Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Today Ava Said Please And Thank You

You surprised us by closing out 2013 with a new set of words! 

We've been working for a long time on "please." You'll say it every now and again but I think it was easier sometimes to get your PJs on at the end of the day than it is to get you to say it. 

Those that know you well know that it's no easy feat to get your jammies on at night. 

Mom invited her friend Julie and husband Tim to bring their kids over and celebrate New Years Eve with us tonight. Their daughter Ellie is a year older than you and Sydney, who didn't make a peep the entire night, is just two months old.

We were all sitting upstairs enjoying conversation and "Sophia the First" on Disney Junior when you walked up to Ellie, who was munching on some pretzel sticks in a bowl. I think your intent was to steal her bowl, but eventually you settled for a couple in each hand.

Seeing what was going on, we tried getting you to say "please." Eventually we got it and Ellie offered you a few of her sticks. Delighted, you started to walk away. 

"Ava say "thank you'" mom and I repeated. I really didn't expect anything, you're vocabulary is growing but two-word sentences are few and far between right now.  It's limited to "Hi mommy," "My mommy," both of which can be interchanged with daddy, or "Hi Mickey" and gibberish when you're reading. 

Much to our surprise we heard a quaint "thank you." 

We all looked at each other, did she just say that? It was confirmed a little later with another "thank you." 

What a way to cap a year and I look forward to growth and learning that 2014 is sure to bring us!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Today Ava Learned The News

I find myself caught in an internal debate as I stare long and hard at the screen in front of me. By the time you're old enough to read and comprehend this message, you'll already know that I'm not one to verbalize my feelings or wear my emotions on my sleeve. Much to your mom's chagrin I have a knack for bottling things up.

Let the written words that follow act as the therapy I cannot speak.

Your Great Grandpa Kessler once stated "Everyone has the right to die with dignity." He wasn't referring to what you're about to read, but I found it oddly fitting.

Your mom and I were dealt a crushing blow this morning. After two-rounds of blood work the doctor confirmed what mom already knew, she experienced a miscarriage. We lost your sibling. Given the complications your mother was experiencing we anticipated the news, but it still doesn't soften the pain.

Even though your sibling didn't have the opportunity to experience a long life outside the womb (or inside for that matter), my grandpa's words are why I decided to continue with this entry. At the very least, your brother or sister deserves the dignity of having their short story told. To know that they are loved.

For reasons only God can answer he or she was called to His Kingdom before life was ever breathed into their lungs. 

Our lives will move on, we'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll grow and learn but this is a wound that time cannot heal. 

For the nearly-six weeks that we were expecting, we experienced the same joy and nervousness that we did when we learned of your imminent arrival. It was wonderful. We discussed how we would reconfigure the office into a nursery. We talked to you about being a big sister and how you'll be a role model to your younger sibling. To relish the fact that they look up to you and to not get annoyed when they follow you around like a puppy dog. 

We even bought a shirt boasting that you're a proud big sister. 

When mom first talked of her concerns I was numb to it all. Honestly, I didn't want to believe the reality of the matter and did my best to remain positive on the outside while secretly losing my mind on the inside. Our worst fears came true this morning and unfortunately it wasn't meant to be this time. Rest assured we will relive the good feelings again.

We will live and we will cope. We're a strong family and we'll rely on each other along with your smiles and laughter to get us all through this.

I know a miscarriage is the body's way of telling you something isn't right and the chances of having one are alarmingly high. There's comfort in knowing this but it doesn't make the reality of the matter any easier. 

What it does, though, is assure us of how lucky we are to have the healthy, happy, beautiful girl that you've become. So when I hug you for a second longer or give you a an extra kiss good morning, good night, or goodbye, know that I do it not only for you, but for the brother or sister that wasn't given the opportunity to feel that love.

It's funny how the meaning behind something can change in an instant. Today's appointment was made weeks ago to confirm the beginning of a new life, but ultimately marked the end of it. 

With a smile on face I captured the above image on Dec. 10, 2013 and thought "I'm going to be a dad again!" Now, I find myself staring at it and realizing it's the only physical token of your sibling's existence.

I struggle with knowing that image is all there is. There's no plot in the ground, no marker for us to visit. There's not even an ultrasound. We weren't that far along yet. 

There's a reason this happened, and hopefully that reason is revealed to me someday. Until then, I'm leaning on a phrase your Grandpa Waechter told me a few years back "God doesn't put anything on our shoulders that we can't handle."

I hope with this post in some small way I have given dignity to the life we'll never know. 

Hug your mom a little tighter when you read this.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Today Ava Worked On Her Colors

We were hungry so we opted out of grocery shopping this afternoon in order to get home and eat. I just planned on running out later. No need for everyone to pack up and go out again. 

After dinner we cleaned up and I headed to Aldi as you and mom went to the basement to play and work on your hoop skills. 

When I got back mom was excited to show of your latest talent. We set the bags down by the steps and went over to where you had markers and paper spread out on the floor. 

Mom would pick up a marker, tell you the color then ask you to repeat it. You were doing so well! Surprisingly your strongest word wasn't red or blue, it was yellow. You really enunciated that one well. 

Mom ran through all of the colors with you. You stumbled on a few - wanting to get it over with so you could jut color - but the progress is amazing to me. Every day is something new.

I swell with pride when I think of how quickly you're learning and understanding the things around you.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today Ava Entertained My Aunts

Your Great Aunt Mary invited us and my Aunts and cousins to her house this afternoon for a little get together. My cousin Aaron and his wife Diane are home from Maryland for the Holidays. 

We stopped out to see everyone and you really hammed it up. 

You seemingly made amends with my Aunt Beth. We'll never know why, but for some reason since you were little you have not been keen on her. This afternoon you both got along great, even playing on the floor with toys Aunt Mary brought out. 

Later, as we were about to leave it was Aunt Theresa's turn to play. You had laid down on a blanket on the kitchen floor much like you do at home. Aunt Theresa picked up your feet and began to slide you across the tile. 

You loved it, asking for "mo!" each time she'd stop. 

Here is a little sample: 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Today Ava Was Back To Normal

Well Kiddo, all that hype leading up to the Holiday's and it's over in a flash. 

Today you woke up to no fan fare, no excitement of opening presents or seeing extended family.

It seemed as though you didn't notice and easily settled back into your morning routine sitting on the couch draped in a  blanket drinking some milk and watching Mickey.

Your Aunt Holly's cheerleaders have a game right down the street from us at McKinley High School tonight so she and Grandma are came to town this afternoon.

Mom and I had an unexpected appointment this afternoon so quite literal as soon as Aunt Holly walked in the door, we said goodbye to the two of you and walked out. 

Once we were back the girls went to Old Navy to return exchange a few gifts and take advantage of some good deals. While they were out you and I enjoyed playing in the basement with your new toys. 

When they returned it was out the door once again for us. Tonight was mom's team Christmas party at Jessie's house in Strasburg. 

What began as a "normal" morning quickly turned into a busy day for you. Don't worry, it's only Friday and you have the rest of the weekend to recover.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Today Ava Was Lost Among The Gifts

I had to laugh as we pulled in the garage and opened up the back of the truck to get you out. 

With toys, clothes, and gifts piled high I looked to see if you were still asleep and really had to look hard to find you. 

Did we forget the baby?

Had you not slept the entire drive home, you would have had plenty of things to keep you entertained.

Following lunch we said goodbye to Grandpa and Aunt Casey outside of Napoli's in downtown Shelby. They returned to their jobs and we went back to the house to load the truck. You were exhausted so we knew it was the right time to hit the road. 

I'm not an engineer but there was a little strategy to getting everything in the truck. We filled one side put you in your seat and built another wall around you. 

I'm sure my description is weak in comparison to what it really was, but I found it humorous nonetheless when we got home.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Today Was Ava's Second Christmas

I know this will change in the next few years, but mom and I were more excited for today than you were. So much so that we had to wake you up!

I had slept in a little bit (insert sarcasm here) until almost 6:00 a.m. and as the clock slowly crept to 8:00 a.m. I went to check on everyone. Mom was just stirring and you were still beside her (yep, you finagled your way into our bed again). We decided it best to gently wake you as we had a time frame to hit the road and make it to Grandma and Grandpa's house. 

Once you were awake we tried to build the excitement but it went over like a lead balloon. You had no idea what we were so thrilled about. 

"Ava, look who came last night!" mom said as she showed you the tree with all of your gifts underneath. Your facial expressions told us all we needed to know. 

Slowly you woke up and began to get the point, opening your stocking and excitedly saying "Minnie!" when you saw the markers and coloring books. 

Then it was on to the presents. You got the concept of tearing the paper but if there wasa word of the day, it would be "dainty" as you tore just tiny little pieces of paper off at a time and handed them to me. 

Get your Snicker's, we're not going anywhere for a while. 

Uncle Joe has a penchant for loud gifts, When visiting on our Myrtle Beach vacation over the summer he bought you drum sticks for you at the Hard Rock. For your birthday he got you a rubber chicken that when squeezed has a ridiculously loud cackle. 

For Christmas, it was a set of cymbals. These little brass suckers are loud! It didn't take long for you to figure them out. 

I think these will remain in the basement!

He's also thoughtful, though. I'm always sending him and Uncle Kris images and video of your artistic abilities telling them that there's a little Grandpa Kessler in you. Accompanying the cymbals was a Crayola dry-erase crayon drawing board. It even has lights to make the crayons glow when used in lower light settings. 

Once we were through all of you gifts it was time to pack up and head to Shelby. You slept nearly the entire way, not waking until we got in their driveway.

After a nice lunch of ham and scalloped potatoes it was time for more gifts. There was a mound of presents overflowing from underneath the tree at your Grandparents. 

Rather than open one-by-one, all gifts were divided and it was a sort of free-for-all. Mom and I concentrated on you first, letting you open your clothes and toys before we dug into ours. 

There was a tinge of Disney theme with Minnie Mouse clothes, Pluto and Donald plush toys to go with your Minnie and Mickey's at home, even a motorized Minnie Mouse four-wheeler from Aunt Holly. 

We were warned not to get mad about the four wheeler ahead of time. How could we? It was too cute. 

We need to work on your driving skills a little, but you'll have 15 years to figure it out. 

One of your other favorites that I know will get a lot of use ... your very first basketball hoop courtesy of Grandpa Fenner! Of course we put it together right away.

Without hesitation you grabbed the ball and dunked it. A born natural. 

Of all the toys and clothes and other gifts, one that you liked the most and really clung to for the day was a set of six owl magnets. You wouldn't let them go. At one point I looked over from the couch to where you were sitting with Grandpa and he had a round pizza pan for you to stick your magnets on. 

We had one more stop for the day before calling it a night. We went over to your Great Grandma and Grandpa Kempf's for the evening. While there with your grandma's siblings - Great Uncle Mark and Great Aunt Shelly, and second cousin's Chase, Brittany, and Grant, you opened more gifts. 

Among a few other things, your Great Grandparents gave you a purple coat with silver hearts emblazoned on it that had Sophia on the chest. You wouldn't let it go!

In all, it was a great day. We had a lot of fun and like I mentioned earlier, I'm looking forward to the next few years as you gain an understanding and are excited for the day!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Today Avs Went To Mass

Our Church plans were a little up in the air for a while this year but it all ended up working out perfectly. 

For the second consecutive year we were invited to Christmas Eve dinner with Keith and his family at reunion's Pub over in Perry then to their house for gifts and hanging out. 

We had simply intended on going to Mass at 10:00 p.m. like we did last year. Then we found out there was no Mass at that hour. Our choice were the 4:00 p.m. kids Mass or the 8:00 p.m. Mass. 

Mom and I thought you might like the children's Mass so I cleared it with my boss about coming to work early so I could leave with enough time to get to Church.

We were on time for Church which means at Christmas, we were late. All pews were filled to capacity so we stood in the vestibule. 

Soon, an usher came over saying there was one seat available. Everyone standing had large families so mom opted for it while I stayed back. A few minutes later the usher came for me saying there was a seat that opened up beside mom. 

I sat in a folding chair in the aisle while you and mom had the pew. 

I was somewhat concerned about keeping your attention throughout the Mass especially in a more confined space than what you're used to. 

It all worked out as you made friends with the folks behind us. Waves, fist bumps and high fives all around. 

You were even a little flirty with the boy sitting behind me. Flashing smiles and waves before getting up the courage to give him knuckles and high fives. 

You got a little bored towards the end, but nothing too terrible. Unless there was a child that didn't make a peep the entire night, you were among the quietest. 

Before we knew it, we were off to dinner and Keith's. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Today Ava Threw A Fit For The Ages

Terrible twos at 16.5 months?

Speaking of twos, mom and I learned a pair of valuable lessons tonight. 

1. DO NOT under any circumstance go to Target two days before Christmas for non-Holiday related items. 

Timing was bad on our part as we needed diapers. We like the Up & UP brand (cheap and durable) and are planning on ordering them online from here on out. But, unfortunatley we didn't have enough at home to be able to do so this time. 

We knew the stores were going to be a madhouse but had to brave it. And a zoo it was. Getting a moderately close parking space, we thought things were going our way. How naive we were.

This brings me to our second lesson learned ... 

2.YOU ARE CAPABLE OF THROWING EPIC FITS (when you don't get your way). On a normal day we would let you down and walk around on your own - under extremely close supervision of course. Well tonight, I was leery because of the crowd and I also know that if you pick something up from a shelf, you automatically assume it's yours. When we try to put it back, the tantrums begin. 

Such was the case tonight. We gave you a taste of freedom, letting you down for a few minutes, before we we made our way through the store. 

When I picked you up, you began to bend over and try to get down. Nothing out of the ordinary here. As we got closer to the register the screams became louder. I gave the items I was holding to mom and told her you and I would be in the car.

I paused near the door thinking you might calm down. Nope. 

To the car we went and I hope no one was watching me. If they were, they got a treat. I do my best not to lose my cool, especially in public. I'll be stern with you, but don't want to be the crazy parent you see in stores. I feel that the calmer we are, the quicker you relax. 

I tried to put you in your seat but you instantly stiffened up and screamed louder than I've ever heard you scream before. 

I even took you out and tried to console you in the cold. No dice. 

Mom paid for our goods and came to the car in time for the scene described above to unfold. 

Fatigue must have been setting in because we were able to get you into your seat and buckled in. The top-of-your-lungs screaming continued though. 

It got to the point that we figured there's no way this can still be related to the tantrum in the store. Something has to be bugging you or your in pain. 

We fought the Holiday traffic, eventually making our way home. Once home and upstairs the waterworks subsided and you were back to normal almost immediately.

That was one (and better be the only) for the ages, kid! 

Parents are like elephants, we're not going to forget this one. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Today Ava Was All About Doing Her Chores

As a kid who loathed chores growing up, I am astonished at your desire to help out around the house. You certainly didn't get it from me. 

In anticipation of Grandpa Waechter's visit this morning, we had a lot of cleaning up to do to make the house presentable. We began by mopping the kitchen floor. When you heard the mop spray the floor you came running over to inspect. I could tell it wasn't your favorite, but you were intrigued. 

You and mom then moved on to the basement to wash your mountain of laundry. You seemed to really enjoy this. Mom had you stand on a step stool and pull the laundry out of your hamper. 

Even though it was in the laundry room, it was still an adorable scene.

We soon moved on back upstairs where once we had all of your toys neatly organized we vacuumed the floor. "Sweep, sweep" we heard over and over. I think the vacuum is your favorite tool of the trade. 

Soon, Grandpa Waechter was at the house for you to open your Christmas presents from him. When asked "Ava who is this?" You responded "ampa" which is Gravy-speak for Grandpa. I can't speak for him, but I think it made him prideful. 

Regretfully, I didn't get any pics of you and Grandpa this afternoon, but you really enjoyed your new Minnie Mouse collectible figurine and the Carhart overall set he picked out for you.

You entertained him for a little while before he had to go home and pack for his trip to North Dakota. Tomorrow he leaves to see your cousin Addy for the first time.

Not long after giving Grandpa a squeeze and a kiss it was back to work.

I think mom would beg to differ that I call it work, she's really been wanting to make Christmas cookies with you this year. Making the dough wasn't really within your abilities so I held you up to inspect her work.

We must have worn you out because during the baking process you decided it was nap time. 

You woke up just in time for the best part ... FROSTING! Following a few spoonfuls of the sugary goodness you settled in to your mom's lap and helped finish the work.

So detail oriented.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Today Ava Assisted Mom

We quickly ate dinner before heading to Strasburg for mom's game.

Since we ate prior to the drive, you and I skipped our traditional McDonald's cheeseburger and walked in the gym with mom tonight. 

I was a little concerned since it would be another hour to keep you content in the school.

Upon entering the gym we laid claim to our typical seats. Three rows up and two seats in from the aisle - should I need to make a quick exit.  I must admit, you're getting better at sitting in the stands (I think the coloring books and stickers help). 

As the girls were warming up you spotted mom watching them and trotted across the court to go see her. Standing beside her you looked like her little clone. Ready to coach the team to a win. Unfortunately it was too far away for me to get a good photo.

It's fun to just sit back and observe sometimes. You gave all the girls pregame fist bumps and when it was time to go to the locker room you and mom were first to exit the gym. As you walked through the doorway you stopped, turned and looked for the girls, even waving to them to get their attention. 

Might your future turn back the tables to the day of the player/coach?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Today Ava Went to Dinner With Grandma and Grandpa Fenner

Arrangements were made earlier in the week to meet your Grandma and Grandpa Fenner and Aunt Casey in Wooster for dinner.

Coming in at just under a 45 minute drive, it's the perfect halfway point for all of us to occasionally meet. After a lengthy wait, we were seated and had our meals ordered. 

What's special about this meal? It wasn't that you were picky about our culinary choices for you (again). My apologies there was no yogurt or veggie straws on your plate. It was the fact that you're just using your words more and making ties to what - or who - they're associated with.

Your vocabulary is rapidly expanding. When you're hungry you'll say "eat." Thirsty? "Juice." You know where our room is when we tell you "Night, night." 

At dinner we pointed out everyone and asked "Who is this?"

You're starting to get the multi-syllable words like Casey and Grandma and Grandpa. It may not be phonetically correct, but it's close. 

Since you were born I've been left wondering what your voice will sound like. Slowly but surely I'm getting little glimpses of it's sweetness.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Today Ava Rode The Escalator Pt. 2

I have to write about the escalator one more time, I just can't help it. 

I feel that in your mind, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. If only you knew what sliced bread is ... 

We were back to the mall this evening in an attempt to finalize Christmas shopping. I'm all but done with what I need and in an effort to up mom's efficiency you and I headed to the Sears escalator while mom shopped around the store. 

You're going to be shocked, but I have no photos or videos to show your excitement but not to worry, everything is permanently stored on the memory card that is my brain. 

We had to ride up then down at least a half-dozen times before my back couldn't handle bending over on the way down any longer. Yes, my age is showing ... 

Here's how we rode ... On the way up I would set you on the step in front of me to give a little extra height and hold on to your hands. I couldn't let go not only because I didn't want you to get hurt but in the back of my mind I felt I was already being judged for letting you "play" on an escalator. trust me, you were 100% safe under my watch. 

Also, you're uncontrollable stomping and giggling as we ascended didn't allow me to opportunity to let go. Your excitement got the best of you. As we neared the top I would slowly count "One, two ..." and when I got to three I'd lift you up as the stairs disappeared underneath the floor. 

It didn't take long for you to catch on and anticipate the count. You'd bend your knees, squat down and actually help me by popping up and jumping when I got to three. 

When we got to the top it was all but a run to the other side to head back down. Much like the movie "Dodgeball" people were dipping, ducking and dodging you as you made your way to the other side. 

For the way down I'd place you on the same step as me holding on to your little hands. The same excitement you showed on the way up translated to the way down. As we neared the bottom my count began again "Are you ready? One ... two ...." and on three you jumped as I picked you up and your legs were kicking the air as you laughed until your feet hit the ground again. 

What fun!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today Ava Rode the Escalator

If it were possible to have a case of the Monday's on Wednesday, I was having it this morning. While you and mom were sleeping I took my truck in for an oil change only to come out also needing a battery. And to boot, I forgot my favorite coffee mug at the mechanic. good thing I had to go back on lunch to get the battery installed. 

By the time I got home it was already after 8:00 a.m. I shoveled the driveway quickly, came in and showered and off to work it was, barely any time to say good morning to you.

It was okay though because I knew I'd see you before work was out and we would be having a little "Daddy-Daughter Night." 

Early in the morning though, mom sent me the photo below. Someone was being a bad Grave-O and climbing the couch while mom was trying to get ready! Your sense of adventure and pushing the limits makes me laugh sometimes. 

Mom brought you in to see Jenna this afternoon who bought you a large amount of Minnie and Mickey Mouse clothes and books among other things for your second Christmas. 

I was in a meeting so I was unable to see you open them, but as soon as I was out I met up with you and mom. We spent the remaining 10 minutes or so of the workday in the office before braving the Holiday crowds. 

We made our way to the second floor of Sears and Macy's and if you had it your way I'm sure we'd still be riding the escalators. As we meandered through the mall you refused walk but aswe rode the first escalator I could see a look of wonderment in your eyes and even heard a whisper of "wow" come from you. I set you down on the step - holding on and keeping a close eye on you, of course - as we rode to the top. As we neared the final few feet I coulted down "3-2-1." before picking you up and stepping off. 

You loved it and begged me to ride again. We had a mission to complete so we did our thing then rode down. 

Once or twice at Macy's and you loved it just as much. Like a quarterback sending a receiver in motion you kept lifting and stomping your leg in excitement. 

I love these little moments. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Today Ava Saw Cousin Addy

After a few days of delay, our schedules finally came together where we could FaceTime with Uncle Kris, Aunt Suz, and your cousin Adelynne. 

It's difficult being so far away from them, you see, with Uncle Kris serving in the Air Force they are stationed in Minot, ND. At least they are right now. It's up in the air where they'll be by the time you're old enough to read this.

Our main line of communication for the most part has been through texting, but we're trying to "see" each other more via FaceTime.

It was interesting to watch your reactions because if AC (Adelynne Claire) got fussy, you'd look concerned and come over and check the phone to see if everything was okay. If she was quiet and we were just having normal adult conversation, you preferred to draw with your markers.

Family is a huge part of your parents lives and we hope to instill that in you and your future siblings. Growing up I was close with my cousins and still am. I know it'll be difficult for you due to the distances, but with technology as it is now and who knows what it will be when you're older, my fingers are crossed that you'll be the same way.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Today Ava Was Back To Normal

Just a little stomach bug yesterday. 

By midnight you were fast asleep in mom's arms on the couch and the vomiting had stopped. 

This morning all was forgotten as you were your typical lively self when you woke up. 

We even met Grandpa Waechter out for a little Christmas shopping and lunch. 

In a power-play you refused a nap at your normal time. I think you knew mom had a game tonight and flexted your muscle to refuse a nap until the last minute. 

Rather than get the right amount of sleep you finally gave up the fight with just over an hour before we needed to head to Strasburg. 

Mom did her best to gently pluck you from your crib and put you in the car without disturbance. It didn't work as planned and you woke up as just as she tried to buckle you in. 

In what's becoming our tradition, you got ready for game time by crushing a cheeseburger at McDonald's after we dropped mom off. 

Grandpa and Great Grandpa Fenner made the trek down to catch mom's game and see you.

With the extra hands I was able to catch more of the action than I've seen yet this season. 

Don't take the above line the wrong way. I don't mind watching you at all, you just get bored sitting in the stands and want to burn excess energy running around in the cafeteria.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Today Ava Was Under The Weather

I hope tomorrow starts out better than today ended for you. 

When you woke up this morning I could hear your stomach gurgling but didn't give it much thought since you were acting normal. 

It wasn't until the evening that you suddenly threw up all over yourself and me. to be frank, it was a series of four projectile vomits. 

We've dealt with the spit-up and the vomit of your infant days but this was much different. Something obviously wasn't sitting well in your stomach. 

After it was all said and done, you asked for a drink and seemed to be back to normal. 

As the evening transitioned into bedtime I took you back to our room to lay down and was just about to move you to your crib when it happened again. This time, all over me (I had some in my beard), our bed and the floor all the way to the bathroom. 

I'll spare you the gross pictures, but when it was all said and done for the evening, this is my tomorrow. A lot of laundry. 

After your second session, I ran out to pick up some Pedialite to help keep you hydrated and apparently just missed round three. The series ended at four and exhausted you fell asleep in mom's arms on the couch. We brought you back to our room at least for part of the night to be sure you didn't vomit in your sleep again. 

I hope you feel better in the morning little one!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Today Ava Put Her Pants On

On Thursday night you put your hat on all by yourself, tonight we graduated to putting your pants on. 

We were all in the basement playing when we caught a whiff of something foul. It wasn't us, it wasn't the cats so that leaves just one culprit ... 

After a quick changing we we tried to put your pants back on, but you wanted to be miss independent and do it yourself. 

You sure were proud of yourself! 

Now, if we could just get you to put them on your legs ...

Friday, December 13, 2013

Today Ava Had some "me" Time

I had some vacation to burn so I took the day off and was looking forward to an extended weekend with my family. 

It ended up being a very busy day for us, but you were able to catch one fleeting moment of downtime. 

We wanted to try (emphasis on try) and shoot some family photos for a Christmas card in the basement tonight. We spend a good portion of the morning setting up. Backdrop, icicle lights, ornaments. We were going all out. 

Then mom had practice and we hung out for a bit. A quick dinner after she got home then everyone got ready for pictures.

While we were getting ready, one thing did catch my eye. It was a dimple moment of "me"  time that you were enjoying. Quietly sitting against the wall as mom did her hair and I ran around making sure we were good to o in our basement "studio." 

It was too cute of a scene not to stop and take a quick photo.It just has a peaceful look to it. 

The attempted Christmas photos, not so peaceful. Could we be hitting the dreaded "Terrble Two's" early?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today Ava Put Her Hat On

"I put my hat on, so what?" I can picture you saying as you come back to read this someday. 

Well at this age your motor skills and coordination aren't exactly all there yet. 

You're getting it though, and tonight showed it. 

We've run into a few instances in which you want to do things for yourself but are unable too, putting your PJs on or pulling your shirt on over your head. All of which have ended rather unfavorably. 

Tonight though, your efforts began to pay off. Our little family was chilling in the living room when you grabbed one of your winter hats from the floor and tried putting it on your head. 

Two quick observations:
1. You made the connection that it's a hat.

2. You tried so hard to properly put it on. 
After two failed attempts the hat was on your head properly without any help from us. To see the look on your face, you were beaming with pride.

On and off the hat went for a good while before you finally grew tired of it.

It's incredible to me how quickly you're growing up. Everyday is a new adventure.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today Ava Took The Stage

Ladies and Gentlemen please turn your attention to center stage where I present to you, for this one night only, AVY GRAAAAAVYYYYY.

In what's becoming our normal routine, we took a break from mom's game for a tour of the Strasburg cafeteria. We started at the owls on the bulletin board, made our way to the water fountain where you proceeded to soak yourself trying to get a drink, but then we saw it. The stage!

Typically, the stage is not easily accessible as the cafeteria tables are pushed up against it, but tonight was a different arrangement and it was calling you like a beacon in the night.

You wouldn't allow me to set you down to walk on the cafeteria floor but once I set you down on the stage, a star was born.

The video is short because with steps on each side and a drop off the front, I didn't want to be recording and you end up taking a fall. That wouldn't help my cause for Dad of the Year.

With towel in hand, you played peek-a-boo for your imaginary audience then thrilled them with your running and jumping talents.

When the show was over i.e. me removing you from the stage. You demanded an encore i.e. threw a fit that didn't stop until I put you back down on the stage. 

We might just have a diva performer on our hands.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today Ava Posed For Christmas Pictures

It's been a while since we've had a nice photo shoot. The last would have been for your 12-month photos

Tonight we wanted to take Christmas photos for use on our cards. Mom had some ideas she found on Pinterest and all started out well, we used cookies and milk as a bribe to get you to stay near the tree. 

The images are cute and with some cropping and slight retouching, they will be adorable. 

I lost count of how many cookies I ended up eating since they kept breaking apart from the constant dunking. You're lucky I'm willing to sacrifice for the greater good! 

After the mess was made under the tree we moved our set to the bedroom where mom had strng some lights across the headboard and put down white sheets. 

She wanted photos of you "reading" a Christmas book. You were quickly tiring out on us. We didn't get exactly what we were looking for but I think we got another cute shot or two. 

It must be noted that shooting of the above series of images was delayed for approximately 10 minutes as our subject - you - threw one of the ornaments and it smashed into another causing one to explode. 

Once cleaned up, our shoot continued, but your good mood was sucked up in the dust buster with the pieces of the ornament.

With an uncooperative subject this location was abandoned for one more go-round at the tree. This time mom draped your Minnie Mouse couch with a nice blanket and we tried to have you read again. 

The tomfoolery continued ... 

But, in a moment of weakness you did manage to give us at least one good one!