Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today Ava Tamed A Lion

It's moments like this that are the reason I began this daily record. Moments like this that I want to remember for a lifetime.

Back! Back I say!
As a family we were playing in the basement and had the Indians/Reds game on in the background when you grabbed a long Sears receipt off the floor. How it got overlooked in the cleanup process is beyond me, but I'm glad it did. 

You found it on the floor, picked it up and used it as your "sword" to keep the "lion" aka McGee at bay. It was so cute.

You spotted McGee and went up to him with the receipt and tried to poke him with it. His natural instincts took over and he tried to play with it, batting at it and trying to bite it.

You have a habit of putting things over your head and trying to pull them apart, bibs, magazines, newspapers, if you can grip it, you'll try and rip it. It seemed as if you knew what you were doing, if the receipt bent or folded, you straightened it back out and continued your circus act.

You did your best lion tamer moves, raising up to one knee and "jabbing" at him with the paper. If he moved away, you were right on his tail - literally. 

Eventually, realizing that he McGee was bored, you tried to do the same with Cookie. The old lady wasn't having it.

The game ended and we moved on to baseball. You are showing signs of excellent hand-eye coordination. Could we have a shortstop on our hands?

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