Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Today Ava Became "Daddy's Girl"

I'll keep this one short and sweet. 

Simply adorable.
You're officially "Daddy's Girl." Your mom confirmed it today. 

Remember the tradition your mom started of waiting for me at the top of the steps when I come home from work? Well, when I came home this afternoon, you wiggled and bounced up and down and couldn't wait for me to get up the steps. 

As soon as I got near you, it was like your mom didn't exist. You reached for me and tried to push away from her. 

She looked at me and simply said "She's Daddy's Girl." 

Not to take away from yuor mom, she's so good to you. You'll understand someday. 

I think a lot of your excitement stems from me not being here all day with you like mom is. 

I also think some of it comes from the fact that you've slept through my lunch hours all week. Since your mom has been home with you I come to the house on my lunch hours to try and free her up for a little bit and so i can hang out with you. 

All week you've napped through my lunch hour. Maybe tomorrow I'll take lunch a little later.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Today Ava Swam With Dad

Your third swim lesson was this evening and instead of your mom getting in the pool with you, it was my turn.

If you're happy and you know it,
splash, splash, splash.
I was reluctant ... just ask your mom. I admit, I complained about it all week. Not that I didn't want to spend more time with you, I'm just not a pool-type person.

I spent enough time doing laps in high school.

As we were leaving the last lesson one of the moms said that she had a meeting and her husband would be getting in with their daughter. 

As soon as your mom heard that, I knew it was over. She looked at me and and said "Well he can't be the only dad in the pool."

It's been only mothers in the pool to this point and if you heard some of the songs they sing, you'd understand why. 

The time came to go to he lesson and your mom packed both my suit and hers in case I backed out. 

I'm a man of my word, so in I went and there ended up being three dads in the water this time.

It wasn't as bad as I was making it in my head all week. It was a fun chance for us to bond a little more.

You did drink about half the pool, though. I was worried you might spit up and re-fill it at some point during the lesson. Luckily, that didn't happen.

You aren't afraid of the water one bit.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today Ava Was In Pictures

This morning I thought today's topic would be the third tooth that popped in on the top left of your gums. 

Then, this afternoon, I thought it might be about how happy normal you have been. I need to stop using "happy" to describe you. Happy is normal.

Later in the afternoon, I thought my topic would be how you followed your mom around the dining room and living room as she vacuumed.

Then this evening it hit me. Like the proverbial ton of bricks.

Before you were born when I would hear someone say "I wish they could stay little forever." I would think to myself, "What a selfish statement. Let your child grow up, let them be their own person."

Today, "I wish you could stay little forever." There. I said it. 

All day I have been staring at the digital photo frame that used to be in your mom's office and is now perched on the living room coffee table. It's full of photos, literally from the moment you were born up to this week. Reminiscing on your growth made me realize how quickly time has gone. And it's just going to keep going. 

There are so many photos of you sleeping on my chest. Your mom thinks I'm a broken record as more than a few times I've told her how much I cherish those moments and how they won't last forever. 

Tonight, as you fell asleep on my chest on the loveseat, clutching your glow worm, I realized why something from the other night occurred.

A few days ago you woke up in the middle of the night. We were both exhausted so we let you take a bottle and fall back to sleep in our room.

The problem is, you didn't fall right back to sleep like you typically do. So, I put you on my chest and like a light switch, you were fast asleep. I gave you a few minutes to be good and out, then tried to roll you to the bed between your mom and I. The instant you hit the mattress, you were awake crying. 

To my chest again. 

A few minutes later, we tried the mattress. Same result. 

This time, your mom tried to put you on her chest to give me a break. No dice. You fussed and wouldn't have it. I took you and put you on my chest and out you were. 

We laughed - and I think your mom was slightly insulted - but seeing all of those photos in that frame made me realize why you fall asleep on me. 

You've been doing it since day one. 

I absolutely adore this. 

As much as I want you to stay little, grow up! Be your own person! Know that no matter how much time passes and how much you grow, you'll always be my little girl.

I think you get the point.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Today Ava Has A (Nick)Name

I've told you the origins of "Gravy" before, but as your mom and I were talking today we realized as quickly as your learning and developing, it may be a while before you learn your own name. 

You're going to yell at me for this, someday.
A-V-A, three letters. Simple enough, right? Wrong. 

Not when we've come up nearly a dozen nicknames that we call you regularly. 

We were driving down Everhard Road, on our way to Robek's for a smoothy when we laughed as we ran through the list on nicknames. We joked about how old you might be before you know your own name. 

We likened it to your cat McGee who has nearly as many nicknames. 

By now, you're probably thinking "Enough with the back story, what are the nicknames?" 

Let's see how many of these we still use by the time your old enough to read this:
  • Avy
  • Avy-Gravy
  • Wavy Gravy
  • Gravy
  • Grav-O
  • Av-O Grav-O
  • Babe-O
  • Graves
  • Gravy Baby
  • A-Bug
  • Buggers
  • Ava Lou Bob (you can thank Grandpa Fenner for that one)
 Which of these do you want on the back of your high school hoody?

As I type this, I realized I have told you about of your countless nicknames, but have never enlightened you to the  origins of your name. 

You can thank your mom and a Pro Football Hall of Famer for your name. How do the two tie in to each other? Let me tell you. 

We knew before we got married that we wanted kids. Many conversations occurred about names and what we liked and didn't like.  

When we knew your mom was pregnant, the conversations took on a whole new meaning. The drill-down truly began. It's a nerve wracking thing.  A name. Seems simple enough until you're the one making the decision. It's not something that you can go back and change if you decide you don't like it. It's the first truly life-long decision we've ever had to make.

We didn't take it lightly. 

Let's fast forward a bit - March 19, 2012 - "It's a Girl." 

Now we know we can eliminate boy names. Your mom studied names for a while; we'd bounce what we liked off of each other and eliminate the ones that didn't stick. 

One day your mom looks at me and says "Ava." At first, I eliminated it. Not sure what it was, but something about it didn't sit with me.

It's one your mom really liked so even though I cast it aside, your mom kept it in her stable of names. Every so often she'd bring it up and ask again, and each time I'd shoot it down. 

Then, one day that all changed.  

It was Monday, April 10, 2012.  Curtis Martin was in Canton to meet with HOF officials and tour the Hall. As such, I was filming his visit and as we were all in a circle talking, he mentioned his seven-month old daughter, Ava. 

It clicked. To this day I can't tell you why it happened, but hearing him say the name I knew right then that it was what your name would be. 

I couldn't wait to get home to tell your mom. It was settled. Ava Michelle it would be. 

As Paul Harvey would say "And now you know the rest of the story." 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today Ava Was Playful

This wasn't the first time you've played peek-a-boo, but it was too cute not to talk about again. 

Enjoying some pistachio ice cream at the
New Baltimore Creamery.
Early in the afternoon today I received a text with a video attached in which you were playing peek-a-boo with a t-shirt.

You had done this a few months ago in your crib with a blanket, but this time, I think you knew you were playing. 

It's so much fun to see how you're changing and learning more and more each day. 

At one point during the video, you even seem to say "hide" when your mom prompts you to put the shirt up over your face. 

Sometimes technology can be  a tether to the job, but in instances like this I'm thankful for it. Like I said yesterday, I miss a lot of the things your doing for the first time or some of the fun stuff because I'm at work during the day. Receiving this video made my day. 

I think it's obvious you're getting your mom's mind - which I'm thankful for that as well - she's much more smarter than I am. 

New wrinkles on the brain everyday! 

Keep up the curiosity, it'll take you places. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today Ava Watched Cartoons With Mom

I don't have the opportunity to hang out with you during the day so most of my observations come from early morning or late evening. 

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
This morning I witnessed a very cute moment shortly after we had all woken up. 

Your mom sat on the floor in front of the television while you played. You quickly crawled over to her and climbed up to her shoulder. Maybe it was to get a better vantage point to watch cartoons, but I like to think it was so you could be a little closer to your mom. 

As always, I grabbed my phone and snapped a quick picture. 

We're not sure what's been bugging you this week, but reports from your mom are that you've been cranky during the day and not sleeping much.  

We can only guess that it's either teething again, or a growth spurt. 

Hopefully it doesn't last long.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today Ava Was Not Happy

We're not sure what got into you today. 

You just weren't happy about something. Unfortunately you can't communicate what is bothering you so we were left to guess. 

Teeth? Not feeling well?

You stopped by work this afternoon.
Makes my day!

No matter what we tried, it didn't calm you down and you hardly ate anything and barely napped. It was a long day for your mom while I was at work so I tried to help out as much as I could. 

She deserved a break.

You seemed to get sightly better as the evening went on. We played in the basement until you started to get fussy again - this time due to fatigue.

Back upstairs we went where you played for a bit longer. Eventually you and I went into the bedroom as I could tell sleep was creeping up on you. 

When you get really tired, you almost teeter-totter back and forth, like a reverse pendulum. 

Anchored on your butt, you'll fall to the side, look like your sleeping for about ten seconds, then pop up and fall to the other side. More often than not, you'll smile when you pop back up before falling over again. It's cute. 

Tonight, you had a new move, you fell straight forward, bending at the waist. Once, you even threw your arms out and fell face-first into the bed. 

It wasn't long after that and you were spent.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today Ava Dissed Mom

It wasn't intentional. At least I don't think. 

When we would say "Mom, mom, mom" in hopes of you repeating it, you would instead blow raspberries. No "Bob, bob, bob" or miscellaneous ramblings, just berries.

On the other hand, if we said "Dad, dad, dad" you'd repeat it. 

That made me feel good, but your mom not so much. 

At first I thought it was just an anomaly until it continued most of the day.  Your poor mom, she's been doing a tremendous job of taking care of you throughout the day and this is how you thank her? 

It's making me laugh, even as I type this. But, you need to be nicer to her! 

It was nice out this afternoon so even though you wouldn't acknowledge her, your mom was still kind enough to take you outside and enjoy the warmth out back. 

She texted me this image in the afternoon. Taken from a low angle, it's full of warm color and interesting shadows.

 It has become one of my favorites. It shows your curiosity about what is around you and how you are learning to explore. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Today Ava Was Put In Timeout

I walked home from work and came up the steps saying "There's my happy baby!" To which your mom shook her head. I questioned saying "Not today?" 

"No, she was put in her first timeout." Your mother responded. Five minutes in your crib.

Uh oh. 

The second night of the past three that you've
fallen asleep in my arms in the living room.

I asked what you did to deserve this. A question that I already knew the answer to but asked anyway. 

Lately, you throw tantrums when we try and change you. Crying, screaming, what  like to call "gator rolls" are all part of your fits. 

You aren't content until you're back on all fours and crawling around. Most of the time, it takes both of us to hold you down and get you changed. 

Baby strength is something not to be taken lightly.

If someone were to walk past our house when we are trying to change you, they would call the authorities. 

And if child services comes to our door before you are potty trained, timeout will be longer than today's five minutes young lady. 

We want to instill discipline, we need you to know that this kind of behavior will not fly with us. 

On another note - We think you're teething again. A lot of chewing on your teethers and toys and sucking your thumb again.

You were very subdued this evening, having fallen asleep in the car on the way home from your swim lesson. You woke up at 8:00 p.m. and it wasn't long before you were down again for the night. 

Sleep tight Gravy.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Todat Ava Was Having A Conversation

"Bob"-E pin?
With who, we're not sure and what you were saying, we'll never know. 

Today you were saying more than your normal "Dad,  Dad, Dad" and "Bob, Bob, Bob" which we've come to realize translates to "Mom, Mom, Mom" in Gravo-O speak.

You study our mouths when we try and talk to you, so we'll slow down and emphasize the syllables and mouth movements in hopes that you'll pick it up. 

I think it's working.

Your gaining a voice and holding the cutest little conversations. I wish I knew what you were trying to tell us. It better not be asking for my wallet or credit card. 

That'll come soon enough... 

It was as though you were holding a conversation with us, trying to speak on our level. It was baby gibberish, but was another level achieved in your development. You'll be talking soon enough.

Your mom said this has happened off and on over the the past two days but has really taken off today. 

You wouldn't stop talking - expect for when I tried to record it. Once the camera came on, you stopped. Not sure why you became so camera shy, there's been one in your face literally since the moment you were born. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Today Ava Was A Bit Atypical

On a normal night when you get tired, we'll go sit in the master bedroom, let you wind down, and eventually put you in your crib for the night. 

Down goes Gravy.
I don't want to start bad habits, but you don't like to miss anything and will fight sleep until you can no longer go on. We know when you get tired, the signs are obvious to us now. You'll get squirmy, restless, and cranky. 

Tonight, Keith was over and hanging out with us. We knew you started to get tired but didn't want to miss any possible action. I tried in vein a few times to get you to go to sleep. 

Your mom also tried to put you down for the night. No luck. 

She brought you back out and handed you to me in the recliner. We relaxed and had your glow worm in hand. It calmed you down as it always does and eventually, you were down for the count. 

This just doesn't happen. It's rare for you to fall asleep in the living room so we sat for a few minutes to make sure you were sleeping and your mom took you back to your crib. 

Sleep tight little one.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Today Ava was A Stinker

You can thank your mom for this subject line.

It was early afternoon when I received a text from her with a video of you attached.

You were being your typical ornery self, blowing raspberries and chatting away. Your mom likes to refer to you as a "little stinker" when you get into these moods.

I get a kick out of these videos and watch them seemingly on a loop. 

These raspberries are a trip. From the randomness of when you do it to the intense look on your face.

It's an image forever burned into my memory. No matter how old you get, or how fuzzy my mind may become, this is something I'll always remember. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today Ava Enjoyed the Weather

I've been waiting for this day since you we're born, Grav-O. The mercury breached the 80s and you know what that means - you spent the day outside!

Splish Splash
Your must have known that I was a little perturbed at your sleep pattern yesterday as you woke up at 7:10 a.m. as happy as can be. We hung out until I left for work.

Knowing that it was going to be a beautiful day, I put your new inflatable pool on the patio and filled it for you. I figured by the time I got home the sun would warm it for ya.

I came up the side steps on my lunch hour to find you splashing around in the pool and your mom watching over you working on her tan. Sunburn more like it.

Lunch hour is the quickest hour of the day and not long after my feet hit the top step, it seemed like I was heading back down them.

I closed out the second half of the work day, we had dinner and back outside we went. This time on a walk through the neighborhood on our way to the park.

One of my new faves.
Your mom has been taking you on these walks when the weather allows it and she told me how much you enjoy the swings at the park. What an understatement.

When we placed you in that swing tonight, the tongue came out, the feet started kicking and the laughter didn't stop.

We swung for about 15 minutes, took probably 100 pictures (no lie) and went down the slide a few times. You even received a few compliments from two little girls ,saying on the slides and monkey bars. "You're baby girl is so cute!" They said more than once.

You made new friends. The one little girl even showed you how to go down the slide and how to navigate the monkey bars.

A few minutes later we said our goodbyes then finished our walk.

Too bad it's only going to be in the 40s this weekend ... This was a fun day. Can't wait for more of them this summer!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Today Ava Didn't Want to See Me

Who wants to go for a dip?
You only took one nap today, but to me It felt like you slept all day. Were you just avoiding me?

You didn't wake up for the morning until moments before I had to head out the door then when I came home for lunch you were napping and missed me again. 

Let's work on something here ... How about you sleep soundly through the night without waking me up in the wee hours for a bottle and a change? 

From about two months old until about five months you'd sleep through the night without issue. this ended when you got a cold and it ended the streak. Rarely have you given us a full nights sleep since then.

I think 7:00 a.m. is a great compromise for you to get up for the day. This gives you 10 hours of sleep and I'll be back from the gym for the morning. That would also allow your mom to sleep. It's a win-win-win scenario. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Today Ava Was a Bookworm

Growing up, I always enjoyed reading, starting with the Berenstain Bears and Curious George then moving on to the Hardy Boys and eventually non fiction related to World War II aviation history. Yes, your father is a history geek. And you have a very special person to thank for that. If I haven't done so already, ask me to tell you about him.

Let's read, Dad.
Since your birth I had hoped you would feel the same about reading. Early on I felt guilty because we didn't read to you like we should have. Sometimes your attention span -or lack thereof - wouldn't allow us to read to you, most of the time it simply boiled down to me not doing it.

A lesson I learned as soon as I became a parent was to make time. It won't be long and well be going from me writing this post about you enjoying your picture books to us sitting down and reading this post reflecting on today. Long story short, time goes by way to quickly. 

Over the last week or so its excited me to see that your gravitating towards your books and want us to read them to you. It can get to be a broken record, reading the same book over and over, but if that makes you happy, then I'll read it as many times as you want. 

Today, as soon as you woke up, I set you on the floor and you crawled right over to your books, pulling them all off the shelf underneath the coffee table. You spread them out as though you were sorting them in order of preference. 

Before I left for work this morning you sat up right in front of me and pulled a book out. I could only assume you wanted me to read it to you. 

So, before I headed out the door we read. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Today Ava Jumped Right In

I couldn't help but think that this is the first of countless times we'll take you to lessons, to practice, to games. At least until you're 16 and can drive yourself.

Water baby.
What path or sport you'll choose is in the hands of fate, but just know that you'll have the full support of both of us in whatever you choose.

My sports life was spent primarily on a baseball diamond and your mothers on the basketball court. We both played multiple other sports in our day but baseball and basketball were our niche.

Could the pool be your calling? It certainly wasn't ruled out tonight as you had your first swim lesson. 

Would you love it? Like you do your baths. 

Would you hate it? Like you did your baths during the first two months of your young life. 

Only time would tell. The moment came to dip you in the water, you didn't love it, but you didn't hate it. It was more a moment of contemplation. 

Your initial reaction was to survey the area around you and soak it all in (pun intended). Surrounded by other babies and their mothers; it was a strange new world to you. You handled it very well.

The instructor used different songs associated with certain movements. The goal of the class was to make sure you didn't fear the water. It was more of an adjustment than a lesson. 

Even when your mom accidentally submerged you, you resurfaced and continued on, no tears. I feel we have a water baby on our hands and who knows where this might lead us? Olympics in 16 years?

Just do me a favor, remind us if we as parents begin to push too hard. Our goal is to encourage you to enjoy athletics and do your best without crossing the line and causing you to get discouraged and burnt out.  


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Today Ava Was Persistent

I love the never give up attitude you showed tonight!

Still climbing.
There's an old saying I learned in college "Noting in the world can take the place of persistence."

It was about 8:00 p.m. this evening and we began to play a little game. You would race to your mom on the far side of the living room and I'd intercept you just as you reached her and carry you back to the "starting block" - the shadow line that divided the living room and hallway. 

Your "Ava"lanche was blocking the path but rather than go around, you barreled right through the mess and after three or four times you had all of the debris pushed to the side. The shortest distance between point A and point B is a straight line, right? Eight months old and you figured that one out. 

You never got upset with me for picking you up when you reached mom, I know you thought it was fun because you kept coming back for more.

You're quick on all fours and there's no cuter look than the determination you show when your mind is made up on where you want to be. 

On your final run across the floor, I took a little video. Even though you were tired and grouchy, you didn't quit until you made it to your destination. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Today Ava Used Her Walker

You don't like to be in one place for long. 

I mean, you just began to stand up a few days ago. Now that you've conquered climbing, it's on to the walker. You only took a few steps today, but if it works out like the crawling did, you'll be up from all fours and running after the cats in no time.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Today Got a Bathing Suit

No bikinis 'till your 30.

 I've been vocal in saying this since your mom bought you a bikini before you were born.

Not gonna fly with Dad!
Since we signed you up for lessons yesterday, your mom put you in your first two-piece for a fitting. She said it was a little big, so we went out and got you a proper bathing suit. One that covers you up a little more. 

I hope you pick up on my hint of sarcasm above. There is some truth to the statements, but I know I won't get my way when you grow up. 

I showed my boss the picture you see here and jokingly told him what I told your mm about needing a one-piece. One of my single co-workers that does not yet have kids, let alone a daughter, chimed in and said "Boy, you're being that dad already!" To which my boss - who has an 18-year-old daughter of his own - replied "It begins the moment you find out you're having a girl."

How right he is. 

Growing up with brothers, it was nerve wracking to find out that I was going to be the father of a daughter. New territory for me. 

But hey, I wouldn't trade it for the world. You're a smart, happy little girl and I'll do what I can to make sure you remain that way. Minus the "little" part. As much as it pains me, you have to grow up.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today Ava Signed Up For Swim Lessons

We want you to be fearless, to be active, to be happy. In order to achieve this, your mom and I want to get you involved in different activities as quickly as possible. 
We might need to dip you in the
pool just to clean your face.

So, tonight we went to the North Canton YMCA and signed you up for swim lessons. 

You never know what instant from the day is going influence the rest of your life. This could very well have been one of those moments.

We received a tour of the facility and pool and then were on our way. 

The tour was administered by an old acquaintance that your Uncles and I knew from our youth hanging out at MAPS Air Museum.  

We would spend every Saturday at the museum with your Great Grandpa Kessler. He would sit around a table with other veterans telling tall tales and truths from their wartime experiences while we would do whatever odd jobs we could get our hands on. 

It's where we acquired our passion for aviation and a big reason your Uncle's chose the career paths that they did. 

We're excited for you to begin your lessons and hope you enjoy the pool as much as you enjoy the bath. 

Who knows, this could be the beginning of a passion for you. Let's see where this takes us.

I also wanted to share this Vine post. I caught the infamous "Ava"lanche on camera this morning.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today Ava Reached the Summit

It may not have been Everest, but you reached new heights today. 

Peak performance.
Towards the middle of the afternoon I received a text from your mom with an image of you standing against the living room coffee table reaching for the remote.The text read "Now we're in for it. Did this by herself while I tried to get on the comp." 

And with that we've officially entered the "climbing" stage of your life. You want to climb everything, us, the table, sofa, couch, whatever you can get a grip on. 

It has come back to haunt you though. After taking your eight month photos - a few days late - we were looking to see if we took anything worthwhile and you crashed into the coffee table trying to pull yourself up and see what we were doing.

You've fallen and hurt yourself before, but this was a little different, from where I sat I didn't see you hit but I did see the coffee table shake. A mini earthquake if you will. After the shock wore off you began to cry. It was the longest most intense cry to date of any of your accidents. It took a few minutes but eventually all was well. 

Keep climbing, I'll never discourage you from reaching for new heights. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today Ava Shared

Before I get into today's keepsake I want to share that you progressively felt better as the day went on. Cranky and clingy at the start of the day but no trace of yesterday's fever.

 By the time I got home from work you were the rambunctious happy-go-lucky little Grav-O that we know and love.

Exploring the great outdoors,
AKA our backyard.
It was also summer-type weather, reaching into the 70s this afternoon. Your mom took you outside for a bit for some fresh air. We've been waiting all winter for this!

Fast forward to this evening and let me tell you about what I want to remember from today. I sat you in my lap and offered you a frozen teether. 

I had you facing me and was chattting it up with you, when much to my surprise, you shared your teether with me. 

It was more than a show-and-tell type of moment where you held the teether out with expectation that I take it. You actually put it into my mouth. This was a first and continued for a few minutes. You loved every second of it and were as proud of yourself as we were of your new accomplishment.

We're well aware that you know how to chew on things and the constant river of drool makes us believe your pushing new teeth through. 

With that being stated, we're more than excited to know that you're getting wrinkles on the brain as you continue to associate certain things - teethers go in the mouth; when you sit on my leg you know we're going to play "This is the way the lady rides, high chair = meal time, just to name a few.

Let me "share" with you a few seconds of your new game.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Today Ava Went to the ER

What a way to spend your eight month birthday, in the Aultman Hospital emergency room. 

Something's been bugging you lately and today we found out what it was.

We record everything. Including your
first fever. Hope you don't mind.

This morning was the first time in your young life we've recorded a high temp in you - 99.2 to be exact. Nothing to be alarmed about, but high. 

As I headed out the door for work I thought you seemed to be feeling better than last night. While I was at work your mom and I exchanged a few text messages about whether or not to call the doctor. She told me you were cranky and refused to be put down. 

I came home for lunch and witnessed this for myself. You were content in my arms but as soon as I set you down it was nothing but screams until I picked you back up. 

Shortly after I was back at work your mom sent me a message saying your temp was up to 100.5. Rising, but still nothing to be alarmed about. 

We exchanged text messages again about whether or not to call the doctor and decided to wait until morning in hopes that the fever would break. 

It wasn't long before your mom called me to say that your temp was now up to 103.3. Nothing to debate anymore, it's time to act. Not only is your temp rising quickly, it's now at a crucial point. 

Waiting to see the doc.
A nurse at our pediatricians office recommended taking you to the ER as it was near their closing time and the hospital could diagnose and administer medicine on the spot. 

I left work about a half hour early today and we gathered you up and off to Aultman we went. You know how we know you were not feeling well? You were a noodle on my lap, not being your normal rambunctious self. 

You passed your first test, got a 100 actually. We didn't know what the nurse was talking about so I had to ask "Pardon my ignorance, but what did she just get 100 on?" She chuckled a little and told us it was your oxygen levels, your perfect, getting all of the O2 you need. 

We were admitted, had your weight and temp taken then were led to another room where we were given a baby hospital gown to dress you in. Of course we got pictures! 

Feeling much better!
You were seen by a physicians assistant and a student who checked your eyes, ears and throat. 

The doctor then came in, consulted the assistants and told us it was a virus. We had the option to sit around for an hour and a half and find out exactly what virus it was or get you some meds and be on our way. We opted for the latter after he told us you were getting the same meds regardless of which virus it was. 

After a short wait, the nurse brought your meds, forced them into you, and we were on our way feeling a little like over reactive parents but relieved it wasn't an ear infection or something more serious. 

Your fever must have broke or the medicine is doing its job. By the time we changed your last diaper for the night, your fever was gone and you were back to a normal temperature. 

Now, got to bed and sleep it off! Your mom had her hands full today and we would like our happy baby back.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Today Ava Became a Child of God

Today, Gravy, we took an oath to raise you as a child of God in the Catholic Church. 

As I told you yesterday, Uncle Joe is your Godfather and we chose your Aunt Holly as your Godmother. Should something happen to your mom and I, we know you'll be in good hands. 

It's a role that both were honored to accept.

Held by Grandpa Waechter in the dress
Aunt Beth made.
When we arrived at the Church much of your family was already seated. Prior to Mass a game of "pass the baby" ensued as everyone wanted to say good morning to you. 

You slept for nearly the entire Mass and once it concluded, the Sacrament began. Father Nick had us and your Godparents sit in the front pew and began the ceremony. 

Clad in the dress your Great Aunt Beth created for you, you were seated on my knee. Your were doing great, that is, until Father Nick went to anoint you with oil on your forehead. Attempting to make the sign of the cross, you wouldn't have it. You kept shaking your head back and forth making it difficult for him. 

Then, as we were getting prepared for the actual Baptsim, the water drained from the font. We blamed Keith, who is not typically a church-goer, sitting in the back. He swear to this day he had nothing to do with it. 

Once the Sacrament was over, it was time for pictures. Typically you are a ham. Today, we suspected something was bothering you as you were agitated and not willing to cooperate for pictures. 

We then left the Church for the Roadhouse - a steakhouse about 15 minutes from the Church - to have lunch with everyone before we all went our separate ways. 

Lunch was going great, everyone from the ceremony was there, Your Grandpa Waechter, Great Aunts Mary, Beth, and Theresa from my side as well as Uncle Joe and our cousins Alexis and Rachel and cousin Aaron's wife Dianne. 

From your mom's side it was your Great Grandarents Kempf, Grandparents, Aunts Casey and Holly, Uncle Shawn Great Uncle Mark and his girlfriend Toni along with her cousin Grant.

One thing of note that will make your cheeks rosy with embarrassment when we share this - and I'm sure we'll have told you about it before you read this - you exploded a diaper while your Great Aunt Mary was holding you on her lap. And I didn't mean a slight blowout, I mean an explosion so massive, it was all over her dress. Your mom and I felt terrible.

I hope Aunt Mary sends us the dry cleaning bill. 

Once dinner was over, on our way home we stopped by your Great Uncle Terry's house and he took you for a tractor ride around their property. It looked like you really enjoyed it. 

Posing with my Godfather.

Then, it was back to your grandparents for a bit to hang out and pack up our stuff before heading back to Canton and reality. 

You took a long nap and we noticed how warm you felt. No sooner did you wake up then we put you in the car to head home. We swung by Drug Mart where your mom picked up some infant Ibuprofen and we gave you a dose. Immidietly back out for the duration of the drive. 

Sleeping this much is unlike you. You were out until we got home. our were running a slight temp, 99.2. This is the first time we've been able to record a temp in you. Hopefully it doesn't last. We don't like seeing you uncomfortable and want our happy Gravy back. 

Uncle Joe came over for a little bit before you went to bed to hang out and see you before heading out. He's leaving to go back to Charleston firt thing Monday morning. 

Thanks for bearing with me these last two days, I feel as though you have a novel to read, but you had two big days and I wanted you to know about more than one memory from them. 

You'll see this from time to time. 

Sleep off that fever Gravy!