Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today Ava Was In Pictures

This morning I thought today's topic would be the third tooth that popped in on the top left of your gums. 

Then, this afternoon, I thought it might be about how happy normal you have been. I need to stop using "happy" to describe you. Happy is normal.

Later in the afternoon, I thought my topic would be how you followed your mom around the dining room and living room as she vacuumed.

Then this evening it hit me. Like the proverbial ton of bricks.

Before you were born when I would hear someone say "I wish they could stay little forever." I would think to myself, "What a selfish statement. Let your child grow up, let them be their own person."

Today, "I wish you could stay little forever." There. I said it. 

All day I have been staring at the digital photo frame that used to be in your mom's office and is now perched on the living room coffee table. It's full of photos, literally from the moment you were born up to this week. Reminiscing on your growth made me realize how quickly time has gone. And it's just going to keep going. 

There are so many photos of you sleeping on my chest. Your mom thinks I'm a broken record as more than a few times I've told her how much I cherish those moments and how they won't last forever. 

Tonight, as you fell asleep on my chest on the loveseat, clutching your glow worm, I realized why something from the other night occurred.

A few days ago you woke up in the middle of the night. We were both exhausted so we let you take a bottle and fall back to sleep in our room.

The problem is, you didn't fall right back to sleep like you typically do. So, I put you on my chest and like a light switch, you were fast asleep. I gave you a few minutes to be good and out, then tried to roll you to the bed between your mom and I. The instant you hit the mattress, you were awake crying. 

To my chest again. 

A few minutes later, we tried the mattress. Same result. 

This time, your mom tried to put you on her chest to give me a break. No dice. You fussed and wouldn't have it. I took you and put you on my chest and out you were. 

We laughed - and I think your mom was slightly insulted - but seeing all of those photos in that frame made me realize why you fall asleep on me. 

You've been doing it since day one. 

I absolutely adore this. 

As much as I want you to stay little, grow up! Be your own person! Know that no matter how much time passes and how much you grow, you'll always be my little girl.

I think you get the point.

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