Friday, April 29, 2016

Today Ava Made us Part of Her Club

I know it's been a number of months since I've posted and I feel terribly for it. Many memories will forever be missing from this journal, but I hope you enjoy what I have posted and will post! 

Your personality and character are really starting to show. Combine with an incredible imagination you bring smiles and joy to our faces daily. 

See what I mean? 

Tonight as we were all sitting around watching your sisters favorite movie, Home, for probably the fourth time today, you welcomed mom and me to your club. 

1. We have no idea how you even know what a club is
2. How did you figure out that there's an initiation process? 

What do you do while I'm at work?? 

Playing with an old (I think it survived the more more than five years ago) lady bug cat toy that when you pull the cord it vibrates until the cord winds back up, in a slingshot manner, you went to all of us and many objects in the living room "shooting" them. Though the toy never left your hand. 

Side note - look how big you're getting! Stop growing up!!!

You insisted mom try it then me. 

After instructing me on proper handling .... "Hold it in this hand and put your other finger here." 

Per your instructions I held the toy with my right index finger and thumb and pulled the ring on the cord with my left index finger.

"Let go but don't throw it." 

Like this? and I let go of the cord. 

"Yeah!" you squeeled while hopping up and down. "Now you're part of my club." 

Say what? Mom and I both reacted. 

"Don't worry mom, you're in my club too!" 

We attempted to get the details out of you as to how you knew about clubs and such but it must be a secret society as you were tight lipped.