Monday, April 8, 2013

Today Ava Went to the ER

What a way to spend your eight month birthday, in the Aultman Hospital emergency room. 

Something's been bugging you lately and today we found out what it was.

We record everything. Including your
first fever. Hope you don't mind.

This morning was the first time in your young life we've recorded a high temp in you - 99.2 to be exact. Nothing to be alarmed about, but high. 

As I headed out the door for work I thought you seemed to be feeling better than last night. While I was at work your mom and I exchanged a few text messages about whether or not to call the doctor. She told me you were cranky and refused to be put down. 

I came home for lunch and witnessed this for myself. You were content in my arms but as soon as I set you down it was nothing but screams until I picked you back up. 

Shortly after I was back at work your mom sent me a message saying your temp was up to 100.5. Rising, but still nothing to be alarmed about. 

We exchanged text messages again about whether or not to call the doctor and decided to wait until morning in hopes that the fever would break. 

It wasn't long before your mom called me to say that your temp was now up to 103.3. Nothing to debate anymore, it's time to act. Not only is your temp rising quickly, it's now at a crucial point. 

Waiting to see the doc.
A nurse at our pediatricians office recommended taking you to the ER as it was near their closing time and the hospital could diagnose and administer medicine on the spot. 

I left work about a half hour early today and we gathered you up and off to Aultman we went. You know how we know you were not feeling well? You were a noodle on my lap, not being your normal rambunctious self. 

You passed your first test, got a 100 actually. We didn't know what the nurse was talking about so I had to ask "Pardon my ignorance, but what did she just get 100 on?" She chuckled a little and told us it was your oxygen levels, your perfect, getting all of the O2 you need. 

We were admitted, had your weight and temp taken then were led to another room where we were given a baby hospital gown to dress you in. Of course we got pictures! 

Feeling much better!
You were seen by a physicians assistant and a student who checked your eyes, ears and throat. 

The doctor then came in, consulted the assistants and told us it was a virus. We had the option to sit around for an hour and a half and find out exactly what virus it was or get you some meds and be on our way. We opted for the latter after he told us you were getting the same meds regardless of which virus it was. 

After a short wait, the nurse brought your meds, forced them into you, and we were on our way feeling a little like over reactive parents but relieved it wasn't an ear infection or something more serious. 

Your fever must have broke or the medicine is doing its job. By the time we changed your last diaper for the night, your fever was gone and you were back to a normal temperature. 

Now, got to bed and sleep it off! Your mom had her hands full today and we would like our happy baby back.

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