Sunday, August 25, 2013

Today Ava Washed Up

All afternoon I thought my entry for today would be about how you loved jumping on the pint-sized trampoline at Laney's party. We waited until all of the kids cleared off then let you try it out. You absolutely lit up when you started walking on it and even tried bouncing, not quite getting your feet off the surface, but we could tell by the motion what you were trying to do.

The kids loved seeing you again, it wasn't even your party but they wanted to play with you. Taking you to the backyard and the playhouse, slide and swings. 

But then, tonight I gave you a bath as mom made some work phone calls and your learning caught my eye. After I washed you up and let you play with your toys, you stood up and started rubbing your belly. 

Normally, I discipline you for standing up in the tub, it isn't safe and you shouldn't be dong it. But tonight, you weren't standing up to defy me. So I let you do it again and you took a carefully supervised step or two over to the Johnson & Johnson baby wash and hit the spout then pulled your hand away and rubbed your belly again. You were trying to wash yourself. I was floored. 

The way you learn, and the way you show how your learning astound me. I can't believe how you connect things and what they are for in your little mind. 

Keep the curiosity and never stop learning!

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