Monday, April 1, 2013

Today Ava Sat With Me

The subject line should make you gasp or question your health. Were you not feeling well, were you tired? 

In the zone!
Those that know you, know you're a busy body; I've talked of it at length in earlier posts. You're a lot like me in the fact that you refuse to sit still. 

Crawling has not only multiplied your curiosity but it has also exponentially lessened your desire to stay in one place. 

You've been getting your hands into everything, cat dishes, folders and papers, books, your toys, anything and everything. If it's within reach it's in your hands and eventually your mouth ... 

We've even coined the term "Ava-lanche" to refer to when you rifle through your toys and they are all over the floor - seemingly in the blink of an eye.

Tonight, as we were winding down from the day, you sat with me. It may have been due to the time - it was getting late - or the cartoons on the TV, but as I sat on the edge of our bed and you on my knee, you stayed put. I'll take it. 

Those moments are few, and hey, bonding like that is wonderful.

One other thing to add from the day is that when I got home from work you voluntarily gave me kisses. I began to loudly kiss your cheeks in a playful manner and you laughed and kept coming back for more. 

Your mom got a few seconds of it on video: 

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