Sunday, June 30, 2013

Today Ava Skipped Her Second Nap

And we paid for it! 

It's obvious you need both of your naps throughout the day. It wasn't for our lack of trying, you simply wouldn't go down for a nap.

Mommy's funny when she juggles!
Mom has gotten you on a good schedule of napping around 10:00 a.m. and again at 4:00 p.m. 

You woke up this morning and instead of whimpering to let me know you were ready to come out and play, I checked the monitor and you were playing hide-and-seek with yourself and the blanket. 

It was so cute I almost let you go for a bit but since I didn't see you much yesterday I came in and got you. 

Waking up this way, I thought it was going to be a smooth day. 

Late morning nap - Bingo, right on target. Things quickly went downhill from here. You showed us many times throughout the afternoon that you wanted to sleep, but refused each time we tried.

I'm officially handing down your mom's childhood moniker to you; Ava Bear. Ask your mom about it sometime. <------ I'm going to be in trouble for mentioning "Heather Bear."

I don't want to say today was a challenge, because it wasn't; you were simply a little more needy than normal.

We've never had a bad day together; countless great days and a couple good days. There's never a bad day when you're a parent.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Today Ava Spent The Day With Grandma

As I told you yesterday - was a big day for mom. She took - and passed - her real estate agent's exam. 

Cheesin for grandma.
What a relief! 

Grandma Fenner came to town for us to babysit and spend the day with you since I had to work while mom was taking her test. 

The NFC rookies came for their tour this morning as part of the NFL's annual rookie symposium

I can't really speak much for what you did today other than Grandma said you hung out on the balcony. 

According to the text she sent your mom and I with the photo at left "I'm doing great! Hope you are too!"

As far as we know - you were on your best behavior. Thatta girl! 

When everyone was finally home and settled, we decided to go to Wasabi Japanese Steakhouse to celebrate. Your first trip to a hibachi. Mom and I thought you might enjoy the show that the chef's out on at the grill and we were right. You were enthralled, watching as he flipped his spatula's and lit the grill on fire.

Now that stress is gone, you're going to get all of the attention again!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Today Ava Had a Daddy/Daughter Night

We haven't had one of these for a while. 

Your mom is taking her real estate agent's exam tomorrow and thought it best to go to Starbucks so she could study without distraction. No TV, no internet, etc. to keep her from her books.

We didn't want to see her leave, but fully support because we know how important this test is to her. If there is anything you need to know about your mom it's this: she is the most competitive person I know, whether it be sports, the classroom, or life in general. Like me, she hates to lose - especially to me.

And I usually let her win. 

Okay - let's be real, I can't beat her at anything. Once in H-O-R-S-E. But that's all I got. Scrabble - not a chance. Card games - why bother? Sports - nada (maybe home run derby, but I have an unfair advantage; though come to think of it, I did beat her in tennis once on our honeymoon - BOOM).

So we wished her well and off she went to the coffee shop and we hung out. 

It was short-lived though. 

We played in the basement, worked on your throwing and generally hung out. You've officially foregone crawling and are walking everywhere. When you fall down, you pop right back up. 

At around 8:30 you started show your signs of being tired. This is earlier than normal. We tried to go lay down but you wouldn't do it. We tried again just after nine o'clock and out you were. Not even a fight. 

I thought we would be hanging out longer, but it gave me time to clean the house for Grandma Fenner tomorrow. She'll be watching you since mom will be taking her test and I have to work. 

Keep your tiny little fingers crossed for mom! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today Ava Sat The Bench

When I got home from work we had dinner and got you fed and off to he ball fields for a double header we went. We were half an inning late and for that I'm thankful.

Ask your mom, I don't like being late. Growing up Grandpa Waechter operated on "Lombardi Time" which means "If you're not 15 minutes early, you're late." Countless times mom's been frustrated with me as I've felt we were running late and begin to pace the kitchen, living room, or whatever surface I'm standing on. Inevitably she gets the last word as we're rarely late. Call it anxiety due to my upbringing, but I operate on "Lombardi Time" as well.

It's lonely on the bench.
Tonight was one time I'm thankful we weren't on time for something. Had we been, I would have been playing softball rather than riding he pine and therefore would have missed out on a moment I'll cherish the rest of my life. 

Due to some obscure rec league softball rule, I was unable to enter the game in any capacity - sub, pinch runner, replacement - since I wasn't present when play began. Nada. Tonight I rode the bench for the first game of the double header. 

So, I brought you to the bench with me. And there we sat. 

What's so memorable about sitting the bench? You sat right beside me and watched the game with focus and intent. 

I loved it because you didn't need me to hold you up, you didn't need me to cradle you, you only needed me to lift you to the bench and sit you on it. I hope you'll need me for a long time, it's just that tonight this really felt special.

It's obvious our passion for athletics has been passed down to you. We knew this the first time we took you to watch basketball games when mom was coaching. You were young, but the action captivated you. 

Of course I grabbed my phone took a few steps back and snapped some photos. They are a few of my new favorites. You sitting there ready to sub in on a moments notice. 

I'll admit, I did tell you "Don't get used to sitting here, the only time you'll be on the bench is between innings."

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Today Ava Saw Swans

I was at work early today and home late due to the annual NFL rookie visits. This morning we toured the drafted AFC rookies through the museum. Saturday it will be the NFC. This seems to mark the beginning of the summer for us at the Hall of Fame, soon it will be very long hours as we gear up for HOF weekend. 

You won't see me much during this period so promise me you'll be good to your mom! We'll talk.

New pet?
Anyway, back to today's thought. It was after 6:00 p.m. when I walked through the door and as she always does, mom met me at the top of the steps with you laying in her arms. It was a little different today as you weren't the burst of energy you typically are when I get home. Mom explained that you had just woken up moments before. 

We enjoy the Wednesday evening Farmer's Market at Gervasi Vineyard during the summer months so we headed down there to get out of the house. A loaf of cheese bread later and dinner on the piazza we went to show you the swans on the property. 

Gervasi has a beautiful property with a scenic lake and villas behind the restaurant and piazza. 

We walked over to their stone arch where the swans were sitting nearby. As we got closer we realized the pair had two babies recently so we kept our distance as not to bother them.

What I can only assume was the dad sat further inland facing the arch to keep watch while his young family sat by the edge of the lake. 

We pointed them out to you and you raised your arm in recognition and even began to talk to them. After a moment I set you down on the stones and you leaned against the arch checking out the swans. 

I snapped a few picks and mom suddenly scooped up the diaper bag and told me to get you. I looked up and the father swan was not okay with his family being photographed. He began to walk towards us with some attitude and wings extended. 

We got the hint. 

I picked you up and we were on our way. 

I also want to share this video - mom sent me a text this morning of you chasing Cookie around. The video is significant because at the beginning and end you mimic Cookie as she's meowing at you. Have a look:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today Ava Is Officially A Walker

It's crazy to think how far you've come in nearly eleven months. When you were born you needed us for everything - feeding, changing, mobility, etc. In a sense we're still needed for all of these, but not nearly to the extent we used to be. 

I had to bribe you with a banana
cookie, but you sat with me. Rare.
Just sitting back and observing you tonight it struck me at how well you're walking. You still have that drunk stagger about you that is so much fun to watch at this stage, but with each step you are more and more sure of yourself. Your balance is there. It's more than just a few steps in a straight line. 

You can pick yourself up from the floor and start walking, you can turn a corner or walk in circles, you can walk over things without falling. 

Crawling is for babies, not big girls like you. You're shedding the crawling - using it less and less - as a form of locomotion.

I sent a video to your Uncle Kris of you trucking down the hallway and he replied "She's growing up so fast." You are, but I also informed him that you're keeping me young.

It's only going to get better from here.

Showing off your skills:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Today Ava Ate Grilled Cheese

Not just any grilled cheese, but one of my famous (to mom at least) grilled cheeses.

Yum Yum in the Tum Tum.
One of my favorite things to make is grilled cheese, it's simple tasty, and can be made with a number of things and I've sort of perfected the craft over the years.

You experimented a little bit with the sandwich at dinner last night; Brycen ordered one and you had a piece or two. Tonight mom and I couldn't decide on dinner and it was getting late- after 8:00 p.m. and we needed something. 

We know, it's a late dinner for you and that's okay because you ate a large lunch later than normal for you. 

I grilled you up one of my specialties and mom cut it and fed you. We also made some instant mashed potatoes for you. Gourmet meal, right? 

You didn't eat all of it, and I may be biased here, but I think you liked the sandwich.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Today Ava Had Her First Kiss

Ninja baby.
Your mom still keeps in touch with her best friend from high school, Kristi, and as such I've become good friends with her husband Ben. Since they live nearly an hour and a half away from us we don't get together much but meet up periodically. 

Tonight, we met them for dinner at Tumbleweed in Wooster which is exactly half way between our two homes. 

They have a two-year-old son, Brycen, that we've often joked the marriage is already arranged. Hopefully you two hit it off. 

After dinner as we were chatting and saying our goodbyes mom pulled out her phone to take a few pictures. we held you and Brycen side-by-side when Kristi told him to give you a kiss. In a moment that surprised us all, you closed your eyes and leaned in, like you knew what you were doing.

You are ten months old, you should not know how to kiss boys young lady! 

But to be honest, it was adorable so we'll let it slide this time. Let's not make this a habit; I'm already losing my hair, we don't need to speed up the process.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today Ava Was Punch Drunk

You make it blatantly obvious when you're ready for bed at night. 

A little Saturday evening treat.
You get comically punch drunk. Tonight you were playing with your beach ball - normally steady and even picking it up and walking with it - but as you wore out you were less steady and falling over, collapsing on it and laying on the ground for a few moments.

Noticing this, mom likes to play a little game where she tosses you onto the couch and you roll around then stand up against the back, look at us, smile, and fall onto the cushions.

We can tell that it takes all of the energy you have left in your little body to get back up and do it again. It's one of the cutest things. 

Your facial expressions also change. Trying to come up with the proper verbs here is difficult. You just have a happy, drunk, tired look about you. 

You and mom play for about ten minutes before we know you're good and tired and off to bed you went. 

Of course, you may not be "punch drunk" so much as crashing from a major sugar rush. We rented a movie tonight and on the way home stopped at Country Cones. You had another vanilla baby cone and a little of your mom's Super Man. Sugar Rush or tired? We'll let you decide.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Today Ava Splashed Around

Last night you were enthralled with the box, today you went outside and played with your water table. 

Enjoying my new toy.
You had somewhat of a rough night, waking us up with your middle-of-the-night moaning. we're trying to let you cry yourself to sleep but after a few minutes the moans turn to cries. As soon as we pick you up, the water works stop. It's odd and we don't know how to get you to sleep through the night. 

Once we got you back in your crib, you slept in until nearly 9:00 a.m. That means I didn't get to see you before you left - which always saddens me a bit, but you need your rest.

While you slept I took your table outside and filled it and your pool up with water. 

When I came home for lunch we got you fed, changed and outside we went. It's safe to say you forgot about the box. The lunch hour is the fastest hour of the day so I didn't get to hang out for long, but mom said you were outside for over an hour.

You loved the water table, circling it, playing in the water, tearing down the "glacier" that projects up from the table. It was a hit. 

Your mom has been wanting one of these for a while which makes us happy you like it. Money well spent. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Today Ava Played With The Box

Just before Christmas my boss told me "Don't get your daughter any toys. Give her an empty box and some paper. It'll save you a lot of money and she'll be happier than if she had toys.

Forget expensive toys. You're getting
cardboard from now on.
I somewhat dismissed his words. How could we not get you toys, it's your first Christmas? 

I should have heeded his advice. Six months later and you still want to play with the box. 

Mom ordered a water table for you from and it arrived this evening. She was eager to assemble it and see your reaction. An arctic theme, it's blue in color with green legs and complete with a "glacier" protruding from the table. The glacier has slides for the little toy penguin to go down. It also has two other toys - a polar bear and sea lion. 

The dry run was a success and we'll set it up in the back yard for you to play with tomorrow. 

All was well until you spotted the box, then the table was all but forgotten. You must be hanging around the cats too much because you wanted to crawl on, in and over the box. 

It was honestly fun to watch because you were unsure of the stability at first and gingerly tried to climb on top of it. Once you knew it was stable - game on. 

Mom even crawled into the box and you back on top playing wth her. I caught some of it on video. Have a look: 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today Ava Found Her Button

How many times throughout this journal have I told you how diligently your mom works with you and how much it is paying off?

Punch drunk but still finding
your button.
Well, it happened again. Today you found your belly button. 

You recently began making a noise that loosely resembles "button." We'll demonstrate for you sometime. You also have a habit of sticking your fingers in mom's belly button. This has sparked your mom's endeavor to teach you where your button is. 

It started out with mom pointing to her belly button when you would make your "boutta boutta boutta" noise. Slowly as you began to make the connection she would show you your belly button and ask you to show her where yours is. 

It didn't take long for you to make the connection. 

Now, when she or I ask you where your button is, you lift up your shirt and place your finger in your belly button.

Tonight, I witnessed this for the first time. 

I know I'm preaching to the choir when I say this, but I simply can't get over how quickly you're developing and learning.

I was on the phone with Grandpa Waechter this afternoon and told him about how observant you were seeing the airplanes last evening to which he replied "Matt, she's a smart one." 

He's right. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Today Ava Saw Warbirds

I've grown up around vintage aviation. You can thank your Great Grandpa Kessler for that one. So when I saw that a few warbirds would be in the area, I jumped on the chance to take you and mom to see them. 
Future pilot?

The Commemorative Air Force brought their Twin Beech, SNJ-4, P-51 Mustang, and FIFI the last flying B-29 in the world to Akron-Fulton International Airport. At a cost of $10,000 an hour to fly FIFI, who knows if these classics will still be in the air when you're older. 

I'm not sure what you enjoyed more, putting your feet on the pavement and walking (assisted of course) or the look and sound of something new. You instantly looked skyward once the sweet sound of a radial engine hit your ears and the SNJ-4 flew past.

We also took you on the cockpit tour of FIFI. How many 10-month-olds can claim that? 

Your Great Grandpa Kessler would take your Uncles and I to the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio at least once a year for as long as I could remember. It was a trip we always looked forward to. It's also where we got our passion for history and why your Uncles followed their dreams. 

I hope this was the first of many history lessons I can give you in your lifetime and that you'll grow to appreciate those that came before us. You don't have to immerse yourself in it like I did, but please appreciate all the trips to museums that we've taken by the time you read this.

A few photos from your first warbird experience: 

The SNJ-4 flying past.

Family portrait in front of FIFI.

Checking out the 1930s Sterman.

Walking towards history.

Remind me to tell you about how your
Great Grandpa could have had one of these.
I'm telling you in this photo, but I doubt you'll remember.

A wide look at FIFI.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Today Ava Was A Brat

I wanted to tell you about your first experience eating spaghetti then I thought about a cute moment at the store when you were helping your mom shop or even about how we think you hit a growth spurt. But, in the end you left me no choice about today's entry - you threw fits. Multiple fits.

The first was when I left for work and it picked up right where it left of when I came home for lunch. If I even so much as set you down, you went crazy. Tears, screaming, reaching for me ... The same after work. 

It really upsets your mom when you do this. 

No meltdown here, just helping
mom find a deal at Carter's.
This isn't the first time. We've self-diagnosed you with separation anxiety. I'm confused as to why it's just with me. Sometimes we need to get you focused on a toy or anything to get your mind away from me so I can sneak out. 

It's bad and nearly constant.

We ran to Carter's and Target after dinner and it was in the latter that you had a decent pubic fit. Mom was looking at the clearance racks when you reached for a pair of 5T pajamas and pulled them off their hangar. When I saw this and wrested them from your surprisingly strong grip you had a melt down. We quickly scooped you up and walked away - after we put the clothes back where they belong of course and within a minute you had forgotten about the clothes and all was well. 

We're trying to teach you that throwing a tantrum will not result in you getting want. I'm not sure how successful we're being, but we're working hard.

Tonight's episode at Target reminded me of a time we were there while mom was still pregnant with you. We were doing some shopping and as soon as we walked in we saw a little girl throwing one of the worst tantrums I or your mom had ever seen. 

Even though she was screaming at the top of her lungs, her parents weren't phased and continued their shopping as if nothing was of concern. A few minutes later and we could still hear her from across the store. My written words do not give the moment justice. It was awful.

We swore at that moment that our child would not do this, and if it did happen we would either leave or one of us would take you to the car while the other got the necessary items.

In the end, I pray that this is just a phase and over soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Today Ava Played With Her Ball

It was like you reconnected with an old friend. 

You must have been exhausted from the ride home because you slept in until ten after eight this morning. Unprecedented.

But once you woke up and I brought you to the living room, your eye caught a glimpse of something you haven't seen in more than a week ... your big green rubber ball. 

Father's Day breakfast.
You practically ran (crawled) over to it and lit up like a Christmas tree, excitedly patting it, raising it above your head and grinning ear to ear as you did so. 

I took the ball from you - don't worry, I was nice about it - took a few steps back and rolled it to you. Side note: I hope your offense skills are as good as your defensive skills on the softball diamond. 

I swear for a kid your age you have excellent hand-eye coordination. Nothing got by you and you watched the ball in every time I rolled it. It didn't matter if it was to the left, down the middle, or off to the right - you snagged it every time.

Mom woke up shorty after you and surprised me with a few Father's Day gifts. She handed me one of your artistic master pieces - a finger painting with the word "Dad" in the middle and a beautiful three-photo frame with images of you in the backyard with white wooden letters spelling out "D - A - D." I'm sure you've seen it by now, as I will never get rid of that. 

No matter where we end up in this life, it will always be with me. My first true Father's Day, how could I not? 

We then went to breakfast at the Sunrise Cafe right down the street. What a great morning. 

After a nice relaxing day and dinner in Wooster - Aunt Casey left her debit card with us by mistake - it was back home. 

Your day ended much how it began  by playing with your green ball. You played for a good while with mom and I before you finally grew tired. 

My first Father's Day was truly a memorable one.

Thanks Mom and Ava!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Today Ava Hated Her Car Seat

It was a long drive home. I don't think anyone will claim that as fiction. Door to door: 13 hours 55 minutes.

No one took it harder than you. 

When it started out, we thought it was going to be a piece of cake - okay, that may be an overstatement but we weren't prepared for what lie ahead post-nap. 

Your two and a half hour nap early on gave us false hope that you would be comfortable for the car ride. After the nap you were cranky for nearly the whole trip. Mom and Aunt Holly were trying to keep you entertained until we switched cars in West Virginia for the remainder of the drive. 

Their efforts were fruitless. You simply wanted out of the seat. Who could blame you? It was a lot of hours and miles staring at nothing as both Aunt Holly and Uncle Shawn's Escape and Grandma and Grandpa Fenner's Mariner were packed flor to ceiling so you had no view. 

It wasn't until the sun went down and you had exhausted yourself that you finally fell asleep for the last two hours or so of the drive. 

If I had to guess, you won't want to see a car seat for at least a month. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Today Ava Slept By The Pool

I couldn't help but laugh to myself as people - moms and teenage girls - would walk past and utter "Aww" or point to you and nudge their significant other. 

This is how you slept,
but in the chair beside me.
We were away from your favorite pool - the eight foot diameter 1 foot deep kiddie pool - and in the deep pool with the family. You became noticeably tired after playing with everyone for a few minutes. Your mom and I took you for a walk on the beach, which was our go-to method for napping this week. Within minute you were out so we went back to the pool. 

I was feeling a little fatigued myself so I opted to stay out of the water and keep an eye on you. These chairs were right in the line of traffic and I think people thought I was asleep too - admittedly I might have dozed off for a second or so - and I watched as they passed. 

In your little blue tankini you were passed out in the shade, arms stretched wide and legs of a frog. I can see why people thought it was adorable. 

You were out for a good hour before waking up. 

Vacation sure is relaxing, huh?

Too bad we hit the road to reality in the morning.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today Ava Had A Visit From Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe made the two-and-a-half hour drive up from Charleston to visit us and play today. 

He doesn't get to see you much so even though he just got back from England last night he was more than willing to come up early in the morning to spend as much time as possible with us.

We hit the pool and beach early in the morning and in the evening we went to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. The restaurant is in a nice shopping complex and to pass the 70 minute wait we had to get seated we walked around. 

Here fishy, fishy, fishy.
There was a bridge where you can pay a quarter and get a handful of food and feed the mass of carp and ducks. Joe was holding you while you looked at the animals and dropped food at them.

We made our way back to the restaurant and dinner is a story all in its own. What you need to know is that after nearly two and a half hours, we were impressed with how well behaved you were.

In the gift shop Uncle Joe bought you drumsticks that I fear might come back to haunt him someday. 

You also got into a "raspberry fight" with Uncle Joe that was just too funny to watch. As we waited for the food you, Joe, Mom and I went around and checked out the memorabilia. You started to chew your finger and bow raspberries. Joe quickly followed suit and a back-and-forth match ensued. 

It was funny to watch because I never expected to see a 26-year-old get into a raspberry war with a 10-month-old. 

Happy to see Uncle Joe.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Today Ava Went To North Carolina

Today I took one of my new favorite photos of you.

Canon ball!!!
After spending every day of the past week at the pool, you see a body of water and you want in it. 

We left the resort in the afternoon to visit your Great Aunt Karla and Uncle Drew at their home in Leland, NC - just outside of Wilmington.

It was a little over an hour drive from North Myrtle Beach - an easy jaunt for you since you slept for a good portion of the drive. 

Karla and Drew live on a pond and mom, you and me were out back looking at the water. I took a step back to take a few images of you and mom when you started to walk our mom towards the water and when you got to the edge it looked as if you wanted to jump right in.

I had to laugh and realized if there's water, you want in it. 

Swimmer? Only time will tell.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Today Ava Kicked It By The Pool

Sleepy baby.
You're making a lot of friends this week at the pool. But today, you just couldn't hang. 

We thought it was early for a nap. You didn't.

I was playing in the waves while everyone else collected shells on the shore and when I came back in you had fallen asleep in your grandpa's arms right there on the beach. 

I thought it might be because we were playing by the edge of the water like we did yesterday and a big wave came in and got you right in the face. My bad. 

Mom told me you reached for him then it was lights out shortly after she handed you over. We debated bringing you to the room but ultimately decided we'd see if you'd sleep in a lounge chair by the pool.

It was just over an hour later when you woke up.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Today Ava Put Her Toes In The Water

Today we ventured out to the sandy beach. Mom and I were curious as to your reaction. 

As you always do, you studied your surroundings. Placing your fingers in the wet, compacted sand and looking at it and everything around you. Eventually you approved and decided all was good. 

Not only did you play, but you checked out the ocean. 

One of my fondest memories to date is when we went to the edge of the ocean. I sat Indian style as the water lapped up over our laps. Unsure at first but eventually you reached our arms up as if to say "Bring it!" and giggled as I would lift you above the high waves. 

Not going to lie - you did drink a little salt water. Once while we were sitting there, a wave came in and I prompted you to splash in the water. Little did I know, a large wave was coming in right behind it and you may or may not have taken it to the face. 

We'll try again tomorrow and see if you've forgotten this little incident.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Today Ava Drank The Last Of It

I grabbed a bottle out of the fridge this morning when you woke up and with that it brought to an end one chapter of your young life.

It was the last time you would drink breast milk so it's on to formula for you now. I can just picture you reading that sentence and being embarrassed. 

You had a good run. A lot of moms will cut their babies off at about 6 months and you made it to ten before the tap ran dry.

Good to the last drop.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Today Ava Saw The Beach

This has been in the works for months and today it finally came to fruition. 

We've been planning a mainly action to Myrtle Beach, spearheaded by your Grandma,. 

Get me to the sand!
We left the house at 5:44 It's morning and after a 12 hour drive we arrived at our destination - Baywatch Towers. Right on the ocean. 

This marks only the third time I've seen an ocean so at 10 months old, you're already catching up to me. 

You did we'll on the drive, only truly getting fussy with about 15 minutes maiming in the drive. You just wanted out of your car seat. But hey, after that long in the thing we couldn't be upset with you, we understood. 

The first thing we did after setting our luggage down was take you on the balcony - but don't worry 15 floors up, we stayed against the wall and didn't go near the railing. I get nervous taking you on our deck at home let alone on a balcony 150 feet up. We just wanted you to hear it, feel the salty air, and see the ocean for the first time. 

I can only imagine what was going through your head. You looked on like you always do - intent. Taking it all in. 

Our room faces he beach with windows that extend floor to ceiling. Once we got settled mom and I took you to our room and stood you up by the window. You threw your arms up with excitement and watched the waves for a few minutes. 

Not sure if you we're excited for the beach or happy to be out of the car and able to stretch your limbs. Both if I had to guess. 

We're going to enjoy this week and put your toes in the water and butt in the sand. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Today Ava Couldn't Be Left Alone

It was almost your bedtime when I got home from work tonight. I had to attend the launch event for the new Ohio Lottery HOF 50th Anniversary instant game. 

Bad Baby.
Your mom sent me pics and video throughout the evening so I could see how you were doing. One of the images quickly became a favorite of mine but also proved a point to us. You can't be left alone. 

I was on my way home when my phone buzzed with a picture from your mom. The message simply said "Bad baby." 

It showed you from the back, standing on your plastic chair playing with the glass coasters on the end table. Mom said she walked into the kitchen for something and soon heard spathe coasters being tapped on the end table. 

Assuming you crawled over and started playing with them, she dismissed it at first. When she looked into the living room. The above is what she saw. 

I think the photo is cute and epitomizes how you've become more independent with each passing day.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today Ava Ate Dinner With Us and Took Some Photos

What's the big idea you might be wondering? 

Tonight we ate at the breakfast bar rather than the table and as such wheeled your high chair as close as we could so you could eat dinner with us. This significance of this meal for you - pizza and french fries - is that you didn't have any baby food with it. Your dinner was our dinner.

Some yum-yum for my tum-tum.
Mom, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time your dinner has solely been the same thing we were having. 

You've slowly been decreasing the amount of baby food you'll eat and increasing the amount of people food your consuming. I'm okay with it because not long ago I had a conversation with a friend of the family and his daughter flat refused baby food at nine months. Had I not known this, there would have been concern on my end. 

You're growing up too fast! Our little Av-O Babe-O is growing into our little Av-O Toddler-O (it just doesn't have the same ring to it). 

To prove the above point - we shot your 10 month photos this evening. Double digits ... 

We took them a few days early since we'll be on our way to vacation on your actual ten moth birthday. 

These shoots are becoming increasingly difficult as the months go on. Oh how naive I was when I thought as you got older you'd understand what we were doing and would be more cooperative. Such the opposite in fact. Chalk it up to rookie dad mistake.

You won't lay still - for a diaper change or photo op. We have to time the blanket photos so that as soon as your mom lets go, I start firing away. We hope to get one or two images. We'll do this as long as you'll allow. 

For the basket shots, you want to stand up now rather than lie down. We're cool with this because it shows your growth. Here's a few (unedited) samples:

A few outtakes: