Friday, May 31, 2013

Today Ava Ate The Whole Thing!

Following a steak dinner we decided to grab an ice cream cone at Country Cones near the house. 

First things first, you needed a bath. In a sort of role reversal, I handled the bath as your mom cleaned up after we ate. We got you squeaky clean, in your PJs and off to the ice cream stand we went. We knew we had to be quick - inclement weather was on the horizon. 

Unbeknownst to me ice cream shops offer "baby cones." Good thing mom knew. She asked if they were served here and the kid behind the counter said yes and was quick to get you one. 

My sundae came in a bowl so I could set that aside and hold you while your mom enjoyed her "Superman" cone. In case your dying to know - it was a strawberry cheesecake sundae and hopefully by the time you read this, I've eaten a few more. 

We gave you a taste of your cone as we walked to a bench and it's safe to say, you liked it. 

I took it away so we could have a seat and nearly dropped you as you lunged forward to get another taste. 

The owner of the stand came out and asked if he could take your picture for their bulletin board, explaining that he tries to get snapshots of all the youngters that come through, With vanilla ice cream all over your face, we obliged. 

You are your fathers daughter. You didn't come up for air until that cone was gone. Did you even taste it, because you sure inhaled it. 

It was your first full cone. We've given you ice cream before, but never in this amount. I feared you might be up all night, but surprisingly I was wrong.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Today Ava Napped In The Hammock

I didn't see you much today - you slept in 'till nearly 7:30, then I had the early softball games tonight. 

So what we're going to remember from today is not something that I witnessed, but something mom shared with me - your nap.

O-U-T Out!
It's not so much that you napped, you do that everyday. It's more so where you took your nap. 

I received a picture from your mom of you working on your tan, fast asleep on the hammock out back. 

It began this morning as you and I went outside and filled your pool. Given a chance, you would have gone for a dip in the icy water right then and there. Being the good parent that I am, I said no and you waited with your mom until the water warmed up. 

It was due to get into the high 80s today so it didn't take long. 

We went back inside and I went to work. 

As I said, I received the photo you see here from your mom. Fast asleep. 

Play hard, nap harder. 

Mom let you sleep out there for a few minutes and then took you into your crib to finish out your nap. Didn't want to overexpose.  

I took a little video this morning as we filled your pool. The supervisor that you are, you made sure the water was to your liking: 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today Ava Tamed A Lion

It's moments like this that are the reason I began this daily record. Moments like this that I want to remember for a lifetime.

Back! Back I say!
As a family we were playing in the basement and had the Indians/Reds game on in the background when you grabbed a long Sears receipt off the floor. How it got overlooked in the cleanup process is beyond me, but I'm glad it did. 

You found it on the floor, picked it up and used it as your "sword" to keep the "lion" aka McGee at bay. It was so cute.

You spotted McGee and went up to him with the receipt and tried to poke him with it. His natural instincts took over and he tried to play with it, batting at it and trying to bite it.

You have a habit of putting things over your head and trying to pull them apart, bibs, magazines, newspapers, if you can grip it, you'll try and rip it. It seemed as if you knew what you were doing, if the receipt bent or folded, you straightened it back out and continued your circus act.

You did your best lion tamer moves, raising up to one knee and "jabbing" at him with the paper. If he moved away, you were right on his tail - literally. 

Eventually, realizing that he McGee was bored, you tried to do the same with Cookie. The old lady wasn't having it.

The game ended and we moved on to baseball. You are showing signs of excellent hand-eye coordination. Could we have a shortstop on our hands?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Today Ava Had Another Sleepless Night

It's gotta be teeth. We have no other explanation.

Hoof Hearted?
You had your second sleepless night in as many days. As I jot this down, I am trying to recall what times you woke up and I cannot. Sleep deprivation setting in. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because I will take the fatigue 100 times over rather than revert back to the days before you were a part of our lives. 

We just want you to sleep. 

Last night you and I ended up on the recliner, you passed out on my chest while I lay there making sure you didn't roll off of me. 

I probably dozed off a few times, but it wasn't restful sleep. 

Eventually we made it back to mom and I's room where you slept. When you seep in our bed, you have a tendency to gravitate to one side or the other, never remaining squarely in the middle. It's as if you want to see which one of us you can get to fall off the bed. 

Tonight, it was my turn. No matter how many times I put you back in the center, I would close my eyes and you were right up against me again. 

At around 5:45 I gingerly placed you back in your crib and held my breath as I hoped you would remain asleep. Once I was sure, I exhaled and slowly crept backwards out the door. Quiet as a Church mouse. I didn't dare risk waking you. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Today Ava Kept Us Up

Sometimes I have a hard time determining when to start a new "day" with these posts. Do I go by the clock and start at midnight or do I go by your sleep schedule and when you wake up? 

Your sleep schedule has been subject the last few nights so I've decided the clock is a great way to go.

You provided me material for this post at 4:30 a.m. this morning. 

You had woken up - for the third time tonight I might add - and would not go back to sleep. Our usual tricks of a bottle and sleeping on my chest did not suffice. You cried, loudly and inconsolably. 

Someone got a nice long nap in
this afternoon. And it wasn't
your mom or I...
With a full house - grandparents, Aunt Casey, Aunt Holly and Uncle Shawn - all asleep we thought a drive might be the best way to get you back to sleep. 

We drove. We drove for nearly 45 minutes. There must have been many other babies that couldn't sleep tonight as I was surprised at the amount of cars we saw.  I mean, I can't think of another reason to be on the road that early other than to try and put your infant back to sleep. 

We nearly got the Lexington before turning around, passed your grandparents house and kept right on going as you smiled at your mom who was in the back seat with you. 

As we got through Shelby you began to take long slow blinks - we were so happy, finally back to sleep. Then, we came up on some train tracks and all of a sudden the gates began to go down. From the back seat your mom tried to get my attention to take a side road so the train wouldn't wake you up. 

Too late. 

You heard it and popped back up. Shoot. 

Luckily it didn't last long and you were finally out.

That was the first time we've ever voluntarily taken you for a drive to put you to sleep. Let's not make this a habit young lady.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today Ava Went Garage Saleing

A family friend of ours was having a garage sale this weekend. After spending nearly $45.00 yesterday, we returned as they told us to take whatever we wanted. 

It's a rough life.
We decided to load up for your future cousin and for other friends future daughter. We did this before heading to your Grandparents to finish the Memorial Day weekend. 

And load up we did. Even though they didn't want it, we gave them the little cash that we had on us and came home with a truckload of clothes. Even some more for you. 

Why do I mention all of this? Because we were there for nearly an hour and what I want to remember from the day is just how you played. 

You enjoyed just sitting in the grass while mom went through the stack of clothes. You would find little helicopter seeds in the grass, pull them apart and go on to the net one. It's just so intereting to observe you and wonder what's going through your mind.

Sitting in the grass in your little green jacket, you just had a look of concentration as you pulled apart the helicopters. I think you were trying to learn and understand what they were. 

You're a smart one.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Today Ava Learned A Chore

Your first chore when you're old enough - laundry.  You seem to be the only one in this house that enjoys it.

Who says laundry is a chore???
This afternoon your mom went into your room and gathered up all of your laundry. 

And trust me, for only being nine months old - your wardrobe outshines most adults. Especially in the PJs department. 

Mom made a quick pit stop in the living room on her way to the basement and before we knew it you had crawled over to the basket and began to "sort" your laundry.

It reminded me of a cartoon - piece by piece by piece clothes began to fly out of the basket.

Then, you proceeded to push the basket towards the basement steps.

Before you could get too far, mom gathered up all of the laundry again and put you in the basket. Hey, if you want to help, you're going to see it through to completion. 

When she picked up the basket with you in it, you lit up, grabbed both handles and hung on for the trip to the laundry room.

The look on your face was simply priceless.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Today Ava Had a Chill Night

Not too much to report today. 

It was a pretty laid back day/night. It was your last day at the sitter as your mom had an interview and then picked you up. 

Then, after I got off of work, Keith came over for dinner and we hung out for the night. 

You showed off how good you're becoming at trucking across the basement floor with your walker, played for a bit in the basement then it was off to bed. 

Like I said, pretty laid back day. 

These are necessary every so often.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today Ava Made Me Laugh

The moment lasted mere seconds, but for some reason I found it hilarious.

I had just gotten home from work and was in the back room changing into softball gear when you're mom brought you down the hall. When she rounded the corner and brought you into the room I looked up and instantly began to laugh.

It was more so the way she was holding you, low on her hip with facing out and her arm across your belly holding you against her. Your legs were extended, like you were sitting, and you were grinning ear to ear, clapping as you came into the room. 

I don't know why you enjoyed this so much, maybe because you had a personal chauffeur?

It was just one of those things that struck me as funny and something I won't soon forget.

Line up!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today Ava Was Fun

We have a blast together. Morning, Noon, and night you keep me entertained. Okay, maybe not so much late night and I'm talking about your 3:00 a.m. wake up calls.

Let's play!
The entire way home from the sitter's this afternoon we played your little screaming game. You'll let out a screech or squeal and I'll match it. You change the pitch, tempo and even volume of the screams and wait for me to do my best to repeat it.

Laugh and giggle are two words I've found to describe a lot of what you do, because you simply do them a lot. No synonyms are necessary. It was no different tonight. As you waited on my response, you would laugh and giggle. 

Another game we played tonight was the same concept, but more of a laugh. You let out what sounds like a pretty weak machine gun "Ah ah ah" and look for a response from me. The look on your face is priceless. 

Tonight, you surprised me with this game as I sat in the recliner you popped up and before I knew what was going on I heard "Ah ah ah" and looked down to see you with your face in a huge mouth-open wide smile bouncing up and down with excitement. 

Of course I obliged and we played this game for a short while until you became bored with me.

I hope you retain this wonderful personality into your adolescence and adult years.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today Ava Was Sooo Big

We had a fun moment today as your mom was feeding you dinner. First off, I must paint a picture of the mess that was you. 

When Mickey comes on, the world stops. McGee can breathe
a sigh of relief.
Just before I put the burgers on the grill for us, your mom stripped you down to your diaper and put a bib on you. What the bib was for, I'm not sure. It certainly didn't do it's job. Maybe it was force of habit?

It's bath night and we knew what we were about to do was going to get messy. 

As you sat in your high chair, mom cut up pieces of banana and smashed them into the feeder contraption. It's a mesh device that acts as a strainer so when you chew on it, the banana smashes through and you can eat it without us worrying about you choking. Neat device, but nearly impossible to clean. 

You had strained banana everywhere, all over you, in your hair, smeared all over the high chair. 

So now that my you have a mental idea of what you looked like, let's get to my memory from today. 

When your mom feeds you, she has fun with and will do various things to try and coax you to eat. One of her favorites is a little game where she asks "How big is Ava?" then she'll take your arms, put them over your head and say "Sooooo big!" 

You enjoy it as you'll laugh and giggle as she takes your arms and you reach for the sky.

I can't tell you how long she's been doing this with you, but tonight as you were mashing some banana between your gums and couple teeth, she looked at you and said "How big is Ava?" you smiled and threw your arms up in the air. No assistance necessary. 

It wasn't a one-time deal either. You continued your routine on command throughout the evening.

It clicked inside your little mind and a new wrinkle has been added to your brain. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Today Ava Was Observant

I noticed something today that should have caught my eye a long time ago. I guess it had, but today it just struck me. You are so observant of everything. 

Living the good life while Dad scrambles
to get ready.
I used to think you might be shy when you are around others because you wouldn't do some of the typical things you do at home around us. After yesterday I change my stance.

It dawned on me as I watched you and your mom during your final swim lesson tonight. You focus less on what you're doing and more on what everyone else is doing. 

You quietly scan around and see what the other babies and parents are doing. 

It's difficult to explain, but when you move in circles as a group in the pool and your mom has you in certain positions, you're not looking back at her like the other babies are to their mother' and father's. Rather, with a stoic look, you see what everyone else is doing. 

Though I'm not 100% sure of what to make of it, I like it. I think it means good things. 

Take it all in kiddo.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Today Ava Supervised

I've noticed that I've gotten slightly away from writing about singular moments in your day. Every so often I do this, I think it's because I want to remember it all, no memory left behind. 

Well, I need to stay the course and record just one moment. 

Back to work!
Today, what sticks out is early in the afternoon when your mom wanted to clean the carpets. Being the manual labor, I cleared the dining room of all furniture and baby toys so she could scrub the carpets. 

Earlier in the day we purchased a little green plastic Adirondack-style chair from Walmart for $5.00  - we quickly realized how great of a purchase that was when you went through the entire store sitting in the chair in the cart. Oblivious to the world as you just chilled and played with toys.

I mention the chair because it is a key component to my memory from today. You have a habit of loving the vacuum - sometimes following along as we sweep the floors - and we figured the carpet scrubber might yield the same results, so I placed you in your chair in the corner of the dining room facing mom. 

She turned on the scrubber and we were right, you were memorized. You watched intently as your mom meticulously went up and down the carpet. 

I think you're future lies in a supervisory position. 

I told your mom it looked as though you were making sure she didn't miss a spot. 

Throwing this in for good measure, as soon as you approved mom' work, you took a break and hit the pool. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Today Ava Ran The 40

It wasn't the fastest 40 that history has seen. Heck, we didn't even time it. We just wanted to you to "run" it. 
Getting loose and warming up
for your big run!

I was part of the Hall of Fame team participating in the annual Seat Belt Challenge at Fawcett Stadium this morning and your mom brought you to watch. It's a fun event where teams f four must buckle themselves into a military Humvee then run through an inflatable obstacle course - of which two members wear drunk goggles. 

Needless to say, we took home the trophy again this year. 

Once the event concluded, we went to the opposite end of the stadium set you on the 40-yard line and let you show us your speed. 

You crawled a few steps, then sat up and looked at us like "What more do you want from me?"

Your mom then moved you up ten yards, same result. 

Ten more yards, not even a step. 

We moved you up in ten yard increments until you finally crossed the goal line. Of course we showered you with praise on your accomplishment at the end. 

It's the first of what we know will be many athletic achievements throughout your lifetime. 

Of course we recorded it, watch your first 40:

Friday, May 17, 2013

Today Ava Saw The Doctor

Your nine-month checkup was this afternoon. 

With a 12:30 appointment, you and your mom met me at the Hall of Fame just before noon and we headed over to Family Physicians. 

Providing waiting room entertainment.
You cheesed it up for some folks in the waiting room and it wasn't long before your name was called. 

We went back to a room and the nurse took your temp, measured your length, and weighed you. You're a healthy 17 lbs. 10 oz, 28.5 inches long and temp was right on. 

Surprisingly, no shots today. We both thought you would be getting a couple, but luckily for us, and more so you, it was just a checkup. Next time, though, you won't be so lucky. We know for sure you're getting at least one shot.

Normally, at work I am allowed two hours for doctor visits, but since I missed two days this week due to our illnesses I chose to use my lunch hour for the appointment. 

This didn't leave us much time to grab lunch so we went to Penn Station and grabbed a couple Philly Cheesesteaks for lunch and back to work it was for me. 

Before heading home, you and your mom stopped by Jenna and Kay's offices for a visit then came up to see me. 

It's always a great distraction when you two stop by the office.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today Ava Was Fun

Nothing much to report from today other than we just simply had fun. 

You love to see yourself whether in a mirror or on the camera of a phone. Today was no different. We cheesed in front of the camera for a short while and you loved it. 

A few "hubba hubba hubba's" and "dad, dad, dad's" as I snapped away. 

Sometimes, it's these simple things that I enjoy the most and like to reflect on. 

For as long as you can, remain fun! Life's more enjoyable that way.

Ham. Trust me, you get it honest.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today Ava Waved

The first thing I wrote about in this journal was about how excited I was when you clapped, today, you waved. It's incredible to me how far you've come in a few short months. 

Though it wasn't the first time you've waved, it seemed to us that you realize what your doing and not just reacting. 

Your mom has been working diligently on this with you and it's been paying off. 

You'll wave here and there and mostly at the cats with what sounds like "hi kitty."But tonight as I took some laundry downstairs as your mom was feeding you dinner you turned a corner. When I came up, she told me about your achievement. 

You would "wave" by shaking your arm and say what we know is "hi." Not just once, but multiple times. Of course, when I pulled my phone out to record, you instantly became bashful. You waved, but didn't say hi to me. I'll let it slide though, you do say "dad" frequently.

One other thing I must note is how late you slept in. You must have been exhausted from your cold because I actually had to wake you up before taking you to the sitter. And to be honest, what I was greeted with wasn't pretty. I've debated with myself all day if I should post the photo. 

I concluded that I should because I fear over time, the image will be lost. I'm not doing this to embarrass you, rather show you how congested you were. Needless to say, it took a few minutes to clean you up and make you presentable. 

Believe it or not, you were quite happy when this photo was taken. Chatting with me and saying "Dad, dad, dad" and even blowing a few raspberries. 

Don't hate me for this.
Trust me, your day got better.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today Ava Snapped Out Of It

Well, Grav-O, I think you may have gotten over this illness. 

Being silly with Mom.
Does that mean we can finally get out of our PJs? 

We've taken full advantage the past two days of staying in our jammies.

It wasn't until somewhere between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. but you finally started to feel better. 

The river that was your nose slowed to a trickle and you seemed to get some energy about you.

Just in time for your mom to come home. 

I think you were bored with me because once she got home you lit up. You two played on the couch until you tired out and were ready for bed. 

She would gently toss you onto the cushions and you would roll over, pretend to be asleep for a few seconds, then pop up, giggle, and roll off the couch into mom's waiting arms.

I'm glad your feeling better, but I feel that it may have run it's course through you and I and now spread on to your mom. She started to show symptoms this morning, let's hope some sleep keep the illness away. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today Ava Was Under The Weather

Today, munchkin, you weren't feeling so well. 

Never too sick to chase McGee!
I was already planning on staying home with you because last night while we were at Applebee's your sitter sent your mom a text saying that the flu was making its way through their house and she recommended keeping you at home if we could.

Your mom cannot miss her classes, so I took the day off. 

It ended up that we both were under the weather. For me, I think it's the roller coaster weather. It never used to get to me, but as of late, wreaks havoc on m--y immune system. 

You weren't running a fever, but your nose was leaking like a sieve. You woke up this morning with a mucus crusted eye and upper lip. 

No offense, but you looked like a train wreck.

You unexpectedly fell asleep at about 9:30 a.m. and slept for just shy of three hours. That is highly unlike you. It was a bit of  a struggle to keep you content throughout the day, but we managed. You napped again for another hour and a half in the afternoon. 

We took you to swim lessons hoping it might help clear up your nose. You seemed a bit lethargic during the lesson, but overall we think it helped. 

Let's hope your better in the morning!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today Ava Celebrated Mom

Mom and her little Gravy Pie.
Today was your mom's first mother's day. Though she claimed it was "just another day" we tried our best to make it special. We took her to dinner yesterday and I had dressed you in a new onesie purchased from that read "Happy First Mother's Day Mommy!" 

I had been working on a video all week during my lunch hours to play for her when she got up. It begin with the first time we hesrd your heart beat up through your nine-month photo shoot. 

We played that when she woke up. I think she enjoyed it! 

Later in the afternoon we met up with Your grandparents, Casey and Brian at Applebee's in Wooster. Surprisingly, you weren't the loudest person in the restaurant. A lady seated at the bar was being obnoxious. So much so that our waitress commented that she would much rather hear you "talk" than the lady.

Here's the video we showed mom:

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today Ava Was My Breakfast Buddy

This morning, like we do nearly every Saturday morning, we went to breakfast.

Chillin in the booth like a big girl.
You've become quite my little breakfast buddy. Even though it's early - we meet Keith and Grandpa Waechter at B&K Cafe at 7:00 a.m. - you don't seem to mind. Since you were born, you've accompanied me to Massillon where we (well, I) enjoy a hearty breakfast.

I've been meeting Keith at the restaurant since high school. Slowly, over time it became a Saturday morning tradition. It's something we rarely miss and now you've become a part of.

Your Grandpa Waechter also meets us there and the four of us catch up on the happenings of the previous week and shoot the breeze.

The Saturday morning regulars have gotten to know you as well and bring you gifts and always look forward to seeing you. I've even been interrogated on the few mornings you decide to sleep in.

You've been given a white crochet blanket with pink hearts, a little purple stuffed bunny at Easter time, as well as a large pink stuffed rabbit.

Maybe you're going to be a morning person like me?

We're also getting to the point where we may need a sitter if your mom and I decide to get dinner. My original Mother's Day dinner plans fell through so we went to Jasmine's Asian Bistro - one of our all-time favorite places - for dinner tonight. You weren't on your best behavior missy.Everything that you touched, ended up on the floor and you were somewhat fussy all through dinner. 

We'll get that corrected, pronto.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Today Ava Gave McGee A Taste Of His Own Medicine

All throughout your mom's pregnancy we wondered how the cats would react when we brought you home for the first time. Would the accept you and welcome you, or would they not deal with the change and try to get away? 

I can't think of a better way to play the piano.
Can you?
At first, it was the latter. The first time we walked in the door with you and they heard your cries, they scattered. Over time they realized you weren't a threat they warmed up and would even nap with you. 

Oh how the times have changed since you've learned mobility. 

McGee has always been an been one to antagonize Cookie. Ambushing her, tackling her, stealing her nice warm nap spot. 

Now, you have turned the tables on him. He isn't safe unless he's up somewhere high, even then he's not safe as your gaining confidence in your ability to stand up against the furniture. 

This afternoon, as McGee basked in the sun near the open front door, you let him know who was in charge. 

You've become more gentle towards them, learning to pet instead of grasp and pull tufts of hair but you still must not be kind enough for his liking. 


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Today Ava Had a Bad Hair Day

Not every post has to be sentimental, right? 

Did I rub a balloon on her head? No.
I can see your cheeks getting rosy already as you are reading this (a few years from now). Your hair is outrageous kiddo! We're quite possibly raising the female Albert Einstein, minus the mustache of course. 

Born with jet black hair, your mop has become quite fair over the past nine months. The doctor thought you might lost all by the time you were six months old, but in true stubborn-Waechter fashion you held on to it. With the exception of a bald spot where you would lay and sleep early on, it remained. 

Now, it's at a length where it will only lay down if your in the bath. 

We try to contain it, constantly brushing yor head or rubbing your dome with our hands to try and lay it down. We've moved on from the denial that it is looking the way it does, to acceptance. It's part of who you are now and I get a kick out of it.

Your mane is at its peak when you first wake up in the morning or immediately following a nap. Bed head? Nah, your head.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today Ava Had a Bad Day

Your mom and I pray this is just a phase. 

Tasty toes.
For the third straight day you had a less than stellar time at the sitter.

She said you cried all day and were clinging to her from the moment I left. We don't like to receive these reports, kiddo. You can't tell us what's wrong, so we can only speculate. 

When I got to the door she answered cradling you and giving you a bottle. I could tell in your eyes that you had been crying all day. Your sitter confirmed my fears. 

She thinks it might be something to do with the other kids. She told me today that when they were napping you were fine, but as soon as they woke up, you were not happy. 

You smiled and clapped as her kids gave you hugs and kisses and sang your favorite songs "Clap, clap, clap, clap your hands" and Ooooohhhhh Avey Gravy (to the tune of the awful Gangnam Style).

Your mood instantly changed as soon as I loaded you up in the truck. You were chatty and happy. 

We'll get this figured out, this was no way to spend your nine-month birthday.

Here are a few shots from our photo shoot this evening:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today Ava Was Playful

I've been waiting for days like today since before you were born. I think your mom thought I was crazy when she was pregnant because, more than once, I said I couldn't wait until you were born so I could play with you. 

Your favorite pastime? Clapping
two plastic eggs together.
I remember her response "You realize it will be about six months or so until she's able to do that, right?" Deep down, I did, but I still couldn't wait. 

I've embraced everyday I've had with you over the past nine months, but tonight is one I'll remember for a long time. And if I don't - that's why I'm recording it now.

Later in the evening, we chased each other around the house. We have an open floor plan where the divide from the kitchen and living room creates a sort of island. We crawled around and around the island, you chasing me then reversing and me chasing you. 

Babies must have strong knees because mine will be sore for days after this.

You'd get so far, stop and clap, then look around for me. One of the cutest moments I've witnessed to date. It was so much fun. 

I'm going to do my best to remember what it's like to be young and when you want to play, I'll stop what I'm doing and play.

You didn't just play with me, you got your mom involved as well. What's so funny is that she'll pretend to sleep and no matter where you are, you'll crawl over and sap her on the face. It's not nice to slap people, but geeze, we can't help but laugh. 

We experimented and I pretended to sleep, and you couldn't care less about me. Thanks. 

Of course I recorded a bit of it:

Monday, May 6, 2013

Today Ava Got Ready With Dad

Well Chunk-O, it used to be that your mom would prepare you for the day after I left for work. Today was the beginning of a role reversal. You see, mom is embarking on a new opportunity, she began classes to become a real estate agent and the class began bright and early at 8:00 a.m. Leaving it up to me to prepare you for the day. 

Laughing at Dad's outfit choices.
Note: Mom put me in these PJs.
Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous. Your mom is so good at getting you ready for the morning and this is new territory for me. 

She, bless her soul, had as much ready last night as she possibly could. But, I still had some responsibility. I had to get you dressed - let's be real, that isn't a strong suit for me; I can barely dress myself - feed you, prep your bag and snacks, remember frozen bags and other small things and get you to the sitter. 

As I rounded the final turn to get to the sitter's, it hit me, I forgot the frozen bags. You had enough to get you through the morning so I had to make a run home on my lunch hour and drop off a couple more bottles. 

The sitter's kids missed you. The moment I rang the doorbell screams of "Ava!!!" cascaded through the house as the pitter patter of toddler feet got closer and closer to the front door. 

I left - having a little more understanding of how your mom felt the first time she dropped you off. 

I knew you were in good hands, but they weren't my hands. 

It'll take a few days, but I'll get used to it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today Ava Was a Chatty Cathy

Holy cow, little one. I wish I knew what you were telling us today. 

It was non-stop!
Yard work supervisor.
Before I get into that, though, I must mention that today didn't start where it left off yesterday. You were not the good kid at church this morning.  

We left Church after communion. Not something we normally do. Aside form being fussy and fidgety, you spit up on a chair in front of us - luckily unoccupied - but the gentleman in front of me had his glasses on that chair and I think your spit up splattered on his frames. 

After a short nap when we got home, you seemed to do a 180. The day didn't turn into yours like we promised you yesterday, but it didn't seem like you minded. 

Or did you? Maybe that's what you were trying to tell us. 

All day it was "Dad, dad, dad." with some Bob's thrown in and what sounds like "hubba, hubba, hubba." Everything you say, seems to happen in three's. 

There was also a lot of baby speak that I think only another nine-month old could decipher. 

It continued from the time we mowed the lawn, to finishing the house-hold projects, to running errands, right up to bed time. 

Here's a small sample of your conversations that your mom recored on our way home from the grocery store: