Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today Ava Was Playful

I've been waiting for days like today since before you were born. I think your mom thought I was crazy when she was pregnant because, more than once, I said I couldn't wait until you were born so I could play with you. 

Your favorite pastime? Clapping
two plastic eggs together.
I remember her response "You realize it will be about six months or so until she's able to do that, right?" Deep down, I did, but I still couldn't wait. 

I've embraced everyday I've had with you over the past nine months, but tonight is one I'll remember for a long time. And if I don't - that's why I'm recording it now.

Later in the evening, we chased each other around the house. We have an open floor plan where the divide from the kitchen and living room creates a sort of island. We crawled around and around the island, you chasing me then reversing and me chasing you. 

Babies must have strong knees because mine will be sore for days after this.

You'd get so far, stop and clap, then look around for me. One of the cutest moments I've witnessed to date. It was so much fun. 

I'm going to do my best to remember what it's like to be young and when you want to play, I'll stop what I'm doing and play.

You didn't just play with me, you got your mom involved as well. What's so funny is that she'll pretend to sleep and no matter where you are, you'll crawl over and sap her on the face. It's not nice to slap people, but geeze, we can't help but laugh. 

We experimented and I pretended to sleep, and you couldn't care less about me. Thanks. 

Of course I recorded a bit of it:

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