Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Today Ava Said Please And Thank You

You surprised us by closing out 2013 with a new set of words! 

We've been working for a long time on "please." You'll say it every now and again but I think it was easier sometimes to get your PJs on at the end of the day than it is to get you to say it. 

Those that know you well know that it's no easy feat to get your jammies on at night. 

Mom invited her friend Julie and husband Tim to bring their kids over and celebrate New Years Eve with us tonight. Their daughter Ellie is a year older than you and Sydney, who didn't make a peep the entire night, is just two months old.

We were all sitting upstairs enjoying conversation and "Sophia the First" on Disney Junior when you walked up to Ellie, who was munching on some pretzel sticks in a bowl. I think your intent was to steal her bowl, but eventually you settled for a couple in each hand.

Seeing what was going on, we tried getting you to say "please." Eventually we got it and Ellie offered you a few of her sticks. Delighted, you started to walk away. 

"Ava say "thank you'" mom and I repeated. I really didn't expect anything, you're vocabulary is growing but two-word sentences are few and far between right now.  It's limited to "Hi mommy," "My mommy," both of which can be interchanged with daddy, or "Hi Mickey" and gibberish when you're reading. 

Much to our surprise we heard a quaint "thank you." 

We all looked at each other, did she just say that? It was confirmed a little later with another "thank you." 

What a way to cap a year and I look forward to growth and learning that 2014 is sure to bring us!

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