Monday, May 6, 2013

Today Ava Got Ready With Dad

Well Chunk-O, it used to be that your mom would prepare you for the day after I left for work. Today was the beginning of a role reversal. You see, mom is embarking on a new opportunity, she began classes to become a real estate agent and the class began bright and early at 8:00 a.m. Leaving it up to me to prepare you for the day. 

Laughing at Dad's outfit choices.
Note: Mom put me in these PJs.
Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous. Your mom is so good at getting you ready for the morning and this is new territory for me. 

She, bless her soul, had as much ready last night as she possibly could. But, I still had some responsibility. I had to get you dressed - let's be real, that isn't a strong suit for me; I can barely dress myself - feed you, prep your bag and snacks, remember frozen bags and other small things and get you to the sitter. 

As I rounded the final turn to get to the sitter's, it hit me, I forgot the frozen bags. You had enough to get you through the morning so I had to make a run home on my lunch hour and drop off a couple more bottles. 

The sitter's kids missed you. The moment I rang the doorbell screams of "Ava!!!" cascaded through the house as the pitter patter of toddler feet got closer and closer to the front door. 

I left - having a little more understanding of how your mom felt the first time she dropped you off. 

I knew you were in good hands, but they weren't my hands. 

It'll take a few days, but I'll get used to it.

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