. You're starting to understand what we say and connect it with what we mean/want. 

Sure, you turn your head when we say your name. You repeat "Mato, Mato" when you want to go pick the veggies from the garden, but this was different. You were getting tired and laying with a toy when I blurted out "where's your bink?" 

You immediately perked up and dropped your stuffed animal, walked over to a blanket on the floor,  grabbed your bink and put it in your mouth. I had no idea where your pacifier was when I asked, I just wanted to see if you made the connection. I was stunned, bot only did you know what I was saying, you remembered where it was and went to get it.

You're probably tired of me saying this by now, but I love watching you learn.

One thing we'll never know is why you've suddenly began using a pacifier. Within the last three weeks or so you've began using them - mostly when you're tired and ready for a nap or bed. As an infant, we couldn't get you to take one. You don't rely on it and don't throw a fit when we take it so I hope it's just a novelty for you.

One other thing of note - it's a well-known fact that you love your books and always ask mom and I to read them to you. Tonight, before bed, you read to yourself. Watch:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Today Ava Washed Up

All afternoon I thought my entry for today would be about how you loved jumping on the pint-sized trampoline at Laney's party. We waited until all of the kids cleared off then let you try it out. You absolutely lit up when you started walking on it and even tried bouncing, not quite getting your feet off the surface, but we could tell by the motion what you were trying to do.

The kids loved seeing you again, it wasn't even your party but they wanted to play with you. Taking you to the backyard and the playhouse, slide and swings. 

But then, tonight I gave you a bath as mom made some work phone calls and your learning caught my eye. After I washed you up and let you play with your toys, you stood up and started rubbing your belly. 

Normally, I discipline you for standing up in the tub, it isn't safe and you shouldn't be dong it. But tonight, you weren't standing up to defy me. So I let you do it again and you took a carefully supervised step or two over to the Johnson & Johnson baby wash and hit the spout then pulled your hand away and rubbed your belly again. You were trying to wash yourself. I was floored. 

The way you learn, and the way you show how your learning astound me. I can't believe how you connect things and what they are for in your little mind. 

Keep the curiosity and never stop learning!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Today Ava Hung Out With Grandma and Grandpa

As I said in yesterday's entry, we stayed in Shelby last night so mom and i could be in Lexington first thing this morning to help Kristi and Ben move into their new house. 

It was a good but long day and we didn't get back to the house until nearly 9:00 p.m. We met everyone on the patio as we returned to the house and you were happy to see mom and wouldn't let me hold you for a while. 

Once we got inside, you were your excited self and enjoyed seeing Scout and letting him lick your face. 

One of the things we brought with us for the weekend was your buggy. We found out that you went for a one-hour walk and even after that didn't want to get out of your car. We don't know what it is about that thing but you love it. 

Aunt Casey had bought Paul's ice cream for mom and I on Friday but by the time we got in town mom and I were too tired to enjoy it. I let it thaw a little ont he counter before mom and I enjoyed it tonight. I sat on the floor behind the couch and gave you a bite, then you turned, went to the other side of the couch and too a bite from mom. This cycle continued until you had your fill of ice cream.

Once everyone wound down, it was off to bed. We have another long day tomorrow. You have Laney's birthday party to attend tomorrow.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Today Ava Partied

Let's ride!
Tonight after work the VP of my department had a cookout at his house for his staff. The invite included spouses and children of his employees and we were excited to take you, an opportunity for you to be out of the house and interact with other children. 

You did well, only throwing one small fit for a few minutes. It came out of nowhere and mom walked you around the side of the house for a minute and you were good after that. 

You really enjoyed being around the other kids. Mom and I think that before you were mobile, you would get frustrated because you weren't mobile like they were. Some of the older kids took you under their wing and played with you, bringing you toys and making sure you didn't stumble off the deck.

I really think you like challenges, solving problems. The backyard is in a slope, not quite the extent that ours is, but a good grade. You insisted on trying to walk up it, over and over. I walked behind you in case you were to lose your balance and tumble backwards. You fell a few times but never got discouraged, just got up tried again. 

You were exhausted when we left the party - which was good because mom and I are helping friends move tomorrow in Lexington and we're driving straight to Shelby to crash for the night. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today Ava Played Keep Away

If I had to guess what your favorite game is, I wouldn't hesitate to say "keep away."

Often times it happens with food - you'll put something in your mouth only to take it out and offer it to mom or me then laugh and pull it away. Food, toys, towels ... anything you can reach and grab.

I can only guess that this originate from when you were really little and we would tease you with a stuffed animal ... putting it close to you, making noises or talking to you, then pulling it away.

Once, a week or so ago, we were sharing a piece of provolone cheese and you had taken a chunk out of your mouth and offered it to me. Anticipating the joke I came in close and opened my mouth. Before I could pull away you quickly shoved the pre-chewed cheese into my mouth. Jokes on me.

Tonight as we were playing in the basement we filled your shopping cart with the stuffed veggies mom purchased for it. Soon you grabbed the pineapple and brought it to me. I extended my hand to accept your offer and as soon as the plush piece of fruit reached my palm you pulled it back and ran away laughing. 

Turning around you walked back to me. "Let's try this again" I thought. Same result, you turned and ran. 

This cycle continued for a good three or four minutes. It's a game you never tire of. 

Mom was able to capture a bit on my phone. Watch:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today Ava Proved Me Wrong

Maybe I should complain about you not wearing a hat more often. This morning after mom left for her training in Cleveland we took your car for a spin around the block. 

Maybe you were still tired but I seized the opportunity to put a hat on your head. Expecting it to be cast aside, I was astonished when you continued what you're doing and left the hat on. 

At this point we were still in the living room, I scooped you up knowing that by the time we hit the linoleum in the kitchen the hat would be gone. We made it to the stairs, still on. Would we get to the basement? We did! 

On to the garage.

I set you in your car and buckled you in. You got your Detroit lean on and around the block we went. 

Though it isn't as comfortable as your stroller, you really seem to enjoy "driving" your car around the block. 

When we got back Grandma arrived and off to work I went. 

Yesterday my latest purchase arrived, a stand and backdrops for taking pictures. The basement is quickly turning into your personal studio. 

We set up the black backdrop tonight and tried to snap a few. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Today Ava Wouldn't Wear A Hat

I'll tell you what, your sitters have an easy gig. Today you slept for three of the 3.5 hours Logan was here. Growth spurt? Maybe.

What else is significant is that you napped later in the afternoon as well. 

I received a text from mom saying "Would you believe me if I told you she's taking another nap?"

Once you were up for the day we went on a few errands, one of which was Old Navy to see if they had PJs your size on sale. While mom was doing her thing, we walked around.

Anytime we're out and I come across hats, I try to put them on your noggin. It's like an instinct, as soon as that hat hits your head your arms fly up and push it off. Sometimes you even hand it back to me. 

I'm perturbed that you don't like headgear. I wear hats all the time and hoped you would too. I think you look cute in them, but he game goes on. 

To modify a famous phrase "No Hats for you!"

Monday, August 19, 2013

Today Ava Took a Test Drive

Before I know it, I'll be writing that subject line with legit meaning. But for now, it's just a double-meaning. It's not a lie to say for your first birthday you received a car. It's also not a lie to say that this afternoon you took it for a spin. 
The motor in your car is one (or two) parent power and you're not allowed on the street alone. 

What you have is a pink Whisper II Buggy from Step 2 that Jenna gave you for your big day. We tried to put it together last week but noticed a missing part. I called Step 2 for a replacement and was told it would be a week to ten days as they were underway with a complete warehouse inventory therefore a few days behind. 

Much to my surprise the parts arrived this afternoon. Mom finished construction of your car and we took you for a test drive down the street. the wheels turned freely and the car glided across the pavement. 

At first you were indifferent but quickly grew to enjoy the ride. After a nice dinner of chicken kabobs and rice - of which you chowed down most of moms chicken - we kicked the tires and took you for a longer drive down to the park.

Strollers are for babies. Big girls drive cars!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Today Ava Grew A Tail

You were born with a full head of jet black hair. Had I not been present for the delivery, I would have questioned who the father is. But, there's no denying you are your fathers daughter. 

Anyway, when we took you to your two-day appointment I remember Dr. Bartos saying that you'll probably be bald by the time you're six months old. 

Could it be your inherent stubbornness that proved him wrong? Your mane never left your head and even lightened over time. Not quite the toe head that mom and I were at your age, but close. 

You may not have lost your hair but it is in no hurry to grow. 

Today, 375 days after your birth, mom was finally able to pull your hair into a "ponytail." It was a short one, like a cropped tail. Somewhat reminded me of a ninja from a bad kung foo movie. 

I think you get the picture. Have a look:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Today Ava Modeled Downtown

Downtown Canton provided the perfect background for the second set of your one-year photos. 

Following a morning trip to the Akron Zoo and a nice nap mom got you all dolled up and I packed my gear into the car and we headed downtown. We started out in front of Canton's oldest eatery, Bender's Tavern. The street outside Bender's is paved with brick and the store front has a bistro feel with outside tables and umbrellas. 

While mom posed you and watched for cars, I snapped away. It was here that you gave us your best Marilyn Monroe impression (see below). We eventually came upon another brick paved street with an old flower box that drew your attention and made for some cute shots. 

We then moved on to Monument Park for a few shots. The Lawn in front of the McKinley Monument is recessed in a bowl which gave the perfect barrier for you to be able to run around in the grass without us having to constantly be by your side. We sat in the grass while you played. Then it was home for dinner and a family trip to Country Cones for some ice cream.

We must have worked you too hard as I've never seen you crush a cone that quickly. Or maybe it was because we tried a new flavor - strawberry.

Like I did with the park photos, I'll let this set finish the story. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Today Ava Experienced FieldTurf

Mom had three houses to show a client tonight which meant we would need to swap vehicles after work and you and I would get to hang out for a a few hours. 

I thought about taking you down to the park to swing, but we do that frequently. I asked mom to put your green rubber ball in the car when she brought you. She obliged and when the time came for her to leave and us to play, we walked outside the Hall of Fame to the FieldTurf. 

For the next half hour you threw the ball, ran after it and just enjoyed the new playing surface. 

A few times I had to keep you from eating the black rubber pellets. Examining new things the way you do, you noticed the rubber pellets that give the carpet its bounce and bent over to inspect. You offered me a few that you were able to pick up then thought you should see how they taste. he look on your face told me they weren't very good. 

I promised mom I would cook her dinner tonight as a celebration to her getting back on the basketball sidelines. She was offered an opportunity to be an assistant varsity and head JV coach for nearby Strasburg Local Schools. I couldn't be happier for her. You can just tell how much she loves the sport when she talks about it, is around it, and plays it. She was born for this and she'll be very good at it. 

Thanks for the help in deciding what to make! You read nearly every recipe in the Taste of Home magazine to me until we chose one. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today Ava Ran The Bases

We've learned our lesson in the past when it comes to your napping schedule. Two is a must, or you'll be cranky. What happened today? One nap. Needless to say, mom told me you've been cranky since you woke up from your nap.

One nap and not happy about it!
At my softball games tonight you were on the go! I kept trying to watch as we were on the field and just laughed to myself a few times as you would be in one spot then seconds later somewhere else. 

Mom did tell me, though, that you swatted at another baby. Maybe you were just trying to "pet" him like you do our cats and she had to try and explain to the boys mother.

It's a good thing you didn't watch the games. You would have gotten a clinic on how not to hit from us. We didn't play so well. 

After the games, I grabbed my equipment bag from the dugout and brought it over to where you two were seated. I scooped you up and took you to home plate and we proceeded to run the bases. 

You started off well but quickly became distracted by a splash of chalk that got kicked up during the game. 

We need to work on your base running, you left the path a few times and would have been rued out. It's okay, we got down the line and made it to first! 

Not bad for your first trip down the base line.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today Ava Fed Her Baby

I've talked a lot recently about how fascinated I am with your ability to learn. Your mind seems to be in overdrive as of late.

Mom had to leave for a training session in Cleveland at 7:00 a.m. so it was just you and I for the morning until Grandma arrived to watch you for the day.

Everyday we pull your little Minnie Mouse loveseat out and you play and lay on it in front of the big couch. 

Today I had your doll sitting on your seat and was curious of your reaction. Would you play with the doll? Cast it aside because you want to lay down? In a moment that confirmed how much you're learning and retaining, you picked up the toy bottle and put it to the doll's lips, giving it a "drink." 

You certainly don't have "mush brain" any longer. I love observing your learning and problem solving!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today Ava Was A Big Dipper

Pretzel? Let's dip it. Pizza crust? Let's dip it! Veggie stick? Let's dip it! 

See a pattern here? Your latest food craze is dipping whatever is in your hand into whatever sauce or liquid you can dip it into. 

Last night we went to Baja Pizzafish for dinner and you were gnawing on the crust of my pizza and dipped it into my water until it was fully saturated. 

Today I was feeding you lunch - trying to sneak some mac and cheese in your mouth between bites of your favorite snack - veggie sticks. You eat these by the hand full. Literally. 

Side note - yesterday I mentioned how much we're enjoying watching you learn, well you know where to get your pretzels and veggie sticks from. This afternoon you reached right into the bag and grabbed another handful. 

You insisted on meticulously dipping them into the mac and cheese. Slowly and surely to make sure you got the right amount of cheese. 

the big dipper:

Today Ava Lounged

As the sheet we got at the doctors office on Monday said "You're a bona fide toddler now." I'll admit, I miss the baby phase, but do thoroughly enjoy the new toddler phase. 

I'm fascinated by your capacity to learn. From seeing a dog and "barking" to recognizing the "Hot Dog Dance" and "Blurred Lines" to immediately waving your arms and hips as you dance. 

Like yesterday, I saw a photo of you that just made me laugh. You looked so much older. 

For your birthday you got an Ava sized Minnie Mouse couch and mom sent me a pic of you laying in it relaxing with a bottle. It was just a reminder to how much you're growing.

As much a we miss the Baby Gravy, we love watching you grow.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Today Ava Wouldn't Sit Down

Not sure why this makes me laugh so much, but it does. You received a learning chair for your birthday. It looks similar to a school desk in that is has a side "table" off the right hand side with a book that you flip through and the toy will even read to you, a lamp you press that makes sounds, and fake crayons. 

Quite honestly, you love the toy but you have a problem with sitting in it. 

Rather than sit and play with the toy in the manner it's intended for, you stand on the seat or even squat in the seat facing the toys. No matter how hard we try, you won't sit in it.

A few times mom and I had to intervene and catch you from falling off. 

I looked at the pics on my phone and laughed more than a few times tonight. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Today Ava Took Some Pictures

This afternoon mom worked an open house so you and I went back up to MAPS to get a closer look at the visiting aircraft. We only got to see the B-17 from a distance on Friday as I had the wrong time for their arrival and the museum was closing and the warbird was leaving for a media flight.

So today I wanted you to see them up close. 

It must have been something different becasue as soon as I set you down to walk on the tarmac, you wrested your hand from my grip and all but ran towards the B-17 and later the 24.

It was hot out so on the way home we stopped at Dairy Queen and split a strawberry Sunday. When we were back at the house as a family, mom asked if we could shoot the first session of our one-year photos. Of course! 

The time of day was perfect for the idea I had mind, so we gathered up the gear and off to Martindale Park we went.

I think the results speak for themselves, have a look:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Today Ava Partied

We couldn't hold your birthday party on your actual birthday since it was on Thursday, so we had a gathering at the Hall of Fame this afternoon. 

We were concerned that we might see "Ava Bear" because you only took a half-hour nap this morning, much to our peasant surprise, the bear remained in hibernation. 

I really think you had fun. From running around with your friends Laney and Liv to getting messy with your cake that Grandma Fenner made for you - which much to my surprise you were very delicate with and were relatively un-messy - to opening your mountain of presents. 

It really was humbling to know that you're loved by so many people. You've got a lot of thank Yous to write little lady!

I'll let some of the picture tell the story.