Monday, May 20, 2013

Today Ava Was Observant

I noticed something today that should have caught my eye a long time ago. I guess it had, but today it just struck me. You are so observant of everything. 

Living the good life while Dad scrambles
to get ready.
I used to think you might be shy when you are around others because you wouldn't do some of the typical things you do at home around us. After yesterday I change my stance.

It dawned on me as I watched you and your mom during your final swim lesson tonight. You focus less on what you're doing and more on what everyone else is doing. 

You quietly scan around and see what the other babies and parents are doing. 

It's difficult to explain, but when you move in circles as a group in the pool and your mom has you in certain positions, you're not looking back at her like the other babies are to their mother' and father's. Rather, with a stoic look, you see what everyone else is doing. 

Though I'm not 100% sure of what to make of it, I like it. I think it means good things. 

Take it all in kiddo.

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