Sunday, November 30, 2014

Today Ava went to the Charge Game

You've been feeling a bit under the weather since our drive home from Grandma and Grandpa's on Thanksgiving night. 

Mom and I both noticed some congestion in your voice and breathing on the way home and it escalated from there. 

Your nose has been a constant drip since. 

We were given free tickets to tonight's Canton Charge game at the Civic Center at work and mom and I debated on whether we should take you out or not. 

We opted to give it a try and see how you do. 

We made it to halftime before calling it a night. You weren't really into it and it isn't comfortable for mom to sit in those seats. But hey, it got us out of the house for a few minutes tonight. 

You had more fun yelling "Echo!" in the parking garage than you did inside the arena.  

We'll just chalk it up to not feeling 100%.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Today Ava Helped Put Up the Christmas Tree

Thanksgiving is over, we can now shift our focus to Christmas.

Mom has been sleeping on the couch lately for the back support and you've been having trouble sleeping through thenight, ending up in mom's spot in our room usually around 2:30 or so in the morning.

On a normal day whene everyone is in their proper places I'll get up around six, make a cup of coffee and go about my morning. But, with the shift in sleeping arrangements I've been staying in bed until everyone wakes up so as not to disturb mom and let her get her rest. Today, it was a little after 8:30 when everyone was up and ready to go. 

Once everyone shook the sleep off, we thought it would be a great morning to put up the Christmas tree.

We did our best to try and ramp up the excitement but you weren't having it.

I brought up the large green bag with the tree in it, all of the boxes of decorations and bulbs and nothing ... you were more concerned about what cartoon was on TV.

We repeatedly called you over to the corner of the dining room to take a look. You'd peek in, look for a second and leave.

Okay, so much for creating a new tradition.

Mom and I got to work.

It wasn't until the lights were up and we began to put bulbs on that you wanted to be a part of things.

We handed you bulbs to place and you'd group for or five in a spot that mom would come by and help you adjust. Or, I would lift you up so you could put a few higher up.

We wanted you to do the honor of placing the Angel on top of the tree, an Angel we purchased at a shop in downtown Saratoga Springs, NY during a family trip to see Uncle John, Aunt Kelly and Paige in 2008. So, when we were all done with the lights and decorations I lifted you to the top!

As you can see, you refused to put clothes on and helped us decorate in nothing but your unnies and socks.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Today Ava Found a New Hiding Spot

As I was helping Keith prep "Friendsgiving" I heard giggles coming from the living room followed by mom telling me to come find you. 

I automatically assumed you were behind the recliner with your knees tucked to your chest with your head buried in your hands.

I was wrong. 

I turned the corner from the dining room to see a cardboard box in the middle of the floor, with two tiny tood pops sticking out ...

"Has anyone seen Ava? She was just right here ..." I loudly called out. 

You popped up with a scream and a smile. Excited to have found a new place to hide. 

We either need a bigger box, or you need to step up your hide-and-seek game a bit.  

You napped through dinner and that must have given you time to dream up new strategies for Hide and Seek. 

Tonight we picked up right where we left off before your nap. 

"Daddy hide with me! Mommy find us!" 

Poor mom. Baby sister is days away from joining our family and it isn't easy for mom to get around these days. 

But, she's a good sport and will play as long as she can. 

We ran to our usual hiding spot in the bathroom and you slammed the door and whispered to me "Mommy not find us." 

The slamming door may have been a dead giveaway ... we'll find out. 

She quickly found us and you insisted we play again. 

Back to the bathroom we went. 

"Ava, let's hide in the tub!" I said. I figured that might buy us a little more time. 

"Hide! Here she comes!"

The giggles may have compromised our hiding place and mom found us rather quickly. 

"Daddy, hide in tub!" "Mommy come find us again!" 

Not sure I would have said that with mom standing right there, but hey, let's give it a shot. 

Mom's good. Found us within seconds. Get used to it, kid, it's a rare thing that I beat her at any competition and I have a feeling she won't let you win at things either. :)

We better work on that competitive spirit of yours!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Today Ava Wouldn't Let Me Go

For reasons unknown, every so often you know exactly when I'm going to lay you in your bed. No matter how deeply you're sleeping. 

We had a wonderful day at your Grandparents for Thanksgiving and relaxed for the day before heading home. 

We tried to time it right to where you'd fall asleep on the way home but somehow you remained awake for the entire drive. 

My blame goes to the lack of tryptophan in your system. You refused any and all of the turkey day feast. Had you eaten some meat today we might have had a sleepy child. 

We got home, got you in your jammies and settled down for the night. 

As our nightly routine goes, you fell asleep on my chest in "big chair" and following a drop test (lifting your arm and dropping it) and feeling zero resistance I knew it was time to put you to bed. 

I flipped on your nightlight and made my way to your bed, gently leaning over and resting you on your side. Suddenly, as I reached for your comforter to tuck you in, you wrapped yourself around my arm. 

You must have some kind of Spidey sense. How you knew I was getting ready to leave is beyond me ... 

If I tried to slide my arm out your grip only got tighter, even thought you were sound asleep. I sat there on the floor beside your bed for a few minutes before I was able to slip away. 

Sleep has been anything but your friend lately so I bet I'll see you in a few short hours.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Today Ava Was In One Of Those Moods

It began with your bath ...

... and continued from there.

It was simply your day to be silly. 

I popped home for lunch and we all briefly hung out, then mom took you to the Play place to meet up with Marissa and the girls for a few hours.

All was well with the exception of a fat lip. Mom said you slipped and fell off of one of the obstacles in the toddler area.

It didn't seem to slow you down much. 

Mom's hope at the play place was that it would tire you out for the drive to Grandma and Grandpa's tonight. 

It worked pretty well and you got about an hour nap in on the drive. As soon as we pulled in their driveway you popped awake and said "Where's Grandma?!?" 

You were a tad bit excited to see them. 

It was in their living room that you started a new fashion trend. 

There's a thousand stickers in that book and I'd say by the time you were done 100 of them were on your face. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today Ava Sang the Spider Song

Singing something other than "Let it go?" This is certainly worth writing down.

Mom teaches you a lot of songs, most recently "Under the Sea" after watching "The Little Mermaid." 

The Ity Bitsy Spider - or Spider Song as you cal it - is an older one we've sung with you but you're just now learning it. 

Tonight, you picked up your mic and gave it a shot. 

It's also rivalry week. What would it be without a little O-H-I-O!

Go Bucks!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Today Ava Tried On Mom's Unnies

We had an appointment this afternoon for baby sister. The doctor thought mom was measuring a little small so they wanted to get some measurements from an ultrasound. 

We didn't have an ultrasound this far into the process with you and we were excited to see baby sister.

There's the face of a Waechter in there. As you can tell, it wasn't the rand experience we hadhoped for. 

That's okay, we'll see her soon enough. And you didn't see anything, having fell asleep on the drive to the doctor and snoozing through the entire appointment. 

After checking in and waiting for our name to be called, mom showed me a picture on her phone. 

I about lost it right there in the waiting room. Can someone say Coppertone Baby? 

This was too good. And to top it off you told mom "They're too big." 

I mean this made my day. Look closely, you've even got her socks on. 

You emulate you mom any time you can, especially when there's makeup involved, but this is taking things to the next level. 

Next time, grab underwear out of the dresser if you insist on wearing it!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Today Ava Learned To Fly A Loop

We're always trying to add wrinkles to that brain of yours. 

From life lessons to little things, we don't care what it is, as long as your learning something each day and having fun doing so. 

You know your colors, numbers, left from right and even what to do at a red light, green light and yellow light.

Today we learned a basic aerial maneuver. The loop.

You love your big jets and as you were pretending to fly Air Force One around the living room, I thought this might be a good time to introduce something new.

I asked to see your jet and demonstrated how to fly the loop. After the second demonstration you were done watching. 

It follows the old adage of learning, Watch me do, I watch you do, you do. 

You watched me now I'll watch you and make minor corrections, then you're on your way to flying loops! 

When you're ready for the advanced class we'll move on to the Cuban 8 or the Immelman.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today Ava Jumped Off of the Couch

When mom's away Ava and Dad will play. 


This was after about an hour of trying to get you down for a nap. 

We were sitting on the couch lazily watching the Buckeyes with the curtains drawn and blinds closed. 

Then you caught a second wind. 

Mom was away on showings and a scrimmage which meant it was just you and me for the majority of the afternoon. 

You have the memory of an elephant, I swear you never forget anything. 

You demanded that I sit in front of the couch so you could leap onto my back. 

The order to "Say 'Oh boy!'" was sent my way. It's like your starting gun for this sport. 

You won't jump until I say it.

We made a few leaps before you grew tired once again and the struggle to get you to nap continued. 

You fought a good fight but a few ticks before 4:00 p.m. your eyes closed and I won this battle of attrition. 

Sleep well, we'll play again when you wake up.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Today Ava Did a Somersault

You got it, you did a somersault all by yourself today! 

Good job!!!! 

I wasn't home to see it but mom sent me the video while I was at work. 

For what seemed like the longest time you would put your head down and walk our legs up behind you only to stop at the top. Looking like you were doing some sort of toddler yoga. 

Now, you can somersault on command! We need some gymnastics in your life. 

I say that not only for the somersault but because you have no fear. And this lack of fear is what you need in a sport like gymnastics. All of the physical ability in the world is great, but you need a tough mental approach as well. 

Trust me, I was a diver in high school and even though I could physically do what was asked, it was my lack of mental toughness that kept me from excelling. 

You're showing all signs of having the strong mind and able body necessary to achieve greatness in whatever you choose to do.

Keep up the good work!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today Ava Was Baller Status

Mom had a late practice tonight, 6:00 - 8:30, and asked if I'd be willing to come play. 

Of course! I'm out of shape and need some physical activity to kick start my lazy butt. 

I spent the first bit of practice on parenting duty. You insisted that I lift you up and "fly" you around the gym. I lifted you up over my head and held on to your legs with my left hand and chest with my right all while you extended your arms. The entire time yelling "Jessie, look at me, I fly." 

Then, we worked on agility by running the ladders, and our passing techniques.

When you grew restless I had the bright idea of showing you how to climb the bleachers. The look i got from mom said this was a bad idea. 

"What are you doing?" she inquired when she caught sight of us. 

"Um, keeping her entertained?" I responded. 

That was met with "Great, now she's going to want to do this at eery practice when you're not here." 

Shoot. Do me a favor and pretend this never happened. Mom ha enough to do at practice. She doesn't need to peel you off the floor when you fall. 

Bad parenting on my part here. ;)

Soon it was my turn to get in on a few drills. I'm so out of shape it's right about now I wish we had a will. You know, just in case my heart explodes on the court. 

Since I'm writing this now it's pretty obvious I survived. 

You got a little upset when I stepped on the court but Mickey on my phone kept you occupied and I was soon forgotten. 

I decided to run sprints with the girls at the end of practice and after a few you wanted in on the action as well. 

But, you didn't do the running. You jumped on my back and I ran the remainder of the sprints.

We had fun.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today Ava "Let It Go!"

It's pretty biting cold outside, so I'm happy that the cold doesn't bother you anyway. 

You belted out one of the cutest renditions of "Let it go" that the world has seen. 

Now, we just need to work on adding a little sass and drop the mic!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today Ava Gave Baby Sister A Hug

It was approaching 9:00 p.m. when mom sent me an adorable photo. 

I had to work late and you two were winding down at the house. Mom said you did this all on your own and insisted that her shirt was lifted up. 

I think you've already got a special bond with Baby Sister and you two are going to be inseparable.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Today Ava Wanted to Play In The Snow

We woke up this morning to a blanket of white snow. What better reason to sit down and cuddle to some cartoons?

Once you shook the sleep from your eyes we went window-to-window to see the snow. 

"Snow on car!" you said as we looked out of the dining room window towards the neighbor's house.

"Snow on house!" as we looked out of the living room window across the street. 

You were enamored with the white stuff. You had some fun in the snow last year but I think this year is going to be a blast. 

We had a checkup for baby sister this morning and afterwards mom took you to the resale shop to find a pair of snow pants and boots. 

Why buy new when you're only going to be able to wear it for a few months? 

Mom also found your Heaven at the restore ... 

Toys for miles!!!

It took the better art of an hour for mom to get you out of the store. And I can see why. 

When I got home, mom was excited to show me your new snow suit. Once you put it on, you ran straight to the corner. 

Once you were convinced that we weren't punishing you by putting on your snow suit, you begged to go out and walk in the snow. 

I'm sorry, kiddo, but the temps have dropped to near-single digits. Too cold to go out and play. 

But, we did go out to the balcony so you could get a little taste of the crisp fresh air. 

Jump around, kid ... 

... We're going to have some fun this winter.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Today Ava Played Red Light, Green Light

You and I decided to give mom a little rest this morning and headed to the store to do our rocery shopping. 

As we left Walmart and headed for Aldi, we stopped at the light to cross Rt. 62. 

"Ava, what does a red light mean?" 

You had no idea. So I explained "Red light means stop." 

And followed it up with "What does a green light mean?" 

Again, crickets. And understandably so. You've never been posed these questions.

I literally told you each one twice and you had it down. 

When we got into the store, I waited a few minutes to see if it would stick or if you would forget about it. 

You picked up right where we left off.

We got home, put the groceries away and went about our day. 

It was late in the evening when I remembered to tell mom what you learned today. 

"What do you do at a red light?" 


"And at a green light?"


Mom added a new element to the mix, one I forgot about. 

"What do you do at a yellow light?" she asked. You hesitated and and she followed it up with "Slow down." and put her hand out in a slowing motion. 

You picked up on that right away just like you did earlier. 

Time for a new game! You and I lined up against the wall and waited for mom to say "Green light!"

When she did we slowly walked away from the wall and waited for "red light!" 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Today Ava Saw the Scary Dinosaur

Since it's getting colder outside we're looking for more fun things to do inside. 

Mom had an early scrimmage this morning so it's just you and I for most of the day. 

After a hearty breakfast to get us through the morning ... yep, you guessed it, you only had half a piece of toast with ketchup and mustard, we decided to go to Discovery World at the McKinley museum. 

"Ava, do you want to see fish and turtles and dinosaurs?" 

"Yeah, and elephant!" At first I was confused. They don't have elephants. Then I realized they do. There's a  mammoth skeleton prominently displayed in Discovery World. 

Could you possibly remember this from our trip here last year?!? 

I texted this to mom and she replied that the first basketball practice you went to with her this year you asked to see the owls on the bulletin board of the cafeteria. 

Last season there was a bulletin board full of owls that you insisted on seeing every time we went to a game. You wanted to point out all of the colors of the owls and let the whole cafeteria know. 

You remembered them. 

Maybe you did remember Discovery World from my vague description?

We pulled into the parking lot and you demanded we get a quick workout in before touring the museum. 

Only holding my hand for balance a time or two, you climbed all 100+ stairs on your own. 

Can we go inside and get out of the cold now? 

We mad our way towards Discovery World after paying our admission and that's when you heard it. 

Freezing in your tracks you said "Dinosaur so scary." 

I tried my best to assure you that you're safe and there's nothing to worry about. You didn't beleive me and wouldn't budge. 

Eventually I had to pick you up in order for you to go any further. 

Once we got past the dinosaur you were all about the turtles, fish and snakes. 

We wound our way through all of the hands on interactives and I would be a bad parent if I didn't embarrass you a little here. 

On display is a solar powered car from the mid-'90s that you wanted to get a closer look at. 

It's towards the end of the room and encased in glass. I turned my head for a second to make sure we didn't miss anything and turned back just in time to see you bounce off the glass like a bird hitting a window. You wanted to climb into the car and looked thoroughly confused as to where this invisible force field came from. 

I'm sorry, but I laughed out loud. It was too funny. Needless to say, you didn't try again. Lesson learned. 

We made our way around the car and and eventually had to pass the dinosaur once more on our way out. 

Again, you froze. 

I picked you up and we played a game where we tried to sneak by without the dinosaur seeing us. It worked. No roars as we went by. We're stealthy like Ninjas. 

Once more stop in the gift shop. We looked through all of the toys and trinkets and you settled on an owl and a "big jet." 

I gave you the choice of one of them. You chose the big jet and flew it home. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Today Ava Flew The Helicopter

Hats are to winter what flip flops are to summer, a necessity.

When mom told you it was cold outside you ran back to get your hats and try each one on to see if it still fit.
You even had to protect your dome and try your helmet on. 

Coincidentally mom received an email about $1 fleece hats from 'The Children's Place" and aske dif we could head out to the mall after work. 

Dollar hats? Absolutely! Like mom and jammies, I'm a sucker for hats. 

We can't walk past the little - I don't even know what you'd technically call it - stand with the mechanical cars. There is a helicopter in that stand that you insist on riding in every time we go past. 

Today was no different. It took a lot of convincing and the promise to ride it on the way out in order to get you to keep walking to the store. 

The picking was slim on the hats but we did end up with a cute pink and yellow cap for your noggin. 

"Ride helicopter?" 

Okay, we can go ride the helicopter now. 

Future pilot?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today Ava Was A Good Kid

Mom said you were very well behaved for her at the office this morning and it continued from there. 

She was feeling a little under the weather so some makeup should make her feel better. 

So pretty! 

You told mom when you needed to go potty and kept your unnies dry all morning. 

Could we be having a breakthrough??? You even napped in your big girl unnies for two hours. 

From sitting on the couch and watching Frozen so mom could relax to Mickey Mouse you stayed calm which was very helpful to mom.

When I walked in the door for lunch mom was sleeping on the couch and you were quietly sitting beside her playing on the iPad and watching Mickey. 

I came in and waved hello. You smiled, waved, and went back to what you were doing. It was almost as if you were cognizant of mom sleeping and didn't want to disturb her. 

Such a good kid!

After work, I took over for mom so she could go to basketball practice. You survived the transition and  continued being good. 

We played a lot and when you needed to go, you'd stop and tell me. The last two times though, you tinkled a little. Hey, accidents will happen. We're proud of you for the last two days. 

I gave you a bath tonight to which you told me when you were ready to get out, asked for jammies, and even let me comb your hair. 

I texted mom and asked her what she did with our daughter. That NEVER happens!

 I have to add this. You did have some funny phrases tonight. 

Randomly, while I was making pasta for dinner, you came into the kitchen and sang "Happy Birthday to Christmas." and then walked away. 

A little while later you asked for a baby bottle. 

I said "What's the magic words?" 

"Pretty please. Mooska Mickey Mouse." You are correct, on Micky Mouse Clubhouse, the magic words to make the clubhouse appear are Meeshka, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!

Then, after you had tinkled in your unnies and were going commando (that was your last pair), you climbed up into the recliner with me and your pants got tugged down a little. 

You gasped "Oh no, my butt's showin!" as you tried to hike your drawers back up. 

That's a good one to end on. You're always a good kid, but thanks for being considerate of mom today!