Friday, August 23, 2013

Today Ava Partied

Let's ride!
Tonight after work the VP of my department had a cookout at his house for his staff. The invite included spouses and children of his employees and we were excited to take you, an opportunity for you to be out of the house and interact with other children. 

You did well, only throwing one small fit for a few minutes. It came out of nowhere and mom walked you around the side of the house for a minute and you were good after that. 

You really enjoyed being around the other kids. Mom and I think that before you were mobile, you would get frustrated because you weren't mobile like they were. Some of the older kids took you under their wing and played with you, bringing you toys and making sure you didn't stumble off the deck.

I really think you like challenges, solving problems. The backyard is in a slope, not quite the extent that ours is, but a good grade. You insisted on trying to walk up it, over and over. I walked behind you in case you were to lose your balance and tumble backwards. You fell a few times but never got discouraged, just got up tried again. 

You were exhausted when we left the party - which was good because mom and I are helping friends move tomorrow in Lexington and we're driving straight to Shelby to crash for the night. 

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