Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today Ava Sat The Bench

When I got home from work we had dinner and got you fed and off to he ball fields for a double header we went. We were half an inning late and for that I'm thankful.

Ask your mom, I don't like being late. Growing up Grandpa Waechter operated on "Lombardi Time" which means "If you're not 15 minutes early, you're late." Countless times mom's been frustrated with me as I've felt we were running late and begin to pace the kitchen, living room, or whatever surface I'm standing on. Inevitably she gets the last word as we're rarely late. Call it anxiety due to my upbringing, but I operate on "Lombardi Time" as well.

It's lonely on the bench.
Tonight was one time I'm thankful we weren't on time for something. Had we been, I would have been playing softball rather than riding he pine and therefore would have missed out on a moment I'll cherish the rest of my life. 

Due to some obscure rec league softball rule, I was unable to enter the game in any capacity - sub, pinch runner, replacement - since I wasn't present when play began. Nada. Tonight I rode the bench for the first game of the double header. 

So, I brought you to the bench with me. And there we sat. 

What's so memorable about sitting the bench? You sat right beside me and watched the game with focus and intent. 

I loved it because you didn't need me to hold you up, you didn't need me to cradle you, you only needed me to lift you to the bench and sit you on it. I hope you'll need me for a long time, it's just that tonight this really felt special.

It's obvious our passion for athletics has been passed down to you. We knew this the first time we took you to watch basketball games when mom was coaching. You were young, but the action captivated you. 

Of course I grabbed my phone took a few steps back and snapped some photos. They are a few of my new favorites. You sitting there ready to sub in on a moments notice. 

I'll admit, I did tell you "Don't get used to sitting here, the only time you'll be on the bench is between innings."

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