Friday, May 3, 2013

Today Ava Was On The Move

I'm about to get skinny. 


Look bob, no hands!
Because you're on the move little one! I couldn't be more excited.

Your mom has been working hard with you during the day on standing up. You'll get it for a few seconds then back down on your butt you go. 

This morning, still in your PJs, your training session began. She sent me a pic while I was at work in which you were standing up. 

This is the first time you've stood long enough for her to get a clear photo. It made my day. 

Little did I know you weren't done impressing us yet!

A little later in the afternoon my phone buzzed on my desk again. I check it out and this time it's a video. 

It's of you walking across the living room floor - with the aid of a walker of course. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, here. 

But, I have a feeling it won't be long until the walker is discarded and we're chasing you all throughout the house. 

You've taken a few steps with your walker before, but this was out of the blue. I hope it means that when you put your mind to something, you go out and do it. If this is the case, the sky is the limit for you. 

I couldn't wait to get home and see this for myself. After work, we tried it again and you went 30+ steps across the living room and into the hallway. 

One thing about you, when you're done, you're done. There's no compromise. The you were giggling and enjoying your trip across the floor the whole way, then suddenly, on your butt you were. No warning, just done. 

I'm excited for what lies ahead. 

Gates, anyone?

Cute pic of you and your mom from
our walk in the park this evening.
Just wanted to share.

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