Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today Ava Ate Dinner With Us and Took Some Photos

What's the big idea you might be wondering? 

Tonight we ate at the breakfast bar rather than the table and as such wheeled your high chair as close as we could so you could eat dinner with us. This significance of this meal for you - pizza and french fries - is that you didn't have any baby food with it. Your dinner was our dinner.

Some yum-yum for my tum-tum.
Mom, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first time your dinner has solely been the same thing we were having. 

You've slowly been decreasing the amount of baby food you'll eat and increasing the amount of people food your consuming. I'm okay with it because not long ago I had a conversation with a friend of the family and his daughter flat refused baby food at nine months. Had I not known this, there would have been concern on my end. 

You're growing up too fast! Our little Av-O Babe-O is growing into our little Av-O Toddler-O (it just doesn't have the same ring to it). 

To prove the above point - we shot your 10 month photos this evening. Double digits ... 

We took them a few days early since we'll be on our way to vacation on your actual ten moth birthday. 

These shoots are becoming increasingly difficult as the months go on. Oh how naive I was when I thought as you got older you'd understand what we were doing and would be more cooperative. Such the opposite in fact. Chalk it up to rookie dad mistake.

You won't lay still - for a diaper change or photo op. We have to time the blanket photos so that as soon as your mom lets go, I start firing away. We hope to get one or two images. We'll do this as long as you'll allow. 

For the basket shots, you want to stand up now rather than lie down. We're cool with this because it shows your growth. Here's a few (unedited) samples:

A few outtakes:

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