Sunday, November 2, 2014

Today Ava Wanted Mommy

While mom was getting ready for her busy afternoon, she had an open house from 1 - 3 immediately followed by a showing, you joined her in the bathroom and begged for makeup.

I walked down the hall to find you brushing some kind of powder on your cheeks and a few minutes later you came into the living room with a tube of lipstick ... 

I had planned on you and me going outside and jumping in the leaves again but that idea was thwarted when you went down for a nap at about ten after one. 

So I went out and raked up three large bags of leaves and mowed the front yard. I came back in 45 minutes to an hour later and you hadn't budged from how I laid you in your bed. 

This might be a long nap. 

Nearly three hours after falling asleep on my chest in the recliner, I heard "Mommy!" come from the monitor. 

I watched as you climbed out of your bed and I heard "Mommy?" again. I can only surmise thatyou looked in our room for her.

I called for you from the living room. You came running but raher than run into my arms and give me a big hug like you usually do, you put on the brakes and stopped short. 

"Where's mommy?" 

I had to explain that she's working. It must not have been an acceptable answer because you told me you were going to go look for her. 

I finally convinced you she wasn't home, but that didn't stop you from periodically checking in with me to make sure I wasn't lying to you. 

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