Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today Ava Was Potty Trained

The subject line make sit sound like it happened overnight, which, let me tell you, it did not. 

We began the process just before your second birthday with the hopes that you would be completely potty trained by the time your party rolled around. 

Seven months later, and we can finally say the transition is complete. 

Shortly after I left for work this morning mom sent me a pick saying "best day ever!!! Pooping on big potty!!"

I can understand mom's excitement. 

We've finally been able to convince you that pooping isn't scary and going on big potty is a big deal because you've only been wanting to go on blue potty and then you'll sit there for upwards of a haf an hour. 

Imagine how pleasant the house smells when you finally decide you're done ...

As a reward, mom let you make some "snow ice cream." 

I've never heard of it, but hey, if you're going on big potty, you can have whatever you want. 

Don't let the excitement on your face fool you. Mom said they weren't any good.

This morning's adventure on big potty coupled with recent events like not wearing a pullup to bed (and for three days remaining dry) and little to no accidents during the day lead mom and I to declare ...


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