Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today Ava Rode the Escalator

If it were possible to have a case of the Monday's on Wednesday, I was having it this morning. While you and mom were sleeping I took my truck in for an oil change only to come out also needing a battery. And to boot, I forgot my favorite coffee mug at the mechanic. good thing I had to go back on lunch to get the battery installed. 

By the time I got home it was already after 8:00 a.m. I shoveled the driveway quickly, came in and showered and off to work it was, barely any time to say good morning to you.

It was okay though because I knew I'd see you before work was out and we would be having a little "Daddy-Daughter Night." 

Early in the morning though, mom sent me the photo below. Someone was being a bad Grave-O and climbing the couch while mom was trying to get ready! Your sense of adventure and pushing the limits makes me laugh sometimes. 

Mom brought you in to see Jenna this afternoon who bought you a large amount of Minnie and Mickey Mouse clothes and books among other things for your second Christmas. 

I was in a meeting so I was unable to see you open them, but as soon as I was out I met up with you and mom. We spent the remaining 10 minutes or so of the workday in the office before braving the Holiday crowds. 

We made our way to the second floor of Sears and Macy's and if you had it your way I'm sure we'd still be riding the escalators. As we meandered through the mall you refused walk but aswe rode the first escalator I could see a look of wonderment in your eyes and even heard a whisper of "wow" come from you. I set you down on the step - holding on and keeping a close eye on you, of course - as we rode to the top. As we neared the final few feet I coulted down "3-2-1." before picking you up and stepping off. 

You loved it and begged me to ride again. We had a mission to complete so we did our thing then rode down. 

Once or twice at Macy's and you loved it just as much. Like a quarterback sending a receiver in motion you kept lifting and stomping your leg in excitement. 

I love these little moments. 

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