Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today Ava Ignored The Tree

Early this morning we began to put up our Christmas tree in the corner of the dining room.

We thought it might catch your attention since it was something new to you and something you could get into.

On the contrary, you really didn't want anything to do with it. You were more concerned with your blocks as mom and I assembled, fluffed (okay, so this part was more on your mom), and put lights on the tree.

Just let me know when you guys are done. I'm busy.
 This was the closest we could get you to the tree and we had to stage the shot.

You might be wondering why you're dressed as a cheerleader to put up the Christmas tree? Well, today also happens to be the biggest day in college football - Ohio State vs. _ichigan. 

There's not a Saturday that goes by during the season you're not Bucked out. 

We'll have to finish the tree tomorrow since mom also had a game this afternoon and we could only get so far until she needed to get dressed and ready.

We're recording the game so let's hope no one spoils the party for us.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Today Ava Enjoyed Our Friends

In what's become an annual tradition (for three years) we host "Friendsgiving" the day after turkey day.

This year it was us, Keith and Jenna with everyone contributing food or drink (or both).

Per the norm, there was more food than we'll ever consume and it doesn't help that you didn't do your part. You took a few bites and that was it. 

It's funny how at your age and size you can command the room. We ate dinner around 6:00 p.m. and cleaned up. Just as everyone sat down in the living room to relax you went to the basement door and letting us know that's where you wanted to go. 

So, of course we all got up and relocated downstairs. It's not a big deal, the sectional downstair can be more comfortable than the upstairs couches at times. 

We let you play for a while and as we all got comfortable for a movie, I brought you upstairs to bed. You were up late last night and it was already past your bedtime tonight. 

From the monitor I watched you throw a bit of a fit before finally giving in and saying goodnight.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today Ave Enjoyed Thanksgiving

Last night we traveled to Shelby in order to spend the Thanksgiving Holiday at your grandma and grandpa Fenner's. 

Aunt Holly and Uncle Shawn also came into town. 

Once everyone was awake for the day the cooking began and soon football was on TV. 

Your Great Grandpa Fenner and your Great Aunt Beth came in from Plymouth for the afternoon as well. It wasn't long before you had Great Grandpa sitting with you on the couch reading a book.

You were fighting a nap all afternoon and we figured you'd fall asleep right before the meal and miss out. We were wrong as you put up a great fight. 

Finally, just before 4:00 p.m. you fell asleep with me rocking in the recliner. 

You slept for nearly two and a half hours - which in hindsight was a mistake on our end. Shortly after waking up, more family stopped by, this time it was your Great Aunt Kyle and Uncle Brian with their boys Grant and Jordan. 

After a nice visit they left and soon it was time for us to do the same. We hit the road at 9:00 p.m. thinking that you'd fall asleep during the long dark ride home. We were wrong. Please refer back to the earlier mistake.

Finally, at 11:30 p.m. tonight we said enough was enough and brought you back to our room to finally fall asleep for the night. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Today Ava Enjoyed The Snow

Most local school children were enjoying the first snow day of the season. I woke up this morning to find 4-5 inches of snow blanketing the yard and streets. 

I quickly grew anxious in hopes that you would wake up soon and we could go out and play. A glance a the clock and my hopes were quickly dashed ... 6:45 a.m. Patience is not in my repertoire. 

But, as time always does, it passed and you were soon awake and so was mom. Under the ruse of "I need to shovel the driveway, we should take Ava outside to enjoy the snow." Your mom and I got ready and then bundled you up for the cold. 

In all honesty, I could have shoveled the drive at any time during the day because we didn't have anywhere to be and if I were a patient man, the sun probably would have done the work for me once it was high in the sky. 

So out we went. We started in the front yard and let you warm up to the snow by setting you on the concrete and letting you do your thing. 

It wasn't long before you were picking up the snow with your mittens and tossing it around and even trying to eat it. 

I went to shovel the driveway and at one point I looked up just in time to see you fall forward and meet the snow face-first. An inquisitive look came across your face and was soon replaced with smiles as you began to lick up the snow around your mouth. 

Once I was done with the driveway it was on to the backyard. Mom and I loosely packed a few snowballs for you to toss around before heading back into the warmth. 

We must be exhausting for you to move around in all that snow gear because it wasn't long after we came in the house that you were down for a nice long nap. 

Don't worry, I didn't leave you on the bed. Once you were good and out I safely transferred you to your crib.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today Ava Played Peek-A-Boo With Mom

You had moments with both mom and I today. 

We'll talk about your moment with mom first since it happened in the morning after I had left for work.  

When I came home for the evening she had commented on how she forgot to send me a video. She showed it to me and it was of her looking down the hallway towards the living room/kitchen divide. Slowly a little head peeked from the pantry side towards mom. 

Quickly you retreated only to peer around the corner once more. You were playing peek-a-boo with mom. A little more advanced than when you would hide your face in a blanket. It was cute to watch so I have to share.

Cute, right?

Now for my memory from today. We were again in the basement. As your growing up the basement is becoming our go-to play area. You'll let us know when you want to go play by going over to the door and pointing to let us know it's time. 

Tonight when you were ready we made our way down the steps. We've been working with you to teach you how to safely go down the stairs  and you're really getting the hang of it. 

I was sitting on the floor with you when you walked over to a balloon, grabbed it and began shaking it around widely. So, I grabbed another one and began to mimic you, I'll never know if you were playing, or mad at me for mimicking you but you came over and began to hit my balloon with yours. 

A balloon fight! 

It was on, we began to try and knock each others balloon's out of our hands. We had fun with this for a few minutes before you decided it was time to move on. When Gravy Girl says we're done it's game over. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Today Ava Tried To Put Her PJs On

We were all sitting in the basement this evening when I happened to look over and saw you laying out your pajamas on the floor and then sit on them. At first I just assumed you were trying to rest your head on them like you do with your pillows on the kitchen floor.

After a minute or two of observing you, I realized what you were really doing. You were trying to put your Jammie's on by yourself. 

I motioned for your mom to watch and we watched you struggle for a few minutes .... Laying out the legs and the arms flat on the floor and then sitting on top of  the footed PJs to try and dress yourself, you would scoot your butt  across the floor. I laughed a bit because to me it looked like a dog with something stuck to its hind end scooting across the floor. 

Much like you did when you were learning to assemble your blocks, you quickly grew frustrated. Our attempts to intervene and help were not welcome as you would scream and yank your PJs away from us. We didn't take it personal, you just wanted to be independent, to be a big girl. 

I'm digging the determination your showing at such a young age. 

Keep it up and you'll dress yourself for success in no time!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Today Ava Had A Bad Day

Mom and I really wish we knew what was troubling you today. 

You would be your normal self then with the flip of a switch you were inconsolable.

We tried running a few errands later in the evening but that just made things worse. 

At the Children's Place in the mall you grabbed a sweater off of a rack and when we took it from you so we could leave the store you would have thought the world was ending. I've never heard you scream that loud. A reason for that could be that you were screaming right into my ear, but that's beside the point. 

We eventually got you home and ready for bed. 

Mom tried to lay with you in the recliner but strangely you wanted me tonight. I held you on the couch and within five or six minutes you were out for the night. 

We waited until you were good and asleep then mom took you back and gently placed you in your crib. 

Let's hope you get a good night's rest and are back to being Gravy Girl in the morning!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Today Ava Wanted To Be On The Bench

So much I could be writing about today such as meeting a new friend at breakfast this morning or just plain being silly in the basement. 

Either way, it was a fun day. 

Later in the evening we headed to Strasburg with mom. It's the season opener for her squad. Without question we were going to show our support! 

I quickly realized, though, that we would be watching from a distance. 

While the girls were warming up mom took you underneath the basket to give knuckles and high fives to the team. She tells me that's your thing at every practice and if one of the girls forgets, you get right in their face to remind them.

Seconds after tip off we had to vacate our seats behind the bench. "Mom, mom, mommy." echoed throughout the gym. "My mommy" could be heard as we quickly made our way to the cafeteria. 

For the remainder of the evening we checked out the owls on the bulletin board and ran up and down the hallway. 

You wanted to look cool for the older kids so you even wore your shades inside. 

 You even pointed out every ball in the trophy cases numerous times. 

If I tried to sneak a look at the score or catch a few seconds of the game you would nearly double-over in an effort to run across the floor and over to mom. It's a good thing I have a strong grip.

Once the varsity game ended we were able to run around on the floor for a bit prior to heading home. 

It dawned on me that you are so used to being a part of practice that to not be allowed on the floor was foreign to you. You'll get the hang of it though. We'll be at many, many more of moms games.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Today Ava Hung Out With Dad

Well, we had an impromptu Daddy-Daughter Night tonight. That wasn't the plan, but it's the way things worked out.

Mom had a benefit dinner/meet the team night that we were going to attend until I tried to get on 77 South.

Traffic was at a standstill.

We tried to muscle through it, but no luck. We decided to abort and head back home.

You refused any and all forms of dinner I tried, chicken nuggets, pancakes, even yogurt - your favorite. 

This was odd to me; when i picked you up Marissa commented on how you ate everything we sent with you this morning.

I hope you're not coming down with something ...

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today Ava Ran Laps

I may have created a monster as Gravy Girl struck again tonight! 

We were all starting to get settled in for the evening. We were getting ready to get your PJS on but you had other ideas.

Jammies make a great cape and you began to run laps between the living room, kitchen and dining room. After a lap or two we thought this might wind down but you just kept going.

Mom put together a great video:

After a solid ten minutes, you were still going strong.. We knew better than to ask if you wanted to play in the basement so we just let you go and tire yourself out. 

You might sleep until Noon following this energetic outburst!

It was tough for me to choose if I wanted to write about Gravy Girl or your body art?

Sorry kiddo, tattoos are not in your future.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today Ava Went To Work

You spent the afternoon with me at the office today. Mom had a scrimmage and our sitters were not available for the evening. Compounding the issue was the fact that I had to work late due to the announcement of the Class of 2014 semifinalists at 10:00 p.m. ET. 

I took a late lunch - 2:30 p.m. - to minimize the time you'd have to spend with me at the office. I was forced to wake you from your afternoon nap before heading to work and to say you were groggy was an understatement. Just have a look at this photo for proof: 

Once you woke up we moved into a conference room so we wouldn't distract my coworkers. It was pretty much a corporate playpen. We dumped out your blocks and you were content. 

Luckily my boss told us all to leave and come back at 8:00 p.m. We more than cooperated with the boss' orders tonight and went home for a bite to eat. I thought you were eating well until I looked over and saw this:

A quick change into PJs and we were back to the office. You were well behaved again and within an hour mom was back home to pick you up. 

I came home to find you both sound asleep in our room.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today Ava Said "No!" to Mom

"Ava come over here, let's get your diaper changed" Mom said.

You replied "No!" and ran to where I was against the couch, thrust your arms around me and buried your head like I was going to save you. 

Sorry, Gravy, I might be "Deputy Dad" but I'm not playing your hero this time. Nobody wants to smell what the Gravy Girl's been cooking. 

It's our Kryptonite.

Why the Superhero analogies? You guessed it, after we became donned our capes we all were christened with our good guy names, Gravy Girl, Deputy Dad, and Mighty Mom. 

What do Superhero's do in their downtime? Watch videos of themselves!
Back to reality ... if there was ever a word we're okay if you take your time learning, "no" would be the one. We're all for expanding your vocabulary, we even worked on "moon" tonight, but when you put those two letters together, N-O, we're in for it. 

But for now, keep up the good work Gravy Girl!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today Ava Made Mashed Potatoes

Sometimes you just want to do what mom and dad are doing. 

Mom called to tell me she was on her way home from practice so I thought I would begin making the mashed potatoes that we were going to have with our pork chops. 

I tried to set you down and and let you go play but you weren't having it. 

At first I thought you were being clingy which struck me as odd because from the moment I picked you up at Marissa's you were in a great mood. 

I said "Let's get a pot for the water." and you got excited. We walked over to the cabinet and picked out the pot. We then went and got the potatoes from the pantry. 

This is where I need two hands so I thanked you for your help and tried to put you down again. No dice. 

"Alright, how are we going to do this?" I thought. Then the light bulb went off. I had you help me clean the potatoes - which I must say, you really enjoyed. 

Then I brought your high chair into the kitchen so you could sit at my level. Once I had water in the pot I set in on your tray. We had a great system going. I would cut the spuds and set them beside the pot and from there you placed them in the water. 

Every few potatoes you ran a quality check and tasted them. Good call, we want only the finest food in our home!

Shortly after that mom was home, dinner was made and you enjoyed tasting your hard work!

We couldn't ask for a better helper around the house!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today Ava Ate Chalk

You're getting to the age where you're testing your boundaries with us. What will they let me get away with? What will they scold me for? 

Tonight as we were in the basement you tried again, but I don't think you picked the right battle this time. As you were playing in the basement you walked over to your chalkboard and began to draw. Which is totally fine. 

It's when you tasted the chalk that we objected to your behavior. 

We told you to stop, even threatened to take the chalk from you if you didn't quit. Neither of which worked. If we scolded you, as soon as we stopped you'd smile at us and back in your mouth the chalk would go. 

We let you get away with things sometimes, but you also need to know when we mean business. You'll learn, it's all part of the process.

On a positive note, I also want to share this moment. You love to read, whether it's us reading to you or you reading to yourself. 

This evening you were truly enjoying a book all by yourself. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Today Ava Was Dressed By Dad

Just reading the subject line I can picture you reading this and saying "Oh boy, I can't believe mom would allow this!"

Don't worry, I did okay. I did so well, actually, that mom even left the outfit on you for the day and took you to a baby shower wearing it. 

Yep, I'm getting better at this. Buried somewhere in the depths of this journal I'm sure I've mentioned about how tough it is for me to get used to girl clothes. But now, I think I'm getting the hang of it. 

Have a look, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Today Ava Was A Superhero

All Clark Kent needed to transform into Superman was a phone booth. What's a phone booth, I can picture you asking? I'll save that for another time ... 

All you need to transform into a Superhero is a blanket. They make for perfect capes. 

Yesterday we jokingly ran around the house as Superheroes with capes around our shoulders. This morning before work I again threw a blanket over your shoulders and mine and said "Come on Superhero!"

I held onto your cape so it wouldn't fly off as we ran (we don't want to reveal your true identity to the people!) and you got a huge grin on your face! 

Superheros never leave home without their capes!
We were being silly and Supermom was keeping a close eye on us the entire time. She may not have time to save the world, but her super power is keeping us safe! 

She snapped a few pics and even took some video. Had I known she was taking video I may have toned down the silliness. Oh who am I kidding? No I wouldn't have.

We need to work on your Superhero name. Here's a few options I've come up wth:

Gravy Girl
Super Lou
Wonder Pie

Let's keep saving the world, kid!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today Ava Was An Artist

Your Great Grandpa Kessler is looking down and smiling on you today. 

As I sat in my cube at work this morning my phone began to vibrate and when i picked it up I saw photos of you hard at work with markers and paper. 

I replied and told your mom that we have an artist in the making. 

Soon after I received another message, this time with a video attached. You had moved on to paint and brush. 

I know your Great Grandpa would be proud. He was a very talented artist and I always wished I would be blessed with half the talent he possessed. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. Who knows, maybe it skips two generations and you're the one that'll be blessed with his talents.

Only time will tell but don't ever lose the creativity!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Today Ava Worked On Her Numbers

Playtime can also be learning time, right? Why not!

We're making a pretty good habit of using the basement more after dinner. I wish you could see how excited you get when we ask "Do you want to play downstairs?" 

If we're holding you, you immediately want down and will run over to the closed basement door and point and grunt.

That's a resounding "yes" in our books. 

Tonight after marking up your Minnie Mouse coloring books for a bit with some drawing on the chalk board mixed in, you grabbed the cutout board with numbers on it. 

You turned t upside down to let the numbers fall out and brought the empty board to me across the room. 

Setting it down beside me I asked you to go get your numbers. One-by-one you ran to where they were, chose one and brought it over to me. 

Until recently, when we would play with the numbers you would get so frustrated if they didn't fit into the cutouts. Whether the numbers were mismatched or you had the right number, it was just upside down, you're attitude would make an appearance. 

Tonight, though, you were really getting it. A few moments of frustration, but nothing like we used to see. A few of the numbers you didn't even need my guidance on. The one that really sticks out was the number 4. You brought it over and before I could get your moms attention to watch, you had it in the right slot and were on your way back for another number. 

I think we have ourselves one smart cookie.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today Ava Played In The Snow

As an adult I've fallen into the trap of thinking "Ugh, it's snowing ... hold off Mother Nature I'm not ready for this." 

But, since you're arrival that's changed. I can be a kid again and not look at snow like it's a job, i.e. cleaning the cars off and warm them up ... shoveling and salting the driveway and around the mailbox ... I can look at it like I did when I was your age, with wonderment and excitement.

I woke up this morning to a blanket of snow on the ground and thought "I bet Ava's going to love this!"

You can't beat being right!

When you woke up mom held you up against the kitchen door to look outside as large white flakes slowly made their way to the ground. We took you out into the snow last winter, but you were too little too fully grasp the concept. 

You watched the snow fall from all of the windows in the front of the house. 

For me, it was soon off to work. It wasn't long before a video came through to my phone. Mom bundled you up and took you outside to explore the snow. 

A flood of photos soon followed. The first thing I noticed was how grown up you looked. Like a miniature adult. You're certainly in the kid phase of life right now. Enjoy it as much as you can before looking at the snow becomes less fun and more work!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Today Ava Wanted Mom

Not going to lie, I swelled with pride a little as Marissa opened the door and all I could hear was "Dad!" on the other side. 

I'm pretty certain that was the last time tonight I heard you ask for me. From there it was all about mom! 

I had forgotten to throw the grocery bags in the truck before leaving for work this morning so I asked your mom to put them in the garage and I would grab them rather then have to get you just to grab them from the kitchen then load you back in the car. 
Headband or clip .... tough decisions.
I really didn't think you'd notice we were home. 

As soon as we began to come up the driveway I heard "Mommy!" and looked back to see you point and start repeating "Mom, mom, mom." 

Knowing that we weren't staying I felt a little bad about teasing you. 

I jumped out of the truck, hustled to the bags and ran back to the truck. We couldn't have been in the driveway more than 30 seconds. As I began to back out the cries for mom became sad pleas. 

Heartstrings, tugged. 

You even cried a little as I promised you she wasn't home yet but she would be when we returned. 

As I promised she was waiting for us when we pulled up with a truckload (pun intended) of food for the week and you couldn't have been happier!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Today Ava Played With Her Friend

We met up with some friends of your moms and a friend of yours tonight. 

They have a two-year-old named Ellie and as soon as we walked in she handed you a picture she ha made for "my friend Ava." 

The picture was covered with stickers of your favorite things - the Mickey Mouse gang. 

We stopped along the way and grabbed pizza for the group. I was pleasantly surprised when you ate nearly an entire slice. That's quite the improvement over the last few days. 

You had met Ellie once before, I doubt you remember, so you were a little reserved at first. That changed once she showed you all of her Mickey toys and Sophia the first came on TV. 

The get together was also a business meeting for mom as she was there to answer some questions for her friends about their real estate needs. After chatting for a bit it became apparent that we were keeping you and Ellie up past your bed times so you gave squeezes, fist bumps and blew kisses as we made our way to the car.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Today Ava Was My Little Helper

I sure hope you're not getting cabin fever already, if so, it's going to be a long winter.

Mom had a scrimmage this morning so you and I went to breakfast then ran a few errands. We got home and were doing our usual hing in the living room when you became quite antsy.

For weeks now I've been meaning to get our patio furniture covered up before the elements arrive. I figured this might be my best opportunity so I asked if you wanted to go outside.

I wasn't quite prepared for your level of enthusiasm as you nearly tumbled to the floor from our seat in the recliner.

So we bundled up and outside we went.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Today Ava Gave Me A Squeeze

Before heading in to work this morning I asked you to give me a squeeze. We've adopted this term, meaning hug, from our friends Ben and Kristi, who say it with their children. 

Maybe we over use the term because the more we say it, the less "squeeze" we get. This morning all I received was your cheek pressed against mine. 

We had a house warming party tonight for a friend of ours and since I work with him you knew many of the people there. As we made our way out we asked you to give everyone a squeeze with little more result than I received before work. It was almost as if at your young age, we were slightly annoying. I couldn't ever see you being annoyed with us!

When you do decide to eat, you want to do it yourself more and more. No matter how much we try to feed you, you're refusing much of it. I came home for lunch today and after our meal mom attempted to give you some applesauce. You insisted on taking the spoon in your right hand and being a big girl. 

You did well and really enjoyed being showered with praise, but as you can see, being a big girl at your age requires a big clean up!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today Ava Became A Toddler

If you want to get technical, you've been a toddler since your first birthday. But tonight it dawned on mom and I that your actions and mannerisms are more like a kid than a baby. 

Maybe it's been this way for sometime but it just didn't smack us in the face like it did this evening.

As we were cooking dinner, mom peeked around into the living room to check on you. She quickly turned to me and whispered that I need to stop and see this. We both quietly looked around the corner to see you giving your best effort to change the diaper on your baby doll. 

A grown up move.

We've said for a long time that you'll study what we do, now you're taking the test and trying to mimic our actions. 

You were doing a great job changing the baby's diaper. You were so close to completing the task but had a little trouble securing the one flap. Otherwise, it was perfect. By now, you had felt our eyes on you and knew we were watching. 

It looks like you're going to be a very helpful older sister someday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Today Ava Gave Us Her Best Model Pose

We couldn't help but laugh. Mom called Grandma Fenner via FaceTime this evening and in the middle of the conversation you walked over to the front of the house near the door, leaned in and pressed your right cheek against the wall. 

From my vantage point on the recliner it looked like you were trying to model. 

We asked you what you were doing and you took a step back but quickly leaned in and posed again. 

All we can figure is that the wall was coo to the touch on your face. 

Whether you were intentionally posing or not, it was cute.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today Ava Felt Like Jumping Around

I have a feeling video is quickly going to take over photos in my journal. 

Yesterday it was the laughter, today it's the jumping. 

Since I can remember ... whether it be us bouncing you on squishy surfaces such as the couch, your changing table after a diaper swap, or a trampoline at birthday parties, you've liked to jump around. 

It's cool, I like the playful side; it lets me know you're happy. 

Tonight, as we were all winding down, you were walking across the living room and mom said "jump." to which you stopped what you were doing and attempted to hop a few times. 

You never leave the ground, but you've got the motion down. Squatting a bit then trying to lift yourself up. It's adorable. 

Enough rambling, have a look:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today Ava Was Good In Church

Sometimes it can be a little difficult to keep you contained and content for any length of time. 

Your mobile and want to explore the world around you, we get that. 

One of the more difficult things to do is keep you content at Church. The claustrophobic size of the pews doesn't allow for much movement. 

Admittedly, we stopped going to Church for a little while in order to allow those surrounding us to receive the message they came to hear. 

That changed when I read an article telling young parents to bring their children to Church rather than stay home. It said that no matter how noisy or fussy the child may become, it's still more beneficial to have them there. 

I sent that to mom and we both agreed. 

Enjoying the colors on a post-Mass walk.
We've been going to St. Anthony's All Saints Parish in downtown Canton and this morning, though a little busy, you were very well behaved. 

Like last week, you made friends with the little girl behind us and the elderly people surrounding us. 

At one point, as Father Bishop was delivering his sermon, you stood up tall on my lap so you could see and looked right at him and listened intently. 

It was refreshing for mom and me to see you well-behaved at Mass.

Let's keep it up!